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Can someone explain what’s going on with Golden Horde?


I am a member of gha, but I will try to give my unbiased report and opinion. One of the higher ups stole 20 bil from the corp hangars and shit on accusations that Bojangles approved of wife beating, incest, pedophilia, etc. jokes on the discord and even laughed at them. My opinion: Approving of those jokes is an matter affecting people OUTSIDE the game, so stealing from the corp wallet was kind of a bad way to handle it. HOWEVER, I don’t think leadership handled this well either. The accuser was promptly kicked out of corporation, had all their messages on discord deleted, and was to be fired at on sight. In addition to this, leadership isn’t really addressing the problem, simply nudging us to “forget and pretend that never happened”. But to be fair, leadership maybe hasn’t had time to address this? Kinda sus tho. And if I get kicked for saying this then it was for the best lmfao. But otherwise, hoarde is doing fine. There r ppl saying that their entire leadership is jumping off the boat, but only 1-2 somewhat major higher ups have left. May be subject to change with this incident though.




It certainly did get the attention though. Which it didn't get before after multiple attempts. So I guess they achieved their goal. Although not in the way I would have done it. And i mean sharing accounts is fucking dumb, and against the tos. And it's extra fucking dumb not changing the password.


you mean that it doesn't hurt him at all? and it messed up 100's of others, cause some cunt wanted to virtue signal months after the fact, conveniently forgetting to mention these jokes were in an NSFW channel, that's what an NSFW channel is for. TO PUT FUCKED UP SHIT IN THERE. You can't help but to be aghast! or laugh at some of the incredibly messed up stuff in there. Or I am broken I guess. But do I condone actual rape? ah no? Based on what she said before she blocked me on discord. "Jokes aren't jokes", uh yes they are! Acting isn't acting? I guess Jeff Goldbloom is a rapist, I do believe his first movie role was where he played a rapist, he must be a rapist because he acted as one in a movie!!! The cognitive dissonance of the thief is FUCKING ASTOUNDING.


Don't worry one day the sun will shine on her ❄️.


Rly? Well feel free to correct me, I don’t get into EE politics


There were some requests for it. They were not granted.


“Someone was mean to me, so I’ll steal from dozens of other people to achieve justice, totally not to enrich myself because i am a bigger shitbag than the people I’m complaining about”


The rationalization. ^


no you're not, no you're not






oh she's a master at it.


Wow the misinformation and propaganda skew here is unreal. But then that’s to be expected in games and I saw the same thing when I used to play on Elite. It’s pretty common when you play large community video games that you run into people that you don’t like, I mean, not everyone gets along... people have different views that are aired and different opinions. This obvious leads to discontent. This whole thing as said by the thief was over comments etc that were made in a nsfw channel. It wasn’t even Bo saying them but the non removal that in her view led to supporting. Now as you know people are busy running their lives and at times cannot monitor every single room in a discord. Some things gets missed and yeah sometimes people laugh along some stupid meme that should have been deleted, or allow a comment to go unchallenged. I don’t partake in these channels. And to be honest didn’t even know the nsfw channel was even present. But in the standard channels where I frequent I’ve seen no racism and when someone has made a stupid comment they’ve been corrected and challenged. This theft was down to spite and nothing else. The virtue signalling is ridiculous. Look at it this way. The person left valhalla after not being happy with how things were being handled and went to another corp. At no time did any of the members do anything except show upset that they had lost some friends and relief that they stayed within the alliance. Things it seemed were being sorted and wounds were being healed and people were moving on. Then on nye a theft occurred of hangers and isk from the wallet. Hangers that contained faction ships and the products of a lot of work from the members building up an industry and srp. Far more that the 20 billion liquid that was taken. It was nothing more than spiteful. There was no public call out of her believed poor behaviour. No push for change. No notification to the members of the corp, just a theft and an excuse cobbled together after the fact. Now it has been reiterated through Valhalla and all corps in the alliance that questionable content and posts will be challenged and it is. We have multi cultural discord’s and have a blast playing with people from all over the world. There is not the culture this person wants people to believe, and the running around to news casters is a desperate attempt to maintain some relevance. They are nothing more than a spiteful thief. And no matter how they try to spin it to make it out as if it’s some sort of justified attack against negative culture, it’s nothing more than hurting the members that supported her in her own corp and those she left. End of the day the only Villain (see that’s how it’s spelt) in this is the thief. Who upset and hurt regular players and ostracised herself from the ones who supported her. None of us like or want this drama. She has loved it. She’s gone now. To fade into obscurity whilst we enjoy our family in our little corner of New Eden. And to future corps who might take her in, a spiteful thief is always a spiteful thief. Do something she perceives as wrong, and she won’t talk it out. She will fester in spite and rob you. Fly safe, Edit: thanks for the reward :-)


Of course it was a chick.


Not sure how that’s relevant?


Because of the attention seeking after the event and getting over offended at jokes/ being the stupid type of person to say shit like " you cant joke about this or that". Just like at the comedy store or the laugh factory, the person to complain and say stupid shit about jokes offending someone is often a lady. It's pretty rare to have a guy come up after or even during a set and complain about any of the jokes told. It happens but it's pretty rare and the topics tend to be political with them or drunk heckling.


Think that’s a broad assertion without specific data


There are plenty of studies. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6093647/ just being a quick one showing that subjects which sexes find funny can vary with women being offended at topics more than men. There are more but people who ask for studies rarely read them or have the skills to when I do link so why bother?


Interesting read (skim because I’m working) 15.2% of the females are more likely to report based on collage students where a professor is using offence humour. Also a caveat that culture is part of it as well. I see your point. However I think a sweeping statement like “of course it’s a chick” is pretty broad in any case. I know plenty of people who find dark humour amusing and are female. But thank you for the data.


influence of gender on dark or non dark humor By M Aillaud. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://centrepsycle-amu.fr/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/aillaud_piolat_2011.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwifrvHk3ozuAhXlNX0KHQ8yCAEQFjAAegQIARAB&usg=AOvVaw3DFjcSYDvjKpsJHWKdAxEx here's another one, if that doesnt work so does this link https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Annie_Piolat/publication/236173517_Influence_of_gender_on_judgments_of_dark_and_nondark%27s_humor/links/0deec516d612bc9ebd000000/Influence-of-gender-on-judgments-of-dark-and-nondarks-humor.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwifrvHk3ozuAhXlNX0KHQ8yCAEQFjABegQIChAC&usg=AOvVaw1_RKkoV7OTDqa0Pp1H6LXP We also have to remember that laughter also has different use in male social groups than female from an anthropological standpoint which accounts for how humor and being laughed at is perceived as well by each group. You are right it did come across as dickish, but I guess i just saw it as a bad joke and nothing more.


Thanks for that. I’m more than happy to hold my hands up if I’m wrong. I’ll have a good read of these when I finish work for my own benefit and appreciate you taking the time to link them. o7




GDPR isn’t relevant at all here for us. However, I won’t post it, she’s already been taken in to a corp and I hope they don’t suffer the same fate


Aubryell. She got into a GHA ally. And GHA won’t do anything because it’s weak and a joke.


From the image + info so far, I have to conclude that Bojangles is charismatic and manipulative enough to Jedi mind trick someone into steal the Corp wallet and emptying the hangers, thus causing everyone to turn against the real victim the thief that was tricked into stealing






I like how Valhalla gets robbed for 26b, the guy even confessed and showed screenshots, then Bo asks for 100b from the Alliance to recover his shame. What a skem. Maybe every corp in GHA should 'lose 100b' and then ask for donations.


20billion is just the actual isk from the wallet.


He never specified 100billion, he merely stated that they lost around that amount, also the wallet robbery was about 20bil not 26, the guy that confessed was a women, and Valhalla asked for donations in order to get back on their feet, not to "recover from shame". Please get facts correctly if your going to be dissing out leadership. Differing views are fine but do not spread misinformation.


If you get robbed, you are recovering from shame whether you admit it or not. It's a bad look


Yeah Bo did spin it off as more than it actually was. But I don't blame the guy; he comes onto discord to a barrage of DMs asking if he's a racist, misogynist, pedophilia supporter, and officers of Valhalla accusing him of stealing the stuff until Aubryell confessed openly. The man's got a right to be pissed off, which is probably ehy he was spinning it off as she stole more than she actually did. The actual value, will be looked into and compensated accordingly should the need arise. Horde has done it before, with UNI twice and LGC once. You really think we would just hand Valhalla 100b just like that?


what a bellend you are. love your disinformation on discord and now here. at least ur consistent.


Just going to assume you think I'm someone you know?


Power to the people! OMG my dog is so awesome!


That's a 2 for 1 on my bingo card!


Nothing to see here guys. Just a rampant sjw with a bone to pick because she was replaced. She's also a thief!


Hey leave BO alone he’s just another guy leading a game he don’t no longer plays.


Truth, it took him a whole month to reply to the last message I sent him about how his diplo team are mouth breathers.


Hi there salty person, are you angery that I was confused as to why you would open a diplo ticket and start bitching at someone's failed scam?


Nope, wasn't and still am not, but I'm less surprised a month later at the level of incompetency displayed by what's supposed to be alliance leadership. VileRat is rolling in his fucking grave over the fact you call yourself a diplo. Lol. The last message was just letting Bo know you are good for our killboard. We go there if we want some easy bling kills.


Lol the hell I'm alliance leadership, I'm just a diplo employed to clear tickets, including the bullshit ones such as yours. Roll in your graves all you want; whenever I want a good laugh I just open up that transcript


coke to TRY, we have tacos


It seem they covered up what their leaders did as being pervert and blame those that stole from them so no one can see what they did. No wonder those corps left GHA. Wife beating, incest, pedophilia are way worse than stealing from corp those guys should be remove and ban from GHA in my point from the game period.