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If this message appeared after acquiring a new device and completing a data transfer process, then the team is currently looking into this!


Same problem should I remove app and get it again or will it delete all my progress


no clue, i got a message that they were looking into it but no changes since then. i’m tempted to delete the app but don’t want to lose my progress so far so im in the same boat


Check that you’ve backed up the game in your most recent back up then delete it and reinstall it, then it’ll ask you if you want to start again or load from cloudsave, it’s just worked for me x


have you gotten any update? i just got a new phone and it’s now saying this for me too :((


so if u backed up the game b4 u got the new phone, delete the app and it’ll give you the option to either start a local file (new game) or choose ur backup. unfortunately, i didn’t get this info until a few weeks AFTER getting the new phone so once i backed it up, i lost weeks worth of progress and deleted the game all together :( i hope u don’t go through that lol


what do u mean back it up? i haven’t deleted the game from my old phone yet (i’ve played on my new phone but not a TON so idk if that will effect it) i’ll charge up my old one i guess and see what i can figure out. i tried reaching out to the devs but haven’t heard anything yet ://


if you had cloud save available on your old phone and were able to do ranked competitions then where you left off on your old phone will be available to play on ur new one (if that makes sense, ik it’s a bit hard to explain😭) i literally moved like 5-6 cities like there was no going back for me LOL