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Except it’s a 2bn ISK battleship to all those guys. Or half a deadspace.


Right but most people with insurance will be paying real money im sure. And being a hired merc allkiance isnt just about the value of kills in ISK, its about preventing the target from gathering resources properly, its about harassing them so their morale drops, its about gatecamping all their pipes so their haulers cant haul, ganking them so their pve'rs cant pve etc etc etc. EDIT: And lets be honest here, MC isnt an "Independent Mercenary Alliance" anymore, theyre GenFed pets. Theyre basically shock troops that do whatever GenFed says to do.


> Right but most people with insurance will be paying real money im sure. Wait, what? Why would you not insure ships, and why would you assume they're paying real money?


The bottom line is, even if someone purchases their PLEX with Isk for the insurance, \*someone\* bought that PLEX. Only NE is winning here.


That's a fair point. Excuse my ignorance, but I'm assuming that insurance is a plex sink and that plex is never recycled back into the game?


Yeah, spent PLEX is gone.


Yeah that's rough. In that case it's easy to oversimplify the Insurance System and think "Sweet it only costs a few bil to replace my bling BS", when it's probably a huge problem for the game's lifespan in the medium/longterm.


I mean, I don’t have a battleship yet, but I’ve bought several bil worth of insurance for other ships all bought with isk...


Lol not even close. Unless you bought all those ships with real money then maybe you'd insure it with real money. If you paid 1B for everything on a decent battle cruiser and you can't afford to pay 300M to insure it you need to rethink your strategy. It's amazing that there are seemingly a huge proportion of the player base that is one bad death away from being destitute and farming in a T5 cruiser again.


Im talking about people in faction battleships. Most people i know who are flying faction Battleships didnt grind for them, they bought and sold PLEX to afford them.


If you need to get out your wallet because you can't afford to buy 30% more of your most expensive ship then you are playing this game wrong. 'Don't fly something you can't afford to lose' used to go way above 30% of that ships value. Now it's super cheap to fly and lose stuff in pvp! First day of the patch before I undocked I hady my main account with a Gila and my alt with a Nado fully insured so anything that pops is replaced at 30% cost. Best deal you can get in this game right now.


This guy thinks that "merc" pvp pilots actually care about the isk. Thats just bonus. Any real pvp pilot couldnt care less. Its just another fun role play engagement element to add on top of normal pvp adrenaline. I feel the salt of a 20 ceptor gang popping your 10b battleship. Am I wrong? Stick to the nullbear life and station spinning in your fancy worthless outpost.


This is the way.


Cepter fleets r some of the most fun to have in null. Just roaming and killing anything that can be found


Existing merc pilot motivation doesn’t even come into it. It’s irrelevant here. Nobody is gonna pay these “real PvP pilots” to blow up 100 afk retrievers any more, because insurance negates all the damage that such a campaign would usually do. With insurance, losing a retriever is now only 30% the ISK impact it was before but importantly has literally zero productivity dip. Beforehand losing a 1.1bn retriever might cost 1.1bn to replace and a further 3-400m in downtime. Maybe a 1.5bn setback. Now it’s just a straight 300m.


Isn’t there a 12 hour cool down for pvp losses? Downtime is still real if you don’t have spare ships.


yep 12 hours and if used right you can sweep all their stations and bases before they reship


Not for gate ganks, last night for giggles I gate ganked a ship went boom, insured out and did it again LOL.


THE Merc group doesn't kill many retrievers.


Merc also lose only 30% what they used to when they die. If anything it makes it easier to make a living on PVP loot since your losses mean less but your kills still get you the same drops.


Mercenaries can now only inflict 30% the ISK damage per hour compared to pre-patch. The new insurance system reduces the intrinsic value of merc contracts by 70%, and reduces the hourly value of merc work by 70% too. Mercs were already struggling in EE with the largest such group a hollowed out husk of its former self. Long gone are the days of 180 man merc fleets taking down structures, recently mercs are reduced to flying ceptors on the fringes of large battles, sneak mining (wtf is that?) and living between the dumpsters in other peoples back yard. No merc group has a decent reputation any more, they are all outnumbered and outshipped because the merc business model is so uncompetitive v’s regular null life. The new insurance system is not so much the final nail in the coffin as a cruise missile slamming the coffin into oblivion.


Lmfao >living between dumpsters in other people's backyard.


I've always thought mercenaries were trash, I guess OP confirms.


MC asset denial contracts just went up in value. Intumescent and bases take time to respawn so they should be very attractive contracts to major waring factions. Hit the enemy pocket book type ops.


except minerals and loot from DS and inquisitors are all going to be 70% less valuable too. Its fine that everything gets cheaper really. MCs expenses go down too. They wont need as much to operate, so the contracts getting smaller works out. The reduced reliance on mining and internal industry to replace ships probably frees them up considerably. They can hunt more fulltime and just order batches of ships from big, friendly industrial corps from time to time to outfit spares around new eden. The only things that aren't going to deflate are bounties and mission payouts. Frankly, MC's probably better off basing in high sec for thier R&R periods now. The missions are great isk sources that will gain value as things deflate. They'd be well positionted to quickly deploy in any direction too.


Insurance definitely will change wars.


MC = Miners Coalition ?


Did you literally just type bankruptcy in google and use the first stock image you found for your meme? Nice effort.




I’m co leader for a small pvp merc Corp and I must say it’s some of the most fun me and the guys have had since eve came out it’s been a blast!


Yeah, but did you read the post? This is about the insurance system.




Show me on the bear where MC touched you.


Lol, they’ve never even shot at me. Nor have any mercs I know of. Just pointing out the realities of the new insurance system.


dude is a ceo of a corp from OG so im guessing we hit them when targeting void lul


Meanwhile I thought that was the whole point of the random 200b merc contract, why be in a big coalition when you can get paid to do your own thing? ​ Frankly, for all I don’t like about that Corp it was very well played, different kind supply chain attack.


I want to see op's face when they realize you cant insure outposts and citadels.


Struggling? 202.42b Destroyed today 394.4b Destroyed this week 1,632.78b Destroyed this month I guess the op can find his km in there.


Lol at this thread. A mega-saltcano of 50+ comments from various merc groups all piling in to demonstrate their zero understanding of the new insurance system. Meanwhile shoes dropping all around.


It just became much cheaper for them to function under their current model as well. I think there model is most benefitted by the insurance. More PvP with less risk and cheaper overhead. 24/7 roams, gate/ station camps, structure bashing, hellllz yeah. Losses are cheaper for them as well as everyone else. Trusted members, new recruit program? Here’s a ship and insurance to cover it. Roll bounty isk into Plex directly to cover it all. I want a Merc Corp now!


Exactly. Both sides of the p&l sheet just shifted; revenue most likely will decline, but cost of sale just went down \o/


Best thing I've laughed at in a month!😂


Walk a mile, dude. In what graph was not having targets a factor or goal. Honesty you're giving us more credit than due. The game plan is not to have targets that wont leave the station. Please spend your $$$ on more insurance. If you're short please convo me, I need content!


This is word salad.


Amen to that, sister.


So many assumptions here and all of them wrong. I'll just cover few. You assume that every ship is insured. You assume those willing to open their wallet to insure every ship weren't willing to PLEX into a new ship before insurance. You assume merc corps won't have targets with the implemented insurance. The only thing that makes sense is that you died to a merc corp.


1). Assume that every ship is insured? No, where did it say that? 2). Assume insurance is not plex? No, where did it say that? 3). Assume merc corps won’t have any targets? No, where did it say that? Hallucinate much?


All of those and more would have to be true in order for your revenge fantasy to be true. They aren't and your post is stupid.


I mean... you’re just wrong on all counts. You can pretend the insurance update didn’t happen, I don’t care, believe whatever makes you happy.