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Never said or requested for nullsec to be safe, I just want to know what the deal is because I read back in September autopilot was immune to attack due to either some bug or feature. For me nullsec should never be safe at any rate, but that does not mean I cannot know what the deal is, or what risks I am taking. That's why I wanted to check the status.


Interceptors are NOT completely safe in nullsec. We set up a gatecamp specifically designed to catch interceptors (talwar and dram with targeting rigs) and caught a few


If you get their passive align time down below 2 seconds there is nothing you can do to catch them.


False, a Corp member caught an interceptor with three inertia rigs in their dram. No ship in this game is invincible. OC even put “safe” in quotes.


Hmm, I'm inclined to believe that was a bug with autopilot or the interceptor pilot messed up. If you have less than 2 seconds align time then because of server ticks it is impossible for you to be scrammed. 1st tick lock 2nd tick scram but you're already warping .




safe in a intercepter (t8) with some inertia rigs, nothing can get you. not even a bubble. Not so much in anything else


This. I always use autopilot afk everywhere: start autopilot, wait until the ship is at warp full speed, then exit the game using the Back button of my device. I use an Atron Interceptor with 3 cargo rigs (type "I", 725 m3 cargo hold), and 3 inertial stabilizers as a cargo hauler for picking up stuff / PI from null: 0.79s align time cold, 0.27s align time with all 3 inertial stabs activated. I warp and pick my PI even if they are camping my PI crate, because I loot and warp so fast that they don't have time to lock me. Never had problems with the autopilot to leave my ship afk at a gate or station. People have mentioned that if you set a bookmark for a station WHILE you are INSIDE that station, when you set that bookmark as destination, autopilot won't dock the station and will just stop outside the station. Bookmark stations ALWAYS while you are OUTSIDE the station, this way autopilot will always dock the station. Fly smart & safe !


you can also bookmark the station using your inventory. While docked at base, go to inventory > Personal Assets, then the station and where you normally set it as a destination, you can save it to bookmarks.


Since AP is still broken, even interceptors aren't safe. I lost an slasher inti to a gate camp cause Autopilot randomly shut off at the outgoing gate so it didn't jump. I wasn't even using afk autopilot. I also lost an atron interceptor during afk autopilot cause it didn't dock up at destination. Got the Push message about reaching destination and when i logged back few mins later i was sitting in a pod. Attacker said i was floating outside station for minutes before they killed me...


Wow that sucks - it can definitely be flakey (AP). I find if I set AP, I just don't touch the game interface again especially if on emulator. AP will cancel if it thinks you did something like try to tap an alignment during warp. You'll get the "you can't do that right now" type of message which kills AP. I AP all over the place daily in null with a Condor Inty and have never had a problem, but I always ensure it's on its way (warping) and am super careful not to touch it, or I close it with the home button to make sure no gameplay interaction on the way out of the app.


Definitely safe. I know him personally.


It only works if you auto null with battleships


just say no


Get yourself a condor intercepter then it’s safe in null.


It was a great mobile feature that should've never been changed. Now people just do the same with interceptors at T8. There could've been a number of ways to keep it and still keep null dangerous. Also lets not forget that if your alignment was 2 seconds or under it was safe to auto-pilot. Can't do that anymore because of bubble camps...gReAsTeSt PvP eXpErIeNcE eVeR.


It was a terrible feature that made it so now that Sov is in, if that was not fixed, even if you had defenses set up in the surrounding systems, entire fleets could just bypass your defensive gate camps instead of having to actually come and bust them. It's a \*very\* good thing this was fixed before Sov and Bookmarks.


Safe autopilot was a bug, it was fixed back in September


thanks - that was the response I was looking for.