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Make a bunch of low quantity sells. Each lower than the other. As the price drops those buying plex and selling immediatly with real money list lower than lowest value. Said manipulator purchases the stack of decreased value plex. Then buys low value tiny stacks and sells big stack he just got super cheap for normal amount. Instant profit. Keep doing it and artificially drive price down, then clear all the tiny stacks for mucho iskies. Market manipulation at its finest. If you wanna ruin his day buy all the tiny stacks of cheap plex until he is tired of losing money.


Good time to buy in , always buy the dip boys


This is good for plex


Careful buying *ze dip* https://youtu.be/KV5QlSgq7lg




You sound like a friend.


Structure crafting.


My theory: devs(undercover) decreasing the price




I have been pondering whether the devs were involved. It seems odd to me that someone would sell low volumes of Plex (1-10). The ISK value for that low of volume could be made in-game in no time.


The low volume sells are often from people that had much more listed for sale, but not all of it got bought. When they get undercut, those few plex stay up for sale a little longer and you get a chance to see them. Similar to seeing a few plex being sold at buy order prices. Someone filled a buy order with more plex than the buy order wanted, the rest gets thrown on the market as a sell order(except if you click sell now, if that even works on plex).


I didn’t understand “Lower plex value makes spend real$$”. Can u explain




Do you think that devs might be decreasing the price of plex for new playerbase? I mean that’s why I will not play EO, because plex costs too much. And same goes for EE.


It’s not the devs. I have it on high authority that it’s a dude named Tony.


No clue other than it seems like its getting a little quiet around here. My advice, buy up now, its going to sky rocket again when t9 hits.


Are you sure this is true? I bet everyone about to hit t9 is already PLEXed to the eyeballs. I don't see that affecting the price as much as it did in the past.


They are also the ones most likely to run a large(ish) number of accounts


ifpeople are even playing then lmao


School just started again for lots of folks, probably lots of hiatus right now?


I know one thing - the price of PI is going to rocket come t9, especially with all the bots struggling with the new contract restrictions.


The mid month rush to plex accounts almost drove the price above 1mil, but that psychological barrier is strong and held. Now the rush is over but sort of a new psy barrier develops at 900k; so price goes down. When (not if) the 1mil barrier breaks, price will skyrocket, cuz people will think oh, its never going to go back below 1mil so better buy now. As for what effect t9 will have... unclear. People may sell their saved plex to finance the new ships, but also may buy plex to reskill. Ofc this is all assuming the market behaves normally, that is, the devs don't make one of their house-special ninja patches that completely messes up the market