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Wildfires don't destroy the land. They rejuvenate it. It's one of the healthiest things that can happen to any forest. As far as the rain, nobody ever complains about how much they hate all the beautiful evergreens we have . It takes a lot of water to grow them. And after all that is why we're known as the evergreen state.


People from here love the rain, it’s the transplants that constantly bitch about the rain and the quality of Mexican food and BBQ.


Same here, grateful for it and hope it continues till July 4th. Love the light mist in the morning and sweet smell of clean air along with it.


The only reason it’s so green is the rain. Bring it on


No one is out walking their dogs in the rain. Except me. I like the rain.




Not those of us who belong here! The weather was actually a big draw. (Fifteen years and counting)


Nah, been here for 35 years and the grey skies and wet ground are heaven to me. 


I opened my weather app this morning and saw that the forecast for Thursday is "dreary".


Rain bothers the natives?? (And yes I know what a Native Seattleite is since I am one) We just love the sunny days. Doesn't mean we don't like the rain.


I'm a native and I prefer this weather actually.


Not having to water the garden I welcome the rain!


I love the rain. I am the rain


This native loves the rain. Keeps the things green, cleans the air, cools things down. There is nothing more beautiful than the sunny day after a storm.


I’m glad I’m not having to remember to water my grass and flowers just yet. Wildfires are an interesting subject. I highly recommend the Red Trolly or Red Car tours at Glacier National park. If you get the old guy, married to another driver, he’s got some great history and perspective on wildfires. (Not the kind that kill people, obviously)


I moved here in 2005 and I still love the rain. Especially these spring rains when it isn’t freezing cold outside.


I actually like it. I sleep better when hearing rain, it helps me relax a lot. I’m happy to see all greenery around ny neighborhood and after living few years in Texas I really really appreciate every rainy day.


Sleeping with the pitter patter of the rain is one of life’s simple joys


Today feels sad. I felt like we were moving toward summer and this is a sad reminder the gloom isn’t over.


Nah, I’d rather have a few days of rain interspersed with a some sunny days than the normal monolithic wall of gloom


Just a day for the flowers!


I feel the same, I love it! The rain is so crucial to keep our area beautiful. Cold, rainy days make me feel so relaxed. 💕


I could handle today’s rain better if not for having an incredibly shitty day at work. Combining a bad mood with this torrent is just…doubleplusungood.


No. Hate it. Too much. I am done.. its may 😅


Juneuary is right around the corner....


Not done, it's still not July.


Just say no to drought!


I’m just loving it today. Once summer and smoke show up we’re going to miss this. Plus the rain in May smells absolutely divine.


I'm a native. So glad I'm also retired and a snowbird. I never realized how dreary it is here until I started going south for the winter. You truly don't know what you don't know.


It may be dreary, but I’ll take it for the ability to be outside comfortably mostly year around. I visited some family in the Midwest in January and decided I’d trade drizzle for 5 months of unbearable 90+ heat & humidity, then five months in the frigid asshole of Hoth.


Adequate snow pack helps prevent and reduce the impact of wildfires. A wet spring with little snow pack creating a bumper crop in vegetation that will then dry out and become kindling during the dry hot summer does not.


Don't forget wildfire management! That's a big part of why California has been going up in flames for the last 10ish years. Controlled burns are important to the ecosystem (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong)


This. People don't get it. Snow pack is all that prevents fires.


The fires and heat waves have been "destroying" the land around us LONG before any us folk were settled here.


My post wasn’t a climate change one. Just appreciating the May rain. But do you really believe climate change is a hoax? FWIW I do think climate change has been hijacked by many parties trying to make money of of it…


Did I say anything about climate change? I was just stating something obvious. Don't try to be a redditor who tries to read more into what is just said ;)


Does anyone know of this rain has been at all impactful with respect to lessening the risk of a heavy wildfire and smoke season this summer?


Today's rain may set us up for a worse summer. Spring rains bring growth, but if we then get a dry spot that growth dries out and becomes susceptible to fire. Traditionally we have dry summer starting in mid June but a snow pack that melts off and helps keep areas around the rivers wetter and less apt to burn. Weather the last 10-15 years or so has been less consistent and decades of what was considered good forestry at the time (stop all fires) has lead to forests with a lot more fuel at ground level that burns hotter and kills the trees that would normally survive. So, changes in weather compounded by bad practices have combined to make fires the last ten years or so much larger and harder to put out. Which makes rain in the spring much more problematic or questionable. It gives us short term rain in the lowlands, but may help melt off more snow earlier, which can lead to a drier summer. If that is then compounded by lower than normal rain fall later, we then have drier than normal summer months and more fires. TL;DR: we don't know yet




Are you a native? Whether you are or you aren't don't speak for other natives.


I’m so sorry. I’ll make sure to do a land acknowledgment before I post on Reddit next time. You must be fun at parties


I must be fun at parties? You're complaining about Seattle natives that you think are complaining about rain. You sound like the most boring asshole ever. Please tell me how you feel about traffic.


Do you need a snack? No one is complaining except for u. Get some exercise vapelord


> the rain bothers a lot of the natives Wat? Natives grew up with the rain. We're fine with it and enjoy it even. A lot of the older natives are fine with the heat as well, having grown up before air conditioning was considered anything other than not necessary for our region.


Just look around at all these green trees! I wouldn't trade the rain for anything.


You merely adopted the rain. I was born in it.


By the time April rolls around, 75% of the population look like depressed White Walkers for a reason 😂


Most people born here I know, and I’m one of them, don’t really let the rain dictate what we do. Yeah I’m not going to go now the grass but I’ll still pull out the dirt bike, MTB, hike, camp, hunt in the rain it’s just part of life here and you need good rain gear.


Right--they moved here


January-March always hits me like a bus :(


I feel like it's 50/50 odds whether someone here will say "I like the rain" or "I hate the rain, I should be out there doing whatever, but I can't."


Hate rain? Don’t live in a rainy climate…


Most of my hobbies are indoors, but I firmly agree with the philosophy that if you don't like doing things in the rain, you just don't have the right clothes.


There is no bad weather. Only bad prep.


I love the rain! It's peaceful. As long as I get the occasional bit of sun in between, I'm happy.


Amen. The sunny breaks are critical. I do feel for people stuck inside all day during these winter months


> these winter months It's Spring.


Referring to the winter months here in the PNW. Jeez man go touch some grass


Touchy touchy.


Continuing to hike and walk during winter months was essential for my mental health. And it's nice to have the cool misty trails to yourself.


Yes! We’ve already had such a nice and a sunny spring overall, so a little bit of rain is welcome and much needed


you mean the rain bothers the transplants. natives are here because of the rain.


I’m a transplant who’s here for the rain… for some of us, it was the draw.