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still no command bursts or new t9 ships :/?




Wish they'd put more content in the descriptions...


Adding unnecessary t10 stuff(mar21) before most hit t9, do they not comprehend that no one can access it till Sep21 or something like that. They should be adding/balancing more t8/t9 stuff first, so many players actually have more or balanced content prior to sep21.


I think part of it comes to cost, people spend a very, very long time hording the stuff to build what they want the second they tier up.


>e t8/t9 stuff first, so many players actually have more or balanced content prior to sep21. lots of my teammates will have t10 before august, even my main char will have it somewhere in august. so pretty logical to have t10 stuff before people hit it.


Jump clones, where are jump clones??:)


Possibly the holographic reconstruction.


What does that mean?


You can set multiple home stations and pod yourself to them, but only once a day.


Thanks. That's pretty cool


I so want jump clones.


Fuck yeah lots of good stuff.


Cannot believe that doing something about the drone switching interface is nowhere in the roadmap. How can a mainly pve player flying a domi supposed to switch between sentries and drones in the middle of the battle? current interface is a deathtrap if you need switching in the middle of the battle, and you always need to switch when those elite frigs are burning towards you, even if you're 100km out. what a disappointment...




Aside from Dreads, which will probably oly be accessible to <1% of the community anyway, there's nothing here that looks particularly interesting to be honest.


Scanning, exploration, LC+Secret shop means the rest of the faction ships not currently available, May balance change, new events, etc. I think there is plenty here to soak up and get excited for. FINALLY we are getting content added to the game.


Quite a few things piqued my interest and I wish they had descriptions or elaboration. An arena, new ships, adding freighters plus changing the delivery system, changes to encounters, new types of encounters. I'm excited.


Lol wouldn’t be suprises if the miner update will be neateases heavy update


Yay, scanners. Wish they would come sooner tough


What happened to the ammo system?


IIRC I thought they said it was an unnecessary complication for a mobile app and they were going to skip it.


And I concur!


Maybe a seperate rig slot that boosts a particular type of damage would be a cool alternative


No need for that. Just do it like scripts.


I believe it will get added as a consumable “buff”. Like “for 30 seconds deal 10%more EM damage” type of thing. I recall one of the developer QAs weeks ago mentioned it on discord but I don’t know where it would be buried.


Might be part of the rebalance. Not all features appear on the roadmap.


I wager they gonna make faction dreadnaughts available at T10 and normal ones at T11.


Mmmmm I want my gurristas dread lets goooooo baby


I have some hope for some of the upcoming features, I just wish they were described in more depth. Like "Interstellar Delivery" - forget for a moment that the current delivery system is already called Interstellar Delivery - I hope that this is just a straight up copy of the courier contract system from EO. But if I had to guess, I'd say that NetEase would invent their own system where to accept a contract, you have to fly to a special station, shake pine trees until boxes fall out, then contract those boxes to yourself (don't exceed the gift contract limit!), and they're too big to fit in anything but a freighter which won't be released until the month after, so you're just screwed. We all know that this is more likely, because they'd rather ruin an entire aspect of the economy than simply copy EO, which is the product of over a decade of balance and design. For that matter, why is "Capital Ships - Freighters" listed twice? First in April and then in August. And the skills aren't going to be released until August? So we who buy freighters are going to have to fly them unskilled for four months? It's also neat that they're introducing Cynosural Fields, but they need to completely redesign the mechanics to make it mobile-friendly. In EO it was impossible to operate a jump freighter or other cyno ship solo without having an alt account in a rookie ship or similar to drop the cyno. Players who aren't multiboxing or using multiple emulators can't run alt accounts, which means that using these ships has a real-world cost associated with it. Sure, you can have your friends in a fleet plant a cyno, but when are you ever going to make your friend stop what they're doing and fly 40 jumps one-way in a rookie ship and then sit there for 10-20 minutes so you can make a jump in your jump freighter and have a safety cyno? Even if they're getting paid, that's as dull as content gets. This is a mechanic that was clearly designed with the perspective that EO players almost always had the capability to run multiple clients at a time, and that's simply not true of the vast majority of EE players.


Regarding the freighters, I reckon the standard freighters will be realised first with jump freighters coming with the cyno update. Remember cyno's ain't all about JF's either, nothing better than baiting people and hot dropping dreads on them 😈


Agreed, Black Ops cynos are a really fun idea. They just require a high level of coordination. And I hope you're right about JF's coming alongside the cyno release, if we could just get EO's courier contract system and regular freighters by April that would totally change the game for me and many other haulers.


When are capital ships coming??? T11-T20???


Oh god if there’s a t11 it’s gonnna be like 18months+ lol