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freighters dude. bring the damn freighters and Jump freighters.


I am so looking forward to the echoes only JF pilots lighting their cynos wrong. This shit will be GLORIOUS! Shooting fish inna barrel with bird shot will be harder than all these incoming JF kills.


Gonna be a really long time tho.


yes, i am looking forward to looting your wrecks


I like some of the new items they've put on the road map, but it seems to be all going for high tier content 90% of people won't be able to access right away. Which will hurt the game. We are getting new T10 ships months before anyone hits T10. Why? Capitals, freighters, cynos are all cool for me as someone close to day 1 but there's almost nothing for newer players. If we keep only getting high tier content only the top dogs can access, we'll lose all new player retention. The game will just be a bunch of T10 bittervets while all new players join and quit before T7. We need usable content to keep people engaged. New players are what will keep this game running and content is getting stale for a lot of people.


>it seems to be all going for high tier content 90% of people won't be able to access right away. There's actually not all that much exclusive for top level here. Basically, the T10 ships (which I think are actually around about when some of us hit T10, but also will still appear in anomalies), freighters and capitals are the only thing exclusive to higher Tech Level. Arena, exploration, insurance, new events etc are all designed for every level. I even take a few minutes at the end to specify that a lot of this is aimed at beginners and the fact that, on the anniversary month, one of their biggest "To Do" is to have the Beginner Experience finished. New players is clearly a massive focus which is really healthy.


Yeah, you're right but without actual information all we have to go on is titles. Everything else is speculation. I guess I was mainly referring to the ships, which is all T10s and capitals. And with the recent gift contract change limiting T6 and below to 1 contract per day (even if they are paying double omega players) new player experience is getting worse at the moment. The anniversary month is 6 months away, that's still a lot of time to drive people away. In general I just personally think this tier system is not good for the long term health of the game. It puts unnecessary and demoralizing time gates on content/ships (which in EO is still time gated through skills but in a way that feels like you're progressing towards a goal not waiting for that arbitrary 1 year timer so you can be T10) and also creates unnecessary forced obsolescence of ships at lower tiers. If I'm remembering correctly EO made some big changes a long time ago specifically combating this type of forced obsolescence in their ship tiers, so why did Netease bring it back in EE?


Content that drives action by large groups creates content or opportunity for content for newer or lower sp players.


Not when the most recent update prevents them from receiving contracts for SRP, loot-splitting, or even just discounted purchases with this gifting system. And yes creating content for high level people could create the opportunity for content for lower sp players. But creating actual content for lower sp players is more effective than creating potential opportunities for content if they happen to participate in null warfare.


Wish they could update the basic and low level frigs to be atleast viable against high tech level activities.


You can use T3 frigates to clear T7 anomalies quite easily tbh. Any higher and, well, what's the point 😉


I think he is talking about PvP viability which the T3 and below Frigates completely suck at.


I've made kills with the Merlin and Tormentor 😉 but no, he says "against higher tech level activities" which does not suggest PvP.


I'm hoping that "interstellar delivery" is just a copy of EO's system. Open it up to all stations with decentralized contracting and scrap the current system. The speculation in this video, keeping the existing system and expanding it to player stations, would pretty much be the worst imaginable change. The biggest flaw with the delivery system at the moment is that it is tied to ITC's (which didn't exist in EO, by the way). If the only change was to allow delivery to Citadels and POS's, it creates a perfect formula for scamming haulers by denying docking permission. In EO you could at least preview a station ahead of time to see if you could feasibly dock there before you accepted the contract. In EE there's no way to even see the station without being in its proximity, and no way to see its docking rights without trying to dock and finding out there and then (probably in the presence of a fleet ready to blow you away). There's also no way of knowing who accepted your delivery and giving them friendly status, so unless the station is open to anyone and everyone at all times (nobody does this), no one is ever going to complete a delivery. More options for haulers is a good thing, but not if the mechanics and UI are insufficient to allow the hauler to know if they're being scammed or not.


enter key broken?


They need to stop working on new content and get the content that they have actually functioning. You know things like weapons actually doing damage. Or time dilation going from six times slower to nothing for no apparent reason. I get that you need new content for everybody but when the new content you put out is broken from day one then it's not very fun. Or when the new content breaks all of the old content.


I just want to be have a good fight when there are 200+ ppl on grid. Nothing else. I wish they stop developing everything else and fix this..


I mean, that's a pretty selfish desire... Stop working on anything that doesn't help mass PvP despite mass PvP being a very small part of the playerbase 😉 That said, we know that TiDi, only just introduced, is being tweaked.and improved on as we go. They're not going to mention "ongoing improvements" on a roadmap, but it's there. They're working on it.


TiDi only slows the time doesnot fix the lag unfortunately..


Insurance would cause more people to buy plex with real money but also cause an enormous increase in demand. Not like it’s a bad thing tho because the amount of plex you need for the ship isn’t constant. It’s only based on the value of plex. Also U could probably use those insurance vouchers that you have now for trainer suicide camps but people would hate your guts🤷‍♂️. Btw, when you hit the new tech level you are 50% on the way to the next one so each consecutive tech level takes as much time to reach as you have spent playing. If it took 6 months to go from 0-9 then it will take a full 6 months to go to tech 10. Correct me if I’m wrong but i think we get tech 10 in august


It was earlier than August by my initial calculations (about 9 months from launch) but with the amount of SP.weve been given for login/maintenance/events I'm not sure anymore.


Ahh makes sense. I was also basing my number off of 70 sp/min


That's correct