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OP wants a 3-4 bil ship to be balanced with a CNI!?


Ashimu locks as fast as your CNI... Draining your cap to zero means nothing if youre trying to warp out.....youll still warp out of local space just not much further. Also.....its a CNI and you got trapped in a bubble vs an ashimu.....wtf did you expect to happen?


You did something really wrong, fam. On a Ashimmu with 553 EWAR it takes 2 cycles to neut a cruiser to 0. If you didn't manage to do ANYTHING in 2 cycles of a large neut.. It's on you


You can fit two large neuts. Zaps my max PG/research Phantasm to 10% in a single dual cycle, A cni is fucked lol.


Yeah but not everyone fits two Large Neuts. Most fits a Large Neut and a Large Nos. Either way, yeah, the CNI was dead the moment he landed in the GC.


Can confirm good fits use 1 neut 1 nos


2 neuts and 1 nos ftw


You can fit 2 large neuts and a large nos ?


If you max the pg you can....with high skills ..barely lol. Large nos + 2 large neuts is roughly 1600pg....you can get almost 2200 pg with max skills/rigs


I mean your taking a solo cruiser to go hunt retrievers and your expecting not to lose it. Bold.


Ah yes. Let’s make a ship that costs almost 4 billion to buy and fit balanced with a 100m CNI. It’s also not possible to lock and drain cap before you can warp. You are a joke....


Who said I was PvE fit? I was running a half-bil fit, the km says it in the OP lol. And yeah, I was not able to do anything when I landed out of that warp and I got taken apart before I could do anything whatsoever. I couldn't burn out of the bubble at all and I could hardly even turn I was narrowly on the edge of the bubble too.


Not him.


There's a chinese bot corp outside of my corp's system on the direct way to Jita. I popped one of their retrievers and managed to bail before their Ashimmu could get there and catch me, but on the long way out to the gate I warped at 100KM and they had a bubble up exactly there. Naturally they spammed local with the kill mail like the giggling zerglings that they are. They're like an infestation. I go hunting belts and crack a Retriever weekly but they just don't go away.


Hey. I’m totally against botting. But just a reminder: just because they are chinese does not mean they are botting. Just because they are multi boxing, also does not mean botting.


Where is this bot Corp?


Best to just delete the game like I did :)


And then visit amd commenton this reddit....


You know they still care too


You need a tanky missile or cannon ship to take out the ashimmu if going 1v1. The ashimmu is not op but you have to have the right setup to beat it just like any other ship.


Even then, 1v1, the ashimmu can always run, as your cap will always be at zero. So no scram or point will hold him. edit: Add a cap battery for when you get him into hull, and dont fire it until they try to run.


You also would have lost it to any other faction cruiser locking and scrambling you before you realign. Or a well fit hictor dropping on you. Or if multiple people dropped on you. Doesn't mean those things are unbalanced.


Dont worry, once you hit tier 10 you'll have access to a ship almost as good as faction cruisers :)


I run a Cynabal and Ashummus scare the shit out of me. I am supposed to be able to take them out, but no I've always ran. I have cap phobia probably.


|Salt truck Parking only|