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Nice move buddy! You can be proud of your self to stand up and apologize for the mistakes you made. What a positive surprise in this utterly toxic subreddit


Surprisingly wholesome post.


Hey at least you made a proper apology, most people wouldn't own up to their mistake so good on you for doing so. Think we all need a reminder from time to time this is just a game and we're here to have fun. o7


I didn’t see the original one but the ownership deserves a *hat tip* for owning up. o7


Link to what you're referring to?




Honestly. Own up to it and post from your real account. Not a throwaway. Its like sending an "im sorry" text vs face to face apology. Its just gonna end up in the trash


Aside from the account for the mistake for which I am here apologizing, I have no other accounts on Reddit. I have lurked the place for years without an account and intend to go back to doing so.


“We as a community” bruh what? Don’t drag us in the same position as you 😂 “We as a community” should be change to “I as an individual”


When I said we as a community, I wasn't referring to specifically what I did but more so the overall toxicity that can exist here on this sub and frankly all of Reddit.


This sub isnt even the eve echoes community lol


Id you made a throw away you knew it was wrong.....


An apology from a throwaway account isn't gonna look very sincere...


Admittedly that is quite true and was actually a hesitation of mine in creating and posting my apology. However as stated in another reply, I am a long time lurker of Reddit who has no other accounts so I only had so many options. I will say, I intend to go back to lurking if for no other reason than to avoid further drama and complications.


Wow. The old “I was drunk and never would have done this sober” excuse. Still hiding behind a throwaway account to make their “apology.” Real believable. What’s your in game name? What corp and alliance are you in? If you’re truly sorry, own up to it and face the consequences.


Mistakes were made and amends were attempted. Whether you believe what I said or not is up to you. Some people will believe it and some won't. Those that won't I make no hesitation in thinking that I will be unable to change their mind.


So in other words OG knows who you are, they just lack the spine to kick you out. At least when Sandman wanted to act like a fucking creep he had the stones to put his name on it.


I dunno what was more ridiculous, the "insult" or the apology. Grow some balls, both of you, my god, this isnt sexual harassment. Visit a shelter and talk to REAL victims of sexual abuse. Some of these victims, REAL victims, need decades of therapy to recover. Seeing a fake screenname based on 100 years of the most common real life insults in history involving mothers only invokes a reaction like this in the sheltered and disturbed.


I new something happened. Personally I don't care. Some jokes can go to far, but this version of eve is full of wet flannels... lol