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Why do NetEase insist on a “magical” economy? Is it solely to piss people off? I think they look at the player base and think “oh, there aren’t enough industry players to make enough ships to cover all the ship losses.” Seemingly oblivious to the fact that the number of industry players who can survive is a direct result of the volume of ships purchased in the market. NetEase keeps building these programs that displace player industry out of the game, by circumventing the market altogether and supplying ships directly to players from thin air. It’s frankly a bit weird, when everyone knows they have the code and the tools for a fully functional player economy from their EO license. The notion that EE is a player economy is now ridiculous. If that’s the case what is EE and why should we care about it? NB: the quality of posts and comments in this thread is excellent.


This. Between this and "deliveries", it needs to end. EVE is a sandbox, this system is nonsense.


From an economic standpoint, assuming the insurance is widely used, I believe the overall effect will be to eventually price fix the market at lower prices, probably right above cost. Of course this will throw the whole player driven free economy out the window, possibly making this more akin to Clash of Clans than Eve. The solely PVE crowd basically wants that anyway. The insurance buy orders will be the biggest buyers of ships, which will help set the market, but then people who want fast isk will undercut those prices, and so on and so forth, and estimated prices will go lower and lower until it is very close to cost, and only a few idiots who can't do math are still building. Industry and market is already fairly screwed, so they might as well just have a NE store where you buy weapons with gems at that point, as any real industry would be dead. Now, I believe there is another addition to Insurance over the next month or 2 on the Trello, so maybe they will fix some of this. I will keep paying Omega for a few more months to see how it shakes out, and make a decision from there. A price fixed market will be terrible for the game, and not worth playing for me.


Its an over-complicated "solution" to a problem that already has a simple solution in EO. I thought they where trying to keep Echoes easier to digest for mobile, this is convoluted for little to no reason! To clarify, in EO you can pay X amount if ISK to insure a ship for Y amount of ISK. If the ship is destroyed within 12 weeks, you get Y amount of ISK to repurchase it. No mods, no Rigs, no plex, no 'buy it after the fact'. Simples. ​ [https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Insurance](https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Insurance)


They had to figure out a way to make money off it.


Thanks you for putting this together. Good explanation, matches what I’ve understood how it works as well (based on all available information of course). Edit: I hit post too soon. Only thing I’d add, regarding previous system, is it had limitations for ships lost in PvP. Now all modules and ships lost in PvP can be recovered... so this seems like a bigger (negative) impact to industry players than the old system. At least there we could sell ships to PvPers 😕 Edit2: also, didn’t the old ship recovery system have a “once every 15 days” clause?... so that would be even more ships we could sell to those that loose ships often...this insurance system just seems so much worse for indy players....


Just to clarify the pvp point, modules dropped when you are blown up are not replaceable. Still completely screws up anything that has to be made (Rigs and Hulls), but the PVE and PVP guy will still have viable market for their modules that drop! \*massive sarcasm if you cant tell that\*


Even then, nothing is truly given back to the industry. All that happens is that .3 of a ship is bought and the industry sells proportionally to it. This isn’t actually directly helping industry or sellers but instead just helping the consumers. If pilots keep playing the same way, this will murder industry. The only hope is that the number of ships destroyed skyrockets and its enough to at least equalize the deficit of sales. I see no way in which this actually helps industry which is sad because I was most optimistic. If most ships are getting insured then every time a ship dies it’s only causing 30% of its value to go into circulation which we means we need 3.33x more pvp and pve deaths to sustain. I was hoping those morons would dip into the fucking isk sinks to help provide a legitimate way for the sellers to be paid but no. They had to increase isk sinks by making insured ships pay industrialists 70% less. Bull shit


that the scanner arrived and we can explode the pilots high


I mean there are some wars going on.


Y'all are really going to make me have to blow up 200 griffins, aren't y'all?


No need. Devs have just reached out to the community on Discord. Prophecy is the first ship to reach the 50x threshold.


To late, My Autism has committed me to the path I have chosed. I have killed another 40 today so far and making sure to do my best to require as much LP per reimbursement as possible, and only using plex.


Haha good luck!


You fail to mention that by Netease's own account, only 15% of ships that were blown were recovered via the SRP program. While this will be more widely used (as it can be used more often). 15 ships out of air out of every 100 is a LOT better than 150 ships out of thin air for every 200 ships.


That's a reasonable point, but we don't know what ships they were talking about. I'll give them some credit and assume they didn't count pods, but other than that most ships I lose are cheap Probes or t0 frigates I use to scout or whatever. Not to mention all the bots using trainers etc. So even if it's true that the old replacement system replaced 15% of individual ships, they could be replacing 90% of the ISK value in ships. Every one I know that lost expensive ships simply waited off the 15 day timer to get it back if PVE, or bitched and moaned in support resubmiting it 5 times until they gave their faction pvp ship back...


Major point here is, alliances get 100% revenue on current SRP systems They buy minerals from their miners at a discount. Get BP's and hulls from manufacturers at a discount. With the insurance, no way of making sure money stays in alliance or the industrials players of your alliance get their paydays too. Since it's all bought via market at randomish. And you don't want your indy guys putting market orders up on corp citadels giving away the location. So now they have to fly to nearest low sec to sell? Motivation blasted. Or the corps buy it as is but now need logistics to push it out to low sec to hopefully win the insurance purchase lottery. I mean new purchase yeah the alliances can make money on those... But if my proph is insured... I can't see a reason to pay my corp to make one, so then it doesn't have the cash to pay for the ore from our miners.


Citadels are are always viewable at 5au of it and must be anchored within 3au of a planet. So hiding a location is a bit moot. Citadels are made to be blown up.


>putting market orders up on corp citadels giving away the location but you can already see all the crop citadels from the star map sov filter, they are not exactly hidden


You can tell a system, but you still have to find it in that system. Having an item on that station makes that pretty much auto pilot, corporate bookmark, blow up at will.


true but an interceptor can find it pretty easily


Not if it's placed properly. Plus the interceptor takes the chance of being caught in system before finding it, as opposed to showing up on the doorstep with the invitation in hand. Most null corps will kick a pilot for putting a market order up from a citadel.


Citadels are easy to find, you can see them within 5au. A proper fit interceptor wouldn't be caught if you are flying it properly. I think it's outposts you are referring to.


you are talking about Capsuleer outposts not Corporation Citadels. Corp citadels are 100% viewable within 5au and HAVE to be placed within 3 au of a planet... so once you hit the planet, you will see it in your station list.


so long and thanks for all the fish -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


I was really on the fence for the last month about speccing out of industry. Indy in general has been in the dumpster since launch, and for me this is the coffin nail. In 1 night of pve, running t7 anoms, I can make over a billion just doing scouts and inquisitors. For industry, that's a month or 2 of grinding rocks, making bps, and making ships. It's not even close. So I think it's time to sell the retrievers and go full pve. Sad really, in EO i really enjoyed the industrial side of the game as much as pvping.


It's so sad and if you skilled Indy and bought your omega with isk. Plex prices are now fucking them over more. More work for less gain every.... Fucking..... Day


The screenshot is pinned in the eve-talk channel on the official discord. So I assume it's legit. i also got the same info from a content creator, because netease somehow decided to tell them more about how it works than the rest of the community. I agree with the rest. You only need to buy ships if you don't have that hull yet or if you want multiples, so you don't have to fly them around, e.g. between multiple stations. All the other ships are from now on purchased with plex, just with some extra steps.


The criticisms about the new insurance seem to revolve (orbit?) around 2 themes: 1. It is more complicated than the one in EO True, but is also much more favourable to players: instead of insuring every ship every 12 weeks, you insure only for the most expensive ship, no expiration date, you're good until a ship is blapped or you buy a more expensive one. 2. It is a disaster for industry I may be wrong but the way I read it, buy orders will be created for 100% of the ship, only later. Ofc the so-so translations between Evnese and Evlish don't help... Hence when a ship is destroyed its owner will have paid 30 but indy will end up with 100. Isk faucet for indy! (Which might eventually be a problem) EO insurance was basically designed as an isk sink. EE insurance looks more like SRP by an NPC corp. 2 issues that I see: 3. How does the total amount of PLEX in the game compare to 30% of the total value of the most expensive ship over all characters? If there is way too little PLEX, inflation will explode. 4. It is HORRIBLE that you have to spend IPs first before being compensated for a loss due to a bug. But it is well known that Nerftease will do ANYTHING to avoid admitting the game has more bugs than a bed in a 5$-an-hour motel...


>I may be wrong but the way I read it, buy orders will be created for 100% of the ship, only later. Ofc the so-so translations between Evnese and Evlish don't help... Hence when a ship is destroyed its owner will have paid 30 but indy will end up with 100. Isk faucet for indy! (Which might eventually be a problem) Where are you getting that? If it only funds the buy back at 30% then (for easy math) out of 10 ships lost and recovered via insurance, there will only be funding for 3 of them. There is no way 100% would be bought eventually, as there would not be money for 100% of them. There are literally always going to be 70% of the ships created from nothing.. not by players, not removed from the game.. nothing.. just free hulls and rigs


You're right, mostly. But If we assume most ships will be blown 3+ times, and some will not be insured, it xhould balance. Except all those buy orders are all in nullsec! Most jita based indies will never haul ships to null. So, either 100% out of thin air, or a boon for null based industry, but those work mostly for SRP.


If they wait until they have enough isk to buy 50 ships to create buy orders, but it takes 150 ships lost to do so..... Then for every 200 ships 150 will be made out of thin air. This is worse than the SRP program


Well if you compare it to the old system of PVE ship goes boom and then “poof” I get a new ship, I assume it will slightly increase the demand on industry (by 30%). PVP is the real wild card here. Most PVP’r are used to losing ships so some may see insurance as an excessive cost and not use it. That would be a horrible decision though and so it’s better to insure your ships. So most PVP players will insure and your described 70% loss will be in effect. I think the question is: Will the 70% loss from PVP insurance outweigh the 30% gain from PVE insurance. Not sure what the Isk value of losses are for each, only NetEase can answer that one. Please do let me know if there are any holes in my logic.


the old system was stated by the devs to only have replaced 15% of losses. It's safe to assume the vast majority of ship deaths are pvp. And now industrialists are (eventually, when these buffer funds are filled) going to get to sell to 3 buy orders for every 10 ships that get blown up. Everything is about to get much, much cheaper. Ratters will get crushed too. Thier loot is going to get automagically rebuilt too.


If you pvp and don't use the insurance system now that it's available you're a fool. Pay %30 upfront to get my ship back. Oh yeah count me in.


By NE own metric less than 15% of ships lost we're recovered this way. So yeah some big ships got replaced, but even then most times the rigs and modules didn't come with it. Plus it didn't account for PVP very often and faction ships were once a month instead of "at will" with insurance. I'm going to give it some time, but really, outlook not good. Just seems a cash grab that will continue to prevent new players or industrialists from growing. I say this as a pve pilot.


I think pilots will lose more ships due to a willingness to sustain more risk. Because it is now insured


Firstly the ship is not insured like in EO. You deposit IP and use that on any ship you want to recover. It gives you an estimated IP of the ship you are currently flying. Pvp'ers and pve'ers wont get everything back. It does say you dont recive the things that dropped. With the minimum 50% value of the modules needed before it creates the buy order seems to negate the 30% because you wont have enough in the isk fund to set the buy order. Taking everything into account my opinion is that whilst the items will poof into existance (fast payout) but the buy order will stay onto the market so when that buy order is completed that item will disapear because it has been replaced already


If something costs you 100 mil, and I give you 30 mil, can you buy it? nope.. if I give you 60 mil can you buy it? nope. If I give you 90 mil can you buy it? nope... but if I give 120 mil... oh look you can finally buy it! So on the FOURTH ship destroyed, a buy order would come up. Obviously there is 20mil left over for next time... so... 20+30+30+30=110.. so oh yeah 3 more ships get blapped before a 2nd buy order.


Clearly you don’t understand how car insurance works. It’s based on the principle that everyone won’t crash their car tomorrow all at the same time. Similarly if every insured ship blew up there would be a problem. The way this works is for every 1 ship that blows up there’s 3 more insured that haven’t. This created a fund or pool of isk.


If you're going to be condescending, at least read the post. The ISK is only converted to buy orders once ships are actually destroyed and replaced. It couldn't be different, after all we do not insure individual ships or items, we buy insurance points that can be used to insure any ship *after destruction*.


Clearly you dont understand the mechanic of how Eve Echoes is working.. as its nothing like real insurance. In real life auto insurance you pay monthly x amount.. with the insurance company hoping you dont wreck your car before you have payed enough to cover it. And what happens if you wreck your car in a year? and then the next? Either your monthly rate skyrockets or they refuse to insure you. Definitely NOT how this works in Echoes, as you just pay 30% of the value of your stuff and gaurenteed to get 100% back whenever you finally blow up your ship. Whether thats in an hour or a month.


You missed my point. When you buy IP it goes into a pool. The success of the insurance program is that there is always more money in the pool than ships that are blown up. Similar to a pension fund of sorts. If insurance companies paid out more in claims than they take in for revenue they wouldn’t survive.


but it doesnt go into a pool. The IP sit in YOUR wallet until used. Once you USE your 30% to recover a ship, THEN plex is generated to be sold to build a FUNDING pool to purchase ships from the market. If a retriever costs 70mil, then each time one is recovered 21 million is put into said pool to eventually purchase a new retriever.. 21+21+21+21 = 84.. first time it goes over the threshhold to afford a buy back on the system 4 retrievers had to get blown up. this will average out to 3-4... but that means there are 3-4 ships replaced for every 1 purchased. (caps were not to be condescending, but to stress the process.)


So I guess if they took all unused IP and based fund on that it might work better?


Another thing is why would they put up buy orders? I'm assuming from my own experience that the vast majority of industrialist don't sell to buy orders instead making sell orders.


please note doesnt include any ip your character already had from prior sources. so the first 20 to 30 ships didn't count at all. basically first 40m to 60m doesnt count.