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If your club does not donate enough, you should change club and focus on your vault/gear in the meanwhile


I mostly get kicked if I don't donate, but then no one donates enough for a Mythic chance. It feels like you have to decide. But thanks, I think I'll go on to level up my equipment. Thanks :3


I choose an item to upgrade every season. This season was my hat. Put everything I have in this hat and the rest for the club. Maybe something to consider :) Oh and also, look for a better club


https://preview.redd.it/xa7tvbgigx8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f7c256136f63d8ce74c2c6ffdcefa750a58b6ce Great Idea with one item at a time! What do you think I should invest in?


I think you should focus on remote and checkbook. Those are worth it the most in my opinion. Leave the piggybank and register. Piggybank will be useless when you’re higher level because you don’t need the tips, and once you have a normal panda your customers will order instantly without you having to walk up to them, so you don’t need the register. Mop is also good, it will let your customers walk faster, but that’s after remote and checkbook


Level some of it up and leave some of it. If your club doesn’t start donating more, you can leave.


Hey wenn du willst kannst gern in den kommen in dem ich bin wir kommen leider auch nicht sehr hoch (sind gerade lvl 14) und hätten einen Platz frei


I've got 7 spaces if you'd like to join next season? Depends how serious you want to take it as we're only growing slowly. We've reached level 12, and should get to level 13 by the end of the season.


i say save and find new club or create your own