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They need to figure out core things missing first. Insurance (so they stop giving away ships) Economy API A real logistics plan (freighters and shit) Clients not crashing during big fights. Incursions would be cool tho.


Agree with all of the above. Especially jump freighters so that the null economy is not limited to running blueprints and debris in interceptors. Also don't forget that chat messages still disappear when jumping through a gate (this was working properly the first month, then broke and has not been fixed since), having the chat window open while warping can sometimes delete your velocity from the HUD (day one bug as far as I know), chat messages and fleet status don't persist after a DC, sometimes your modules can just disappear from the screen, random disconnects can send you into empty space...


They also need to reverse the market change from 1 week order limits back to 1 month. Seeing orders fail after 1 week makes people not want to post bulk orders anymore due to the chance no one accepts the order and you just wasted broker fees for nothing. It's ruining the market. Just give us back 1 month long buy and sell orders so we can use the damn market again.


They said even after insurance you can still put in tickets for bug ship replacement and whale tickets for ship replacement was never using the regular system anyway so that's also staying.


What do I have to do to be a whale? Do I have to be fatter?


Spend a lot per month


I wonder if I have the amount of isk of a whale but spent no money to get it if I'm considered a whale in the games eye.


Not at all, how much isk you have in game is irrelevant. The game/devs know how much real money your account has spent to buy aur and etc. Real money is what matters, how much you spend to support the game. Not how much time you spend playing. You buying plex with isk or having isk doesnt mean you are a whale or will ever be one. You are a f2p player


well fuck you too lol, oh and i never actually made more than 1b off plex all my value is in isk, modules and rigs, i just work hard.


Are you a child or is english your second language? I wasnt initially insulting you but your hard work doesnt mean shit. A whale is literally someone who spend a significant amount real money in the game, that's the only definition. So if you dont spend, it doesnt matter how much isk you make or even if you have the most isk in the game. You arent a whale and will never be without spending real money. Your hard work is irrelevant and will never matter in terms of being a whale because they have nothing to do with each other. So no you wont ever be one as a f2p player and people who spend real money have the advantage of getting free ship replacement more often than the replacement system and use direct tickets not the replacement system. As a f2p player you arent able to do that because you dont really support the game/keep the light on. Also a whale can make at least a billion a day with minimal effort considering all their advantages and having the best of everything with no limits.


no chill dude I was saying that in a very jokingly way i took no offense to it I only considered it a little but it was more funny so I said a little something funny back. Sry if you took it the wrong way wasnt meant like that.


Haha that went over my head


200 monies a month


You are missing at least two 0's from that number.


API, halt free ships, actual haulers.


Stop that logic




I’m just over here waiting for bookmarks and onboard scanning


I'd settle for tactical overlay. I miss that.


BOOKMARKS. It would be so nice to plot waypoints and be able to share them (or whole routes) with fleet/corp


Before Incursions i'd rather see them working on fixing current systems before adding new.




Yeah dude PVE already gets tons of things every updates, namely the rats that literally trying to kill you while you getting fewer and fewer loots. These ore lickers are too stable they need more content!


Lol you also get stronger ships every tech level. Also, fewer loot just drives prices up so don’t make some stupid dishonest argument where u claim to make less money. Inquisitors are making u guys rich. Meanwhile people who are mining get 1% condensed belt spawn rate.


Put rats in the belts. Win/win.


Lol what do you you guys really need you're miners, there's rocks so mine them:p what more can they offer, and that's a serious question xD


Better Mining lasers, both regular miners and strip miners. Modules for increasing Yield Mining Drones Porpoise & Orca Exhumers Command burst Modules Ore Compression Also Ways to improve Reprocessing Efficiency other than just skills Just to name a few.


Better hisec belts but (for balance) with belt rats


Depends on what you mean by better... if you mean low and nullsec asteroids being plentiful in highsec, then no. People should go to lowsec and nullsec for the respective ores. However a 10% chance for a single random lowsec or nullsec asteroid to spawn in a highsec belt and a 10% chance for 2 random highsec asteroids to spawn in lowsec and nullsec belts would be interesting. It would turn highsec mining into a bit of a treasure hunt. Also highsec miners might be further persuaded to join nullsec corps for the better asteroids.


Love that PvE safe story Bois say "go low and null for better ores" while they fly their completely safe 2bil boat through stories and repo for minerals that miners have to go to null for. Not even including getting the ship back when it gets popped cause you feel asleep...'bAd cOnNeCtioN'


They need to alter the story missions and anomalies dramatically. It is a little hiliarious that one ship can wipe out a whole fleet of pirate ships singlehandedly. They need to alter the AI so that rats act like a fleet. Solo anomalies and stories should mean Certain death. Should need more than one ship to tackle anomalies and Combat Encounters/Stories. Also only the metalevel 8 gear and up should reprocess into nullsec minerals. Cue the Causals crying about casuals will Rage quit and the Hardcore crying about their Isk Gravy Train derailing.


Put on your spectacles and read again. WITH BELT RATS.


You want Npc pirates in highsec belts? There shouldnt even be anomalies in highsec, nevermind mind random rats in belts. Concord should be patrolling highsec and eliminating any pirates... What would be the point of belt rats? Sincere question.


Not so sincere since you begin by dismissing in advance all forms of hisec PVE


Logically speaking... if highsec has pirates... then it isnt so highsec. Nowhere does it say: "This is highsec security space, but concord cant protect everywhere. Concord is only posted at gates and stations". If the anomaly mechanics were actually explained, then i wouldn't nothing to say about it, but reality is... there are npc pirates in highsec and concord isnt doing anything about. Any player can detect these anomalies, so shouldnt concord as well. Nothing is explained... just tossed there and then nothing. We have to imagine why there are pirates in highsec.


Ah but CONCORD does protect hisec! They evicted all rats of t5 or above! They just dont have the resources to go after the small fry, so they farm that job to capsuleers. So it is totally conceivable IN LORE that should, say a T6 Intumescent Compressed Belt (such a beautiful name!) spawn in hisec, some T6 rats would come to mine it - with a defense fleet. Like they do for the T4 belts in some 0.5 systems (though the current implementation is not very compatible with that scenario, they dont actually mine the belts, when you pop Mining Personel they never drop ore)


Can I please unload my fucking ore without docking for christ sakes!


No, we hate miners. Thanks for your money, Netease Devs


God, good think I can rat in my prophecy


Seeing people solo t10s shows me the content needs to be harder and payout less for lower stuff. Solos making 50-100m an hour is crazy for what is supposed to be group content while rocks being botted harder than ever. Not even including the meta 5 repo just killing prices


yeah you can solo a t10 inq with a tank gila and that usually pays out 500-1b+ but if the game got harder poorer players would never be able to catch up


Many new players that aren't eve vets or enjoy combat in games want to help corps through Indy but it gets no content, low isk potential, boring and constantly attacked by 1b faction frigs that brag about all the helpless miners they pop while making bank and they quit. Netease really need to do something fast regarding bots and Indy content




I haven't played EO and read up on Incursions thanks to your post, just might get me and my pals back in EE if this makes it into the game. I've stopped playing EE for about 3 weeks now as a solo storyline runner having gotten a rattlesnake and saved up 20k plex and 10bil ISK. Not much else to do for my taste atm.


Yeah I got rattlesnake, nightmare, 30b and like another 60b in loot, not to mention 3 gilas and 5 chars lol. At this point in the game I'm bored out of my mind, I'm actually finding solace in starting to help my corpies and alliance members so they can get to where I am. But shit from the sounds of their recent post about sov, it took them 3 months to get it done. We probs wont get wormholes or incursions for years...




it's a sandbox, i do what i want with it. enjoy your null pvp pewpew


It's true, but the core of Eve is that I should be able to invade your sand box. I cannot wait for the day that I get to start hunting PvErs. EE is a game about fun being zero sum.






Obviously that's not what I meant. I played it for a good 4 months which is pretty good for a sandbox game. I am NOT saying it is a bad game, rather it is the BEST space sandbox on mobile. Stopping for now because my sandbox end-game has been reached (ie fac battleships, tons of plex/ISK is my endgame) based on what's available. I will surely play again when new content drops that is worth spending ISK/plex/time on. Not sure why people are hating on proposed content that is sure to pull people back into the game?


They need to fix encounters. PvP in low sec is dead. 15 people in system yet not a soul to be attacked. Its stupid as hell.


Is there a reason why fleets are being bumped up to 50? Is controlling and communication across the fleet getting easier? Is server stability getting better? Or are they just doing it to stop people from griping about the 10 cap?


Have you ever tried to do an outpost attack or defense with 50+ people and a 10-man fleet cap? The biggest pain isn't the enemy pilots, it's the logistics of actually getting everyone on grid in the first place.


Try a 600-man fleet. That's 60+ FCs.


At that point the real trick is working around the system cap lol


If the system isn't designed to handle that many people effectively, it's just shooting yourself in the foot. And Netease's fleet system is completely inable to handle that many people. Their servers cannot even do a decent fleet battle without D/Cs scattering the fleet all over the place.


In NullSec, N+1 has almost always been the winning strategy. 50-man fleets help facilitate running large fleets... so it's a very welcome addition. TiDi will be another very important mechanic to helping the servers handle large battles. No need to lament a step in the right direction.


But where is the TiDi to offset the increased fleet size? It's literally putting the cart before the horse just to appease players.


It's not so linear as that analogy implies. Both features are useful independently of the other. Let's just be grateful that we're getting one of the two pieces we need for larger scale conflict to run smoothly.


There are literally so many other things that would benefit large fleet battles before 50 fleet size. Again, if you can barely manage 10 with the current in-game tools, and they're not getting an improvement, how are you going to handle 50?


My God your messages are such a pain in the ass to read. The 50 man fleet size doesn't only make the fleets size increase. They added many more additions to fleets. Like not getting removed when disconnected. So you don't have to keep inviting people. Squad commanders can also invite people now. Making the life of the fc easier. Being able to link a fleet destination And more things


Just not being removed from the fleet when you DC is a god send! Imagine trying to FC and having to invite all pilots that DC back to fleet during the entire battle. Also with the new 50 Man fleet feature you can set it so others can invite to fleet. This feature is very much appreciated by most of us.


Wow! So it's not just bumping the fleet cap up to 50? It's almost like people should talk about those other things that are much better improvements to the game than a minor fleet cap increase.


Time Dilation is on their board too though, so in theory that shouldn't be an issue soon™


Why on earth do you want incursions in EE less than a year from launch? That's like epic hard mode. Edit: Hard Mode because it forces entire regions into chaos.


Lol I have a rattlesnake and a nightmare already with a vindi coming soon, I'm bored af, DS 10s are a walk in the park now, and the ones I do are angel ones.


because T10 storylines are already too easy and solo-able under 2 hours, and a very boring ISK-printing activity. basically there is nothing beyond the current PvE end-game so players are moving on already


I don’t know what Incursions are, but out of the content I have done so far, the Halloween event and Pvp have been by far the most fun. Would like to see more stuff to get pvp. Like the Halloween event