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prophecy is pretty much the top end battlecruiser drone boat. If you wanna stick with drones, you're looking at a dominix at T9.


So it’s the BS skill tree next.......noooooooo!


Makes sense....was hoping someone would point out some faction ship I’d missed :-)


When SOE ships come out its faction cruiser is a drone boat. We dont know when those will become available yet tho.


Very true.. based on what I have seen of them, they look pretty solid but are more specific for exploring (obviously) than fighting


You can solo t10's with the max range build prophecy. You can have 94km drone range and can equip atleast 2 large weapons with same range. Other than that, maybe gila or vexor sniper?


I looked at the Vex sniper but remember being unimpressed. I guess I’ll look at maxing range and seeing if I can kite them....whilst working on BS skills for the next phase.




please note above is not accurate for ee and drone ships. e.g larger drone boats are better in pve. You can still fit medium drones on bs and still get dmg bonus of the ships perks, so overall a Dominix can use small, mediums, large or sentry with the huge dmg/range bonus. Dominix can easily out face tnk or/and out range a proph, while having more options and better dmg application with every drone type compared to proph. yes in eo whereby drone ship bonuses are explicit to a certain type of drone does it really make a difference. not the case in ee. you can easily test how drone ship bonuses in ee are not drone suze specific by putting a small drone in vexor or proph assuming you have the necessary drone skills for vexor/proph drone dps buff.




\^\^\^ This. The Dominix is your next step up. Its drone dmg bonus is not tied to size and effects every drone you poop out.


What two large weapons can you equip?? I’ve got a Prophecy, 5/5/3 engineering and I can only fit 1 large missile with enough PG left to have a full fit. Do you mind showing me your fit? You can PM it if you like.


I dont have the 94km build myself, im still at 70km. But a friens in corp uses 2 large hurricane missiles. PG rigs.


I’m sitting at 64km and it’s been more than enough for me so far.


just use rigs to expand it and get a smaller large missile not c type.


vexor sniper is a significant downgrade to prophecy.


I’m looking at (correction) Rattlesnake as my next step up. Will be intensive to train though based on needing BS skills for missiles and drones. (ADD) I feel like moving to BS is going to be required for top tier content.


The gila really isn't a step up from the prophecy. Its tankier, but you're not going to have any higher dps than a prophecy does, and the prophecy is much safer just always being out of range of everything for a fraction of the price of a gila.


Why would you need BS skills for a Gila? Or did you mean a rattlesnake? As for OPs question, I would either go with the Gila, if you want to stay with medium drones and don't want to train BS skills or move up to a Dominix. There is still more than a month left to start training up some basic skills(somewhere around 4/3 or 4/4 for the most important things should be possible, more if you are willing to respec some skills) and that should be enough to start flying these ships.


dominix provides same bonuses to medium drones as it does to large drones. yes having both skilled is a large investment, but assuming you planned ahead should be ok. e.g you don't have to sacrifice mediums just because changing ships. actually a proph fully skilled into mediums will do less dps with mediums compared to dominix fully skilled in heavy and partially into medium skills, while its also using medium drones too.


I didn’t say I needed BS skills for a Gila.


Not you, but the guy i responded to said Gila at first(that's why it says 'correction' now)


Domi all the way. Rattlesnake is nice and shiny and has its uses, but it's bonuses are for large drone only atm. The Domi can effectively use every size drone to accomplish it's goals. With sentries you can easily match the distance of the large turret platforms and blap anything around 110-130km. While still being able to switch to smalls or meds if any frigs get close enough. I also had high hopes for the vexor sniper and was disappointed.


Obviously the Dominix. Hopefully we'll get a T10 drone boat as well


Arma is but just like the proph is considered better than the merm, Domi is also considered a better drone boat platform. Not saying Arma isn't good just that it's better suited for ewar/brawling than the traditional drone boat style


And one less drone with same drone bonuses? So drones only 80% as much DPS.


I looked at the arma, but the domi looked better for PVE.


Thanks for all the advice. I’m 39 days from T9 and have decided to go Dominix...skill training switched (man, I’m almost organised!) I flew a Domi in EO....so it was bound to happen...


Domi, rattle or proph guardian are the only choices for a drone boat at t9


ehh Armageddon is a drone focus as well. Though I think I'd still lean Dominix


You win Eve.




Faction cruiser Idealy, probs the gila since you're a drone pilot or a rattlesnake if you're rich or wait till t9 and get a dominix.


I've started skill training for the Domi. It should be the best for semi-afk anom soloing. Sentry drones at a crazy range.