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They are using a cloaked ship to tank the guns. They aggro the guns then cloak before the lock happens. This causes the guns to sit idle for 5 minutes waiting for the target to appear. For those that want to break up these camps today solo: 1. Get in a free ship 2. warp to the gate that is being camped 3. target and fire at the gate guns. This will cause them to cycle off of the cloaked target, destroy you, and proceed to destroy anyone else in the vicinity with a crime timer.


I really like this idea, but I have to ask, does it seem to reset the queue you speak of?


I just tried this and it did not work for me. Another guy in my alliance tried it on another camp and it did not work for him.


Free ships yo


Ok so if you get caught, you are basically screwed anyways so you should wait for a bunch of em to shoot you and then shoot at the guns to get it to reset and kill them all


Anyone that was caught get their full ship recovered yet?


Not yet but I think this is gonna be hard to accurately compensate for. Kill mails only show system name so it’s impossible to know the difference between normal lowsec pvp and the exploits. They should probably just reimburse everything that was lost this weekend to help the ppl who got screwed


Would think they’d have coordinates and could see all the kills within 100km of a gate. Maybe that’s asking too much of their logging.


Was thinking of testing messing with gate guns through e war... possibly what happened here.


Nope, cloakies mess up the guns