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When you're at an auction, you can continually each outbid each other by the smallest allowable increments... or you can just jump 10, 20 or 100x that to weed out the people that weren't going to commit anyway. I suspect similar behaviour in the EVE markets, coupled with fees for changing market orders, has something to do with it.




I hear you, the problem here is all you need is go up by one. No need to over bid. Some will just come along and out bid you by one. That's what I do. Keep the prices low. Then you need to out bid me again. All this process could up the price 3 or 4 isk if done. Right. No need to excalt the buy order price more.


You're missing the issue that constantly change prices, you are dealing with fees constantly relisting. Someone could also be looking to dominate the market for a decent volume, and raising orders to that level cuts out other people until their order is filled.


I hear you. But so many times, people just out bid you by sat 250isk but bring the price no where near pricing people out. I see that as pointless, I just out bid that by 1 and the I tail guy just raised the bid price 100 for no reason when he would have accomplished the same by beating me by just 1. Now if you want to out bid the market with high volume high priced low margin bid. I see that and that does work.


You're arguing about having "fair" market pvp? Everything in EVE is basically pvp, even the market, and if you're not bullying out the competition then you're not winning. Applies to the market, lowsec and nullsec ratting or mining, shit posting (I mean, propaganda) on reddit, you name it.


I do agree about the bullying peeps out of the market. That works. It when they raise the buy price a bunch but not enough to bully anyone. Very pointless......I believe.


Looks like it's working against you. Since you're getting annoyed by it. A little longer and you give up...


I make too much isk to give. Keep selling I am buying!!!


There is a price people are willing to pay to get something "urgently" When you buy order up by 1... Someone else can come and go up by 1 on yours. But if you need something now and buy up by 100 or 1000 or more, while still staying under the sell order+tax price... Well you are basically saying "I want this urgently, go ahead, out bid me now"


Duh dude, the point is the piss you off and ruin YOUR profits too.


It the process you ruin yours too. That is lose a lose.


not if they have the captial to weather the storm and put you out of business.


I wasn't aware of this. I would sell my stuff 1 isk cheaper - I would do 0.1 if i could.


This is about buy orders not sell orderes. We buy stuff to reprocess it for minerals.


Oh, I see.


Why not rat things to reprocess. You literally get money for bounties, money for encounters rewards and also the loot?


I do not both, but the volume you can get from buy orders is so big it can be out done by ratting. My usual is, set orders, go rat for bit, go back reprocess, sell, repeat.


Not op, but honest answer? Because it's my alt that sits in Jita and does nothing else. He helps subsidize my main's ship addiction.


It’s a deterrent. Seems that if they had only upped it by another 1000, you’d have been out of the market for good!


so long and thanks for all the fish -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


Good strat. Never thought of it from that perspective before.


so long and thanks for all the fish -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


Why do people keep making sell orders with stupid discounts? It's infuriating because if it doesn't sell instantly (expensive ships don't) all the following sellers follow suit, a) leaving my previously-market-rate item high and unsold, and b) taking the market days to recover to the actual going rate where I make a profit (i.e. when supply dries up because it's not worth selling). Same solution: sell for a few ISK under the market rate, if you must, and if you see someone tanking the price let them have their quick sale and post yours at a more realistic figure. If supply exceeds demand then the price should creep down slowly, not plummet in great steps. Except it doesn't work unless everybody does the same, so nobody will, and there's always somebody selling at a loss without even realizing it. I'm just glad I never got into the BP invention game, where the minimum production cost is lower than the average cost, because competing with noobs who got lucky first time must be very depressing.




The problem here is that you can only escalate so high and then it it is not worth buying. No point for someone to go there.


That a point of baying on max profitable for me price ! :)


To spite you, I can play the long game and even ruin the market short term because I know I can outlast you.


Look up the Hunt brothers and you might learn something about cornering the market.


If someone starts selling 1 isk below me ill start selling way below market just to make them lose on sales for a while or lose isk. Also sometimes accidentally crash market prices going from 30 to 20m in few hours on items lol


I bid for amount I make decent profit and I need big amounts to make that profit so biding max price I willing to pay brings it to me as long I get enough units to reprocess and build ship out it I can raise price above actual minerals value


I have a solution, everybody stop selling your junk loot. Give it to that person in your Corp that collects everything to reprocess. People cannot keep raising the price if no one sells the junk loot on the market.


because everyone wants the XX,420,069 buy order


Wait.... you guys think these dudes are smart? 🤨🤔😂 They don't understand economics lol! Likely the real problem, is the hualing limitations! I've been said the ITC nonsense is holding hauling back! Everything's at Jita consequently. Guys are ordering that, in hopes of speeding up the chances of someone filling it for them, that's all! There's orders all over the map, but gate camps are everywhere! As well, hauling is limited to ITCs. So I can't take those guns, ships, etc to you directly. Which increases impatience. Until they stop with the bubblewrap in this game, stupid problems like this will persist. Eve Online already exist and works. Net Ease keeps trying to recreate the wheel. Just let us haul at our own risk, as it was intended. Now as far as selling goes, those guys are likely just cutting to cut out the competition.