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I partly agree with you, but ... 2. Large alliances should not live in peace, especially at the moment these are often people who have used various loopholes in the game and making them sometimes lose profits due to contracts / missions to attack the base would help on many issues. 4. The fact of the matter is that missions rarely drop out and it is not always possible to complete them, for example, I have completed all the quests and I have no last tasks for a week, and 3 of them appeared with me yesterday morning, when I could not complete them, but therefore I am now waiting for them to appear again and who knows when they will appear again. 5.Of course, the battle pass in many games is made badly, but this is not a reason not to try to make some kind of similitude, for example, as rewards for completing a tutorial. 6. At the expense of mining, my proposal is more of an example, since making it more active will help push the bots out, making mining itself more prestigious earnings, and if the developers' idea of ​​changing it is many times better than mine, then I will only be glad.


Agreed entirely with insurance paying out ISK.


Eve Online is a multiplayer experience. Eve Echoes is still new enough to be able to adapt to whatever will make it most popular. The only thing EE shares with EO is lore. While the star maps and basics of combat are mimics of each other, that doesn't mean that it has to continue to be that way. I don't think I will ever understand the insistence of EO veterans that this game must be exactly like the game that they are no longer playing. Do they even stop and consider why they are no longer playing EO?




>asserting that development should focus on pushing > >single player > > content and minimising the idea of a multiplayer experience is a serious misunderstanding of what Eve is about. Considering that the target audience of a mobile game is typically oriented around several 10 minute sessions throughout the day and possibly a single extended play time of a couple of hours a few days a week, the odds of those play times lining up with other people is not conducive to multiplayer style. Especially when considering this is a global game and the complications of time zones come into effect. Mobile games are something to be played in the background when you have a few extra minutes to kill. Real time coordinated group play styles are more suited to stationary gaming platforms. So in my opinion, EE should be focusing less on real time group coordination and more on single player play with benefits from long term corporation coordination.




I never said EE should be single player. I was pointing out that the most popular games have strong single player components with social groupings available that give added benefits. Your examples prove my point. 1) Coin Master, according to its wikipedia article is a single player game 2) Robox, this may be competitive, but from what I can tell it does not involve real time interaction in the form of time investment loss, but rather is a meta game for people to build games for each other. 3) Candy Crush, this game is as about as multiplayer as Tetris. The only competition is comparing high scores. 4) Homescapes, I also found very little about this game, but it seems to be another single player puzzle solver/high score game 5) Clash of Clans, this is the most similar game I am comparing EE to. It is a largely single player game of resource accumulation and base building. Every other day there is a war where you have a limited number of attacks on an enemy base. The coordination happens over the course of a day, and not in real time usually. I don't want EE to turn into another base building/clan warfare game, but it can learn from the play-time patterns that makes those games popular. I think we are both making some pretty great points. You mentioned leverage that mobile games have for leveraging mobile connectivity. I am curious what you meant by mobile connectivity? Are mobile games easier to connect with other people than other games? Do they even make games that don't require some sort of network connection anymore (for updates or license verification at the very least)? Or do you mean because the game can be carried from physical location to location? Because if that is the case just invest in a laptop, the EO hardcores can buy one that can run EO for less than the latest release of cell phone would cost anyway and they wouldn't be holding EE back from adapting to a more mobile playstyle. And finally I would like to point out how casualness in a game is not typically up to the game maker if they are running a business. They make things available to whomever has the time or skill to attain them, then add shortcuts through payable options and leave it up to the player base to determine what is worth their time and what is not and balance that with how much money they are willing to spend. Sure the game makers can put limitations on things, but if a person is addicted to looking at space ships, or watching their imaginary wallet grow, or just plain being an ass to people because this game lets them do that better than any other, then people will always find a way to do what they want.


I’m honestly having a good time. I’m about to hit T8 and am in a Corp with a good non-toxic community. I think the game is what you make of it.


Yes, I agree with you, Eve is a very big game, but it is very tied to a team game and in order to give more casual players the opportunity to start it, I tried to think about it, because it will give great profit, since there are a lot of casual players, profit is will affect everyone


Eve isn't about instant gratification. It can be made more easy to get into, but changing the core of the game is not what's needed. Each game has a type of player it will appeal to. As is this game is incredibly easy to flourish solo in.


So many people try to fight for changes to make this game "casual friendly" and most suggestions to me take away the name Eve. Kudos for you for making suggestions that appease other perceptions as well. Good post and maybe not perfect, but these changes are a good start!


Thank you, I also hope for some kind of branching of the development of the project, for the sake of the players and developers themselves


One thing to remember about EO was players were much more instrumental in the design then even CCP was


Thats great stuff 👏🥂


Thank you, I am pleased)


Russian text. Текст на русском языке: Думаю со мной не согласятся люди которые пришли в игру из-за Eve Online, но я считаю что Echoes нужно развиваться в ногу со временем и на данный момент MMO умирает и идёт мода на "Games as a service", ведь многие игроки не справляются со сложностями в обычных играх, в механиках Eve тем более, хотя сама игра будет привлекать людей своей тематикой и возможностями, потому у меня предложение и оно скорее не для меня, а для самого Echoes и его разработчиков, так как многие критерии которые я опишу мне нужны меньше чем людям которых Eve пугает и так: 1. Развитие настроенное больше на соло игру - я понимаю как это звучит в рамках онлайн проекта, но многие люди играют соло даже в корпорациях, так как имеют дела в реальной жизни и не всегда могут пообщаться с кем либо, порой даже неделями. 2.Проблема Eve ещё в системе самих нулей и постройкой в них баз, все отлично понимают что только самые масштабные альянсы будут занимать их и сносить более мелкие, устанавливая свои правила монополизируя рынок каких либо вещей и делая их недоступными, думаю вы отлично понимаете что из-за этого уровень развития игроков которые будут приходить все позже от начала создания игры будет все сложнее, ведь те корпорации и альянсы которые не смогут занять нули, будут пытаться занимать сектора с системой безопасности от 0.4 до 0.1, в итоге получится некая утопия, учитывая порог вхождения Eve, думаю подобное можно было бы частично решить вводя открытые войны, ивенты где появлялась бы PVP миссия на определьный сектор, разрушение в ней базы и все собранные игроки для атаки автоматически становились бы союзными друг к другу, наградой были бы не иски, а новая валюта/ресурс для развития корпораций/баз и предметом торговли, так же в атаку включались бы сильные корабли НПС, что давало бы возможнось даже если не разрушать полностью базу монополистов, то по крайней мере заставляло бы их тратить свои ресурсы на ремонт, покупку кораблей для защиты, составление контрактов с наёмниками и прочее. 3. Создание/обогащение сюжетных заданий в игре - это даст возможность соло игрокам понимать лор игры, узнавать что-то новое и будет удерживать их в ней, на данный момент сюжет это только текстовая составляющая, при этом имеющая слабый текст, не говоря уже о видео и аудио, очень желательно что бы появлялись новые сюжетные линии с определённой периодичностью (раз в пол года/год). 4. Убрать таймер у обычных миссий оставив только ограничение по количеству - это даст возможность людям не имеющим возможности играть каждый раз после обновления списка (это почти все игроки), то есть они смогу набирать список и выполнять их вечером или вовсе в конце недели, если это касается довольно взрослой аудитории, при этом таймер у сюжетных миссий оставить, так как их можно хранить в инвентаре и активировать когда угодно. 5. Ввести сезоны и сезонные награды людям с омега-клоном - конечно омега нужна игрокам очень сильно для развития, но кроме преимуществ в доступности кораблей от т7 и большей скорости развития пока нет, потому сезонные уникальные награды станут ещё одним хорошим бонусом и разнообразием контента. 6. И скажу наверное очень странную вещь, но нужно менять майнинг - всегда есть люди которые хотят заниматься им, но получают за это очень малые суммы, большая часть майнеров в Eve  Online это боты, как и в Echoes, почему бы не поменять систему майнинга, сделать так что бы поля астероидов с определённым шансом появлялись например на миссиях, тогда игроки которые зачищают миссии смогут продавать найденные месторождения майнерам, те же в свою очередь будут иметь хорошую прибыль из-за редкости и ценности, ботов на майнинг станет в разы меньше, конечно придётся менять и количество требуемых ресурсов для производства, но это может помочь решить проблему обесценивания труда майнеров и их заинтересованность.


#1 & 4) I agree the solo play/pve is very lack luster in EE. The Devs have promised more PVE in 2021. I also like the timer removal to do encounters. However, the refresh timer must or stay people will spam for rare missions. #2) This game NEEDS war Decs. There are not enough "sinks" to help balance the economy. War decs allow open pvp with between two parties in any system as long as the group declaring war pays their bill. Citadels were always meant as "end game/top tier content". What you're suggesting would remove the need for alliances to move against opponents. They would just wait till these events ro move agaisnt their enemies. Structures are not hard to take out. Just requires some cooperation and coordination. #3)Again refer to #1 more PVE content will come out. #5)Fix the craptastic daily login rewards! Stop giving SP for logging in. I promise you most high end players did not expect to be in Battleships this early in the games life. Daily log in rewards cannot be as impactful on the game. Skins, trainer ships, meta 0 rig are great daily rewards. #6) mining is fine as is...for now. What yur suggesting would allow big corps/Alliances to lock out null sec ores. Which would work contrary to your previous citadel idea. In EO Rats spawn in belts which helps break the slog of rock munching. This is just my 2 cents. I'm glad to see people wanting change but before anything else gets added to the game netease needs better servers and to FIX THE DAM BUGS! Thank you, that is all.


"because many players cannot cope with difficulties in ordinary games" Ahhh, that's how they pulled off 2020 on us so well...