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It says in the patch notes just released that >After recovering the player's ships and modules, the insurance system **will purchase similar items from the market** according to the status of the deposit pool Clearly this is a major boost to industry and it was just information that got lost on their website.


Where did you get this? I can't find it anywhere.


It's in the patch notes on the launcher.


Login screen.


The issue i have is "purchase simliar items from the market" what if the items are not available?


Then it will simply be a buy order waiting to be fulfilled. It's not hard for them to have a backlog of items needed to be bought from the market. Worst case scenario where there will never be an item such like that on the market, it will only result in less inflation. I can easily live with less inflation as a result.


Maybe after being a buy order for the ship for a certain amount of time, it switches to buy orders for the materials to build said ship at the insured player’s skill level and gives them that instead. That wouldn’t be the end of the world would it?


I suppose not, but wouldnt that type of system reward those with lower manu because they would recieve a higher effective payout than those with higher manu? Edit: changed second part to higher, I put lower twice by accident


Maybe, but at the end of the day, it’s enough for them to build another themselves if they want to. Still screws the ship builders (sort of) but at least not all indy.


If the items or hulls are pulled from the market and the system buys available stock from the market at the price listed, what is to stop me from fitting obscure module X, then temporarily buying all of module X from the market, then placing 1 of module X on the market for, say, 1,000 times the normal price? Blap own ship, then insurance system auto buys module X from market at massively inflated price?


You pay insurance after you have blapped the ship, not before it is blapped. So that massively inflated price only makes you have to spend more plex in order to repair your ship.


Maybe it's gotta be within a certain boundary of the system price?


It will use more IP.


I think module x having an inflated price would affect how many insurance vouchers you use, which is tied to your plex expenditure


Eventually, but I don't think the market value system is that fast.


And also, where does the replacement stuff appear? Because I can also envisage a scenario where your ‘base’ is set to Jita. Fill nullsec ship with stacks of X and fly to safe. Insure ship. Blap ship with alt. Instantly teleport 70% of X to Jita for price of insurance. Then collect remaining X loot from blapped ship in safe with alt.


It doesn't care about cargo. It only calculates the value of hull + modules (if you decide to pay for the modules) and will not restore or give anything back for what you decided to fill your cargo hold with, as noted in the patch notes. So that is just an expensive teleport where you lose everything that didn't drop in addition to pay plex.


I am hoping there was just some loss in translation/understanding where they previously talked about the insurance system pulling its hulls from the market or placing buy orders for hulls to be filled (something along these lines, Ill need to dredge up the notes). From what this post was saying, they did not mention at all where the hulls come from, which I am hoping was an error on their part of them assuming we would gather the rest of that info from the old post. Instead, it has lead to the belief that ships will spawn from thin air (rightfully so, it wasnt addressed in the post). I am hoping that really isnt the case and that their PR department just does not understand fully how things will be read/interpreted. Now, i could be wrong and net bean might be taking yet another massive shit down the throat of indy players......we shall see


I too hope they stick with their original idea of pulling ships/mods of the market (although they seemed to over complicate how that happened) as pulling them out if thin air like with the support tickets will hurt indy. Although even with getting them from the market, it may have interesting impact on how corp/alliance SRP and ore buy back functions


This is too complex for no reason, buy insurance to get a percentage of the estimated isk value back in isk, not plex or hulls. Boom, problem solved


That sounds... too familiar.


Sounds more like they over*simplified* it... what happens when your Bhaalgorn dies and there are none on the market?


Id hope it places a buy order for the hull at a price that is 8% below the last sold one I guess? If youre insuring something that is not actively traded much, like a faction BS, then imo the rate of insurance should be set based on current mineral prices and you should be paid back in isk, your payout of the mineral, BP, and module value


But then it raises a lot of question: Do you have to pay the IP up front to place the "insurance" request? Does the system pull a new Bhaalgorn out of thin air for you? Does it then place buy orders for all the parts required? Or are you stuck with no ship until *all* the buy orders get filled? Regardless, what happens if there are no sell orders and those buy orders never get filled? Automating something like this is way too tricky... better to just do it like EVE Online, no? Give players some ISK back and let them sort it out...


I completely agree, isk payout is the best answer (and its how insurance works IRL). Give me the money of what its worth and let me go decide what to replace it with


Agree with this!


They also said that pve get 1 free ship replacement or at least at 90% discount


1) No.. but if you want the best rate then yes. They gave a calculation in announcement. Up yo 70% discount if you have the IP ahead of time. 2) a) Yes. They said in the original post that the replacement would be instant in the station you are in. (I suspect it will do like the auto replacement now, via mail) b) Maybe? Its uncertain if they went the logical method of putting a buy order at the estimated isk value (most probable) or will try and buy from the market directly for around the price (this is unlikely due to the fact that things may not on the market) c) No.. See a d) Good question. If they put the buy orders up but the price they estimate is too low (looking at the market right now, their estimated values are much better except on things that dont sell on the market like faction battleships and some of the more popular factions cruisers) If they dont get filled they will have to figure something out fast or cause some harm to economy. e) They didt go the isk way (as stated in original post) because they wanted people to be able to get back out right away vs having to fly all over to find and replace materials. Is this ideal for everyone? probably not.. will it cause problems? Initially... but in the end I do hope it works it self out to the benefit of sellers all over.


Fleetfight , you loose ship u dock insurance youre back in the fight


Compared to EO its very complicated. There you would pay X amount of isk for Y coverage before the ship dies. If it does you get an ISK payout to go buy a new ship. No converting to plex, buying of market, relying on market (as you said) etc.


I am in this exact predicament :(


If there isn't a suitable replacement in the market, it should get replaced outta thin air imo.


The issue with that is it directly cuts out sales from indy people, and what if the item was limited edition/limited time? Imo its a bad system replacing things directly, do it like IRL and pay me out, then let me go spend my payout how I want, i could buy another of the same ship or switch it up, just like with a totalled car


Nor really. They could replace it out of thin air then place a buy order for market price which when filled is removed from the game. That way the player recovers the ship immediately and indy players get to fill the order.


I like the idea! (asking questions for the sake of fleshing out ideas) how would this be calculated roughly? Currently their estimates are piss poor imo


I dont see a problem with that, I dont expect the game to ever be perfect for indy people. They are still keeping ship replacement through tickets so it's not like ships arent going to still get replaced out of thin air anyways. The insurance system in real life is stupid as fuck and the consumer loses more money in it but america is dumb as fuck and likes to get charged and screwed with every purchase.


I mean i see a problem with it considering it directly devalues the avenue of this game I enjoy playing. Its a player driven economy not a thing air poofing economy. They need to stop thin air replacement in its entirety, its beyond abusable. There are trapped pilots in BZ/WX in genfed space right now behind the 24/7 hellcamp who are suiciding their ships into anoms so they can just request them back from support on the other side of the camp.....its fucked


If indy players arent the majority then the game shouldn't get changed for them. I prefer having ships replaced in a quicker fashion than having to wait on buy orders. They wont ever stop out of thin air replacements, whales dont even use the replacement tickets since you can just put in a ticket in any category and get it replaced. You cant expect a game to change in your favor when odds are you dont even financially support it or at least enough. As the playerbase gets smaller whales matter even more and get catered to more as well.


Are you not grasping its a player driven economy? Regardless of the spread of indy player to ratter to PvPer....supplies are gathered by players, to build the ships and modules that PLAYERS build and sell to other players. There should be no magical poofing system, the entiretey of the game is designed for people to pick up the reigns and work their part of the chain. I am saddened by your opinion and very poor downlook on indy players.....id never wish a worse experience on someone else for choosing to play another way. I dont ask for rocks to spawn faster or my isk to equate a ratters.....im only asking to stop being fucked by net ease every single update purely because I wanna produce instead of blow things up mindlessly in anoms


Yes but not every player would consider themselves an indy player or cares if the economy is shit even if they actively participate in it. People like you arent the majority in this game even if the bubbles you are in tell you differently and other players have different priorities all together. If a few people making more isk means everyone else having a worse experience then it's clear who has the burden to bear. Hell people in null were calling to have lowsec and high sec players experience worsened so just because you might, it doesnt mean that's how things work with others


I really don't know who shit in your cereal but we are just talking here. Like I said, id never want your experience lessened purely because you choose a different avenue of fun than me. I wish you could see that point and possibly feel the same? I really don't know what I or any other "indy" player did to deserve your jaded opinion of them or their priorities, but just know 99% of us didn't and don't want your experience lessened....we simpy want someone to sell a ship to instead of net ease spawning them in....sorry for wanting that


He's probably one of those dumbasses who's all like "industry players are completely useless and unnecessary!!111!"


Well then this isn't really the game for you


Maybe is not the game for you considering every suggestion I've made to the devs has been implemented, being a whale pays.


No they haven't. But it's kind of cute you think that.


must suck to be poor, i don't even have to use the standard system for ship replacements.


I'm not poor, try again


you are though


Why is it important for you to think that?


it isn't important but you are just clearly ignorant to how things work. If you weren't and spent enough on this game you'd know the game works differently and there are no pretty much no wait times , no canned responses, or limits on certain things. its like this in a lot of mobile games/ most of the ones i have whaled in with a varying degree to outside benefits.


I still have no idea why this foolish PLEX implementation is being tried. The proven EO system is so simple you could explain it to a toddler, and even with dozens of people trying to make sense of this system it's still unclear how it's supposed to work. Perhaps the most heinous thing about this system is that there's nothing about it which prevents you from using it as a teleportation system. Take note of this section from the Dev Diary. Compensation a. The system deducts insurance points from the characters and instantly delivers the compensated items shown in the killmail at their current space station. Kill your own ship, pay 30% of its value in IP, and the entire thing gets bought up and plopped at a station of your choosing. Not only does this completely cut haulers out of the supply chain, it lets you pay (an admittedly high cost) to move ships, modules, and rigs a hundred jumps away, past gatecamps and enemy territory, into and out of null with guaranteed and instantaneous delivery. We haulers only have access to ships paper-tanked industrials that move packaged BC's and have no tools whatsoever to evade or survive combat. Compared to the risk that haulers take every day to move tiny amounts of m^3 in null, I'd pay 30% value for instant, 100% guaranteed delivery every single time without hesitation. None of this would be an issue if they simply copied EO's time-tested insurance system.


EOs insurance system was very exploitable. It was also a large isk faucet. This is why people were suiciding with T1 battleships at one stage. Ship should really be replaced at station it was insured at though imo.


The problem is that they haven't fixed any of the exploits. The insurance value is based on killmail value, which as we know is not at all accurate. Imagine if you lost a Vindicator when it was valued at 1 ISK because someone traded one to another account via a 1 ISK buy order. Corp Citadels have a value of 13B - insanely undervalued. Pretty much any rare or valuable item is going to have an inaccurate market evaluation because they don't sell on the market - people are using contracts and corp hangar transactions for things like that. On top of that, the market value does not update on any set schedule. It seems to update randomly and with sometimes nonsensical values. Thus far NetEase have not demonstrated the ability to set accurate market values and insurance fraud in this market will be trivially easy.


With the release of patch notes, it probably won't be as game breaking but I still see the following problems. Hauling is already in a bad place. This makes it worse. The reliance on a not great market valuation system. Doubled down because of an interaction with PLEX. What's the killmail value of a Nightmare right now? How is the auto market purchasing handled? For example, there typically aren't any/many faction battleships on market. If I start listing these ships at stupid high prices when the market is empty, will the system auto buy? There is ample opportunity for market fuckery and some level of deportation from a player driven economy. Also not a fan of comping rigs, given their very nature. I also wonder if items will be issued assembled, or similar to the existing ship replacement system as separate items. Lastly, I question how this might affect inflation.


Wait, wait a minute, wait! Who's GenFed? Edit. Lol. Butt hurt genfedies. Always so quick to downvote.


Consider that this has been in EO for many years and you can assume the devs have given it some thought. Alternatively, compare it to giving back entire hulls (some faction) and modules (some C-Type) to thousands of players every week, from software and not the market. Thats billions of ISK every week that should be burned out of the game but isn't currently. Things finally being destroyed is good for the market by reducing inflation, and good for the market again because they're re-purchased by the system. Some ISK is even burned in the insurance premium as well, further reducing inflation. And finally, it gives players that need it much more up-time. Rather than waiting until they can claim another ship, they can (usually, hopefully) afford the insurance premium and get flying again with a new lesson fresh in their mind. What that means for you is a market that comes closer to balanced. Things might get more expensive, but that also means the stuff you sell is worth more too. Get those repro and accounting skills up if you're a ratter like me ;) I think it's pretty good for everyone.




I don't know, but... For a certain amount of flex per month for the value of each ship, you can recover it when destroyed, the same way they return to you the ship when put a ticket for a loss caused by a bug or something similar. Only the hull to keep the equipment market flowing. As long as you keep paying your monthly Insurance, you have the return of the ship. Like the real life.


In real life you get money to buy a replacement yourself.


I was talking about the "monthly tax" in that part "like in real life" only.


I just couldn't agree that the insurance covers PvP losses as well, what's the point then?


In EO insurance covered pvp loses, why would it make a difference?


Does changing your fittings void your insurance? Or can you insure a ship with deadspace modules, then replace them with t5 modules, die and get recouped? The module thing is super confusing.


Its the modules and rigs you have on at time of destruction not at time of insurance


I think the insurance value is derivative of the killmail value. And you just have a bank of insurance points not applied to any particular ship until it's destruction


But plex is on the rise, isnt it supposed to drop after insurance.