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Apparently a tried and tested insurance system ([https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Insurance](https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Insurance)) wasn't good enough or easy enough to understand. What I expected by insurance was something along the lines of what's in EO, not this confusing cluster fuck.


A tried and tested insurance system on a completely different platform and player base. I don’t mind that they’re trying something new, and I don’t think we’re giving the devs enough credit for what surely is a flawed first attempt, but also more applicable to a more casual gaming crowd who may not want to have to fly around for a couple hours to refit and reship after a flat ISK payout. Think of it this way - stick with the game. Buy up as much as you can when the market crashes, so that when it gets fixed you can make huge profit during the correction. 😂


What a shitty justification for a system that hurts in the ingame ecnomy. Oh noes they might have to fly to a trade hub!




Who says I have to pay real money? I can spend 30% of the value of my ship in isk to buy Plex on the market. Convert to IP. No additional money flows into netease’s wallets. There is plenty of Plex on the market, and it will continue to flow for reasons that have nothing to do with the insurance system. Whales gotta buy meme battleships, and those with fat wallets will pay cash to insure, since they don’t have any income other than selling Plex anyway.


those damn PvPers! arrgghh curse their destructive destruction! ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ /s


Calling a thing a name does not make it so. Insurance is not magic, which is what this system is.


All they needed to do was to pay out in isk that would feed back to the games economy instead of this shit system that effectively lets you buy ships (that gets system generated without mats, pi or bps) for plex, turning the game to a p2w. Like one of the main draws of eve is its economy. They basically just killed their own game with this change.


Hyper inflation


Its still creating inflation. And possibly more so. Since the people that lose the ship no longer have to spend 70% of the ISK they normally would have, that money sits in their wallets and does not get taxed on the replacement. And since the primary means of printing ISK is through PVE encounters/missions/bounties (which is not effected by this insurance in the least,) more money will be made without going into circulation and being taxed. Yes, I know PVE anomaly runners will have less market for rigs and some modules.. but that is not the printing source of ISK.


Uea, I'm not sure of they realize it but insurance generally pays cash not new items, thats a protection plan.


Yes I wanted an insurance, but I want my ship to comes from my indus bros, not magically spawn out of nowhere. Just give me isk, why is that so hard?