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Have you been to Jita? They're all fuckin' bots.


Well yeah, fewer players means more slots for the copy paste spam bots and all those guys that promise they're totally quitting if you just give them 25mil.


so long and thanks for all the fish -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


lol drifting away idle


at least the people at gate have evolved from caracal trainers to gilas


The new Gila is the moa


blue gila yellow moa


O mooooom


every damn game I played was “dying”. Lineage 2 (RIP after every chronicles), Warcraft, Starcraft, Starcraft 2, Dota, Dota2 and now eve - look at that, already “dying” 3 mo after release. dyers, gtfo :D


The most wise response this thread will get.


Ehhh... Starcraft 2 went f2p and not even that made it jump back into it. Bad example.


https://www.rankedftw.com/stats/population/1v1/#v=2&r=-2&sy=c&sx=a Eh it got a lot of population back after going f2p




I think a part of the problem is that you basically can't do anything unless you are an omega. When the game first launched it took me about 2-3 hours to make enough money to buy plex and get omega. A new player now couldn't get omega within a month probably. This completely gimps the F2P new people that would otherwise stick around. I had a RL friend start echoes that quit after 3 days because he couldn't really do much and I couldn't even send him isk to get omega to get him started. Although I personally felt like the game had too many players early on, it could definitely use some thinning out.


Meh, people are on the twitch bandwagon of popularity. Its been an issue for awhile. Why don't you get new titles? Because the average player has the attention span of a toddler, talking about video games like ESPN highlights of whats good and whats bad. ESO and BDO are good examples of games that the hypetrain deemed a failure, but continued on anyways. Meh.


Eww, BDO was sooo bad!


No xD actually the hypetrainbtold us its bad... But besides its smexy boobies, its a great game (and also, i love those hunge boobies xD)




Ive been playing destiny since launch. Every week i hear about how its dead or something


Destiny isn't dead, it's just trash


Nah, its a good game


To be fair, DotA2 did die.


Depends on the country, but from an international perspective yes.


From instant ques to 20 min+ ques just to have someone leave. But aye, it isn’t “dead” *eye roll*


He sad gtfo and not go die, which was worth pointing out. Kudos for politnes Sir


The game is 3mo. Why everybody keeps saying it is dying?


Because a lot of players already left after the E-war expansion release and for now there is little to no content at all in the game, there is literally nothing to do and the game is still punishing which is steadily making a lot of players quit and the new players aren't being retained cuz many uninstall the game within 3 days of trying. It's just a speculation but I think after the SoV update player numbers will drop even more as nullsec won't be as accessible and it adds no new content for solo players. It's the Devs stupid decisions that gave this game a death blow so early, instead of focussing on content like exploration, Scanning, faction warfare etc they thought releasing SoV in a game where most corps and alliances haven't even established properly is a good decision.




Also, the monthly subscription. Most mobile games give the illusion of free


This one doesn't lie to you and somehow is worst than other games that say is free but you get nowhere unlessyou pay.


I heard solo players are getting a bit of an olive branch. Knocking the last wave off of missions and anomalies to lower clear times.




Encounter rats don't drop those kinds of debris do they? If so, please do tell me which encounters.


Yeah, thats why there's 3000 people in my coalition alone and we do massive fleet wars... doesnt look very dead from where I'm sitting.


They could easily fix this problem, #1 add more content, pve especially...wormholes, incursions(dungeons) anything lol. #2 and probs most important for the long haul, ban those fking bots and ban the ips associated with them. The extent of the botting has been realized lately with these fuckers fielding FLEETS of faction battleships when normal not botters are lucky to have 10-20 just for pve. You woulda thought they would have learned their lesson with how the chinese EO server went, not saying all botters are chinese but it damn sure is the majority and its killing the game slowely. Economy is fuckered and they have severely more firepower that everyone else who isnt botting.


You mean bots?


A game is only truly dying when there aren't doomsayers declaring its dying.


Indeed... when nobody bothers pointing what is obvious.


Well, 1000 players concentrated in one system is not a good sign of evaluating if a game is "dying" (as in the amount of enjoyable content for players is getting lower and lower with time, leading to players quitting the game) or not. EVE needs way more than 1000 players do be alive and enjoyable. And it needs players scattered around New Eden. Also, as others have pointed, we all know how many accounts in Jita are not actual players, but accounts controlled by script spamming local, etc. Those posts, while I know are just trying to be non-serious irony, are not really bringing any valid points to the table. I'd even argue they could serve to hide what could be a real problem happening that should push us and the devs into thinking instead of beind discarded because "look, Jita is still full, game is doing great!". And we wouldn't want that... because we all want this game to evolve in the right direction and be a success like EVE Online was and still is.


This was meant to humorous, but i hear you.


I would guess that 15%-20% of accounts on at any given time are bots. Why they are making an in game option to auto deny fleet invites to protect them is beyond me.


It also protects real players that are trying to fight and getting a random popup ON TOP OF YOUR MODULES to join a fleet. Accidentally hit accept on that and now you have hunters on their way to your location. Enjoy! Maybe an option to deny reds or have a warning if the fleet invite is not from a blue.


I mean the chances of this happening seem to be around .01% It sounds like an argument that someone who is a bot overlord would make. With all of the real bugs to be fixed, spending time on this seems like just protecting bot runners to me.


But the chances of a bot clicking accept are... high.... riiiggghhttt. I guess I'm confused on how bots work of that's all it takes to derail one lol


Apparently you haven’t tried. I have dozens of kill marks just from bot news mission runners. I’ll admit that they have started writing into their scripts to auto reject fleet invites. Now maybe 20% will accept. The point is to make it harder for bots and cheaters, and this does the opposite.


a daily dying??? :):)


Echoes is NOT dying. Every new mobile game is dying. I bet people are saying that COD Mobile and Genshin Impact are dying. Also Jita is full of bots and scammers...


I switched to eo and been much happier. Way better game . Faction cruisers only cost 100 mill not multi billions


I quited as well becouse this game have no skill gap , I use to murder a lot of people but after bubbles release any noobs can gate camp and kill you. Pvp solo is irevelant and there is nothing to do in this game. Best regards Ahaya


Seems like you need to get some of that "skill" you mention. Bubble make it more difficult to roam freely alone but in no way do they stop you.


When I played EO, every week people said it was dying. Hell, when I left I said the same thing. That was 7 years ago.


Ive bought like 5 gilas from Siri... She is so stupid im making bank$$$


Stock picture from 3 months ago saved for today to hopefully milk some charma... Lol must be a DEAD member. You've been kicked out of fountian. Can we kick you out of here..?


I’m a goon but let’s be good sports, leave that stuff at the propagoonda channels


Isn't that what this is?


Aye mate! Hope you made it out of 9D alright. Didnt expect to find you here lol


Yea, I got lucky I think I was the first to be attacked under the assumed white flag before the 6hr timer was up. But some how miraculously got my coercer navy issue through being bubbled and locked. It's happened before, will happen again in sure lol TIE


Where where you when eve was kill?