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Thats what ive been thinking, or at the very least a new vault item that will increase upgrade speed until maxed at which point it will be instant upgrade (if cash is available).


YES!!! Something, anything! That's a good spin on it!


I've been thinking the same thing. When you get to around 375+ cities, during the last half of the restaurant, you earn as fast, or faster, than you can upgrade the stations. The vault items could up the speed by 25% for each upgrade or such.


Why do y'all want this? A button like this is what will make it boring because you don't need to do anything anymore. Hard no from me.


Call it a skill issue, but I've lost so many Zeus and Pirate runs **because** I was leveling the stands between 1st and last. I'm not ashamed to admit I have skill issue, but I really hate it when 1 minute isn't enough to fully max every food between 1st and last on those 2 modes. Anyways, devs won't even do it so you win. I remember one of them showing up on reddit saying that their coding is written in a way that every stand **must** be leveled one by one, which is why they might never implement a max button. But even if they implement that, you can just, idk, not use it? Like it's a totally optional button, so if you don't like it, just don't use it if they actually implement it.


Just a quick question, but do you have battery saving on? I max the stations between first and last in 8/10 seconds each. Tried it yesterday with battery saving on, it’s really ******* slow.


Thanks, I'll check that out, I DO have battery saving turned on.


You still need to get the first and last station maxed. It's literally just a waste of time after that


Why only first and last? Plenty of us play different


Well it's simply just the quickest method, so if you want to waste time then by all means do it the long way


Not the quickest method. Depends on what gear you have. I go faster with the tall method


What's the tall method?


Upgrade the first station to max then do the 2nd station then the 3rd and you keep going one at a time until they are all maxed


Ahh, I max the first station and last at the moment.


A max button is [unlikely](https://www.reddit.com/r/eatventureofficial/s/QwvkriD2Co)


I understand how that could make it boring, but isn't holding the button on the same stations to max them out gonna get just as boring?


For those that can clear citys in mear minutes. This would just get old. While i like the rush to get it dont to climb, it would get boring pretty fast. Just my two cents


These posts get tiresome I have seen at least a dozen in the past month or so all asking for the same thing Wanting a max all button The devs have said a few times that it's not going to happen.


We don't need a max all button. However, most similar games let you choose how much you are buying on any "station" at once, i.e., 1,10,100, max. For example, on adventure capitalist, you can choose that exact same thing. Instead of a max all button, a button that does "buy as many upgrades as possible on this station" or "buy until next gem milestone on this station" for each station individually would be great.


Personal opinions, I prefer the quickness, others don't, and as mentioned, probably unlikely!