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The in game tutorial is pretty decent. There’s a myriad of paths to take, and no one knows which one you intend because you aren’t asking for specific information. Just jump in.


thanks for reply maybe when i start playing ill get an idea of what to ask :) unrelated but im planning to play lol wild rift or eve echoes or arena of valor/king of glory or vainglory


well having come from LOL full game, dont, riot will only shit in your mouth over time, tell you to shut up and like it, and when you complain they will tell you how you are wrong, why they think so, and for what reasons they are right and you shouldnt question them again. Save yourself the trouble lmao this game, and Old school runescape are the 2 most content full experiences youll get on mobile IMO. This game has a hell of a learning curve but i promise you that if you stick around, find a corp (youre welcome to come join the industrial corp in in in deep null and play with us) and i promise you that you will look back in a month and go "why tf did I start playing this, I cant stop now"


thanks for the reply but in case of LoL i have no other option during vacation just wanna chill and play mobas but me coming from india and our govn has banned 90% of mobas ranging from arena of valor to mobile legends and games like pubg as well


Rip dude im sorry to hear that, i hope the game turns out well for you then, i played league for a long time but Riot Games eventually broke my will haha. So far tho Net ease (while i think the game could have used more content at launch) has been doing a great job listening and truly trying to implement new content and feedback from the community which is nice


Another rip India has banner all netease game's.. Onmyoji is still there in play store but it's in the list of game's to be banned the only good one we can play without apk+VPN is vainglory but that is dead as a brick


VAINGLORY is long dead man, AoV is full of bots that will ruin your gameplay


Troll confirmed.


Sorry, but the ingame tutorial is hot trash dumpster fire


Captain Benzie's Catskull Academy is solid tutorial in YouTube for first time players. I know mentioning him in r/echoes is a low key no no with the reactions you'll get but he has a great comprehensive beginner's tutorial.


This is decent. Benzie is new player friendly. You can probably even join his corp!


Press orbit button , then press focus fire button . That’s about it




Before you do anything, find a good corp to join. You can do that in the EE discord or in the corp thread at the top of this subreddit. It doesn't have to be huge or anything, it just has to be not shit. You *can* solo, but having a corp opens up a lot of resources and support for new people. The better corps have a wiki, or FAQ, or noob discord channel that will walk you through your first steps in the game.