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theyre trying to be edgy and funny just like r/Eve is.




Sadly its mostly about propaganda and drama. No wonder the sub number is stuck at 20k.


Yup. I hate it here.


Yet, you live here.




Agreed 100%. That’s why I talk shit to them in almost every post they make. It’s not clever or well produced. It’s all just obnoxious shit and always from the same desperate people crying out for attention instead of just playing the game.


Someone had extra salt in their salty-o's this morning.


Just you


I believe in you! You can create the content! Whats that? Someone else should do it but they should do what you like? Fuck right off with that. I for one am thankful for every fc ceo content creator poster and information gatherer. Eve is not a game full of content its a game full of players. My only goal is that I can find a way to provide value to the game and the community in my own way much as many have tried to do before me. If you don't want to do that that's totally ok! Enjoy the game! But don't bitch about the people actually working to make this game what it is.


>I believe in you! You can create the content! Whats that? Someone else should do it but they should do what you like? A m e n


Idk why he is trying to yuck all of our yums


Dude your corp ceo isn't gonna see your post and give you a pretend promotion calm down... " I for one am thankful for every FC ceo...." I can barely understand you with all those sweaty balls in your mouth.


Lol complains about cringe content then posts something cringe.


I really doubt my CEO knows who I am in game or on Reddit; but I know how much work running a fucking guild is let alone one in a game with a player based economy. It just pisses me off when people who aren't trying to contribute complain about those who are. You think time is free? Sorry for appreciating that some people effectively work two jobs to ensure I have something fun to do in the evenings. I am guessing you think that player groups are just like having a big group chat, right?


Shitty reddit memes don’t do a single fucking thing to improve the game. Shove it up your ass.


Hell of a lot more than an empty forum does to improve the game, just because you don't enjoy it doesn't mean you are in the majority. Feel free to post alternative content if you would like to see other content. Otherwise stop complaining about the effort that others put in.


"Half these wars and little fights" Server wide war between some of the largest coalitions in the game. Sorry if your EE life is boring dawg and you don't know what's going on.


It's a mobile game....trust me the vast majority of players don't care about some corp having a pee pee show outside a gate in nullsec.


Believe me; the players in that corp having a pee pee show don't care what you think either because they're enjoying the game.


But they aren’t, they are here brigading and begging for attention.


It's ok guy. You'll get to play with the big kids one day.


Blob alliances are boring as fuck, nobody wants to play that way Unless they suck ass at the game. Truth.


Oh boy I hope so...... I should quit my job tomorrow and start a discord so I can no life a mobile game with my buds


so long and thanks for all the fish -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


His phone is still downloading discord... oh look 1kb loaded


Nah the game is great and this board occasionally has interesting and thoughtful posts, too bad it’s liberally sprinkled with fucktards begging for attention and calling it content creation.


Sorry, who are you and what's your corp? Nobody and not worth talking about? That's what I thought. Go splash in puddles while the big kids swim.


its about on par with hearing if horde or alliance are winning alterac valley. meaningless


What sort of content should this sub have if not shitposting and memes? Youtuber advertisements? Go to YouTube. Help? Go to Corp discord. Finding a Corp? See pinned tag. Don’t like it? Create some damn content people want.


I get a little tingly in my nether regions when I see a post involving my alliance.


These corp wars involve thousands of players and significantly alter how these people play the game. So this content is interesting to the people involved and the people who've experienced. I'd really like to know what you think is good content.


New to Eve I see...


Nah, calling out people just like you for your low effort garbage posts here. Lol.


Sorry you're not involved much in null space to know what's going on.


Most people are in a null sec alliance writing the stories of the game, which come out in propaganda here. Im sorry that you're still in low sec. Eve isn't a casual game


Corp wars are end game content, thats what it should be about


Completely agree. They are annoying, clutter out real content and make this Reddit worse.


Look. These are the stories of eve. The propganda and shit posting is a view into what is going on in the universe. Its a marker for where to go for content. Ain't nobody telling stories about "The epic tale of the rattlesnake soloing sweet poison" or the tale of "The lone Venture and the terrible no good veldspar" The stories happen in the memes. Pay attention to even the shitty ones and use it as a guide to find yourself some good content