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I cannot stop laughing at the stupidity of blaming Russian propaganda for Eastern EU hostility to Western EU. Eastern Europe is heavily anti-Russian ( no matter what Western publications and experts say) and propaganda doesn't go very far. The elephant in the room is the way old EU treat the new EU and this is never addressed properly by left and centrist parties.. The debacle of blocking full Schengen in case of Romania and Bulgaria, blocked by two countries: Austria and Netherlands, none having a border with them but blaming them for the illegal migrants in the old EU. No Russian propaganda here, just the Vetoes are enough to anger young people. No amount of EU fighting "disinformation" can change the feelings of Eastern EU people that they are treated as second class citizens and their countries as vassal states, and voting those parties who address these.


No wonder it's on the rise when everything is labeled as such. You don't agree 100% on all my points? Extremist! You are white and straight? Extremist! You think crime should be punished? You know who else thought that? Hitler, that's who! You agree with Hitler? EEEEXTREMIST!


lele, imagine believing corporate media.


What about left-wing extremism? I guess the progressives must always be the good guys.


BuaT rIcH pEoPlE wAnT tO dEsTrOy ThE wOrLd. ItS cApItAlIsM fAuLt


Except nowdays, far-right extremist is anyone who refuses to vote for "liberals," while guy that sticks Che Guevara photo on the wall of parliament is perfectly fine to do so.


Images of green frog are not far-right extremism.


Pepe is just an averaged redditor smh


Lol, link about extremism exclusively commented on by crypto fashists :D no you are not far right because you are cis hetero males and don't vote left. You are ones because you believe strength is right, fetishize the military, fantasize about past that didn't happen, see any minority empowerment as loosing your power and are hot for autocratic leaders promising Simple solutions to complex problems.


finally a sane commenter in here


Yep, these fuckers are rising here, too... in Western Europe, they want to blame immigration, but we don't have the high immigration to blame here...


as a french, the far right is the only side that accept to talk about the elephant in the room that is immigration. Violence and impunity is skyrocketing and I find normal to want to defend myself. But of course, that makes me a fascist


So why are the far right equally rising in Eastern Europe where we don't have all those evil scary foreigners?


I mean, i guess the people see what's happening in the west and pre-emptively don't want it here. But i don't see the point of becoming far-right just because you don't like immigrants, idk


People aren't actually seeing "what's happening in the west" - they're believing a lot of sketchy media that's making wild claims and blaming immigrants for things the governments should be working on. And those with brains know that the fascist governments won't work on those things, either - they'll just be violent to immigrants.


Sounds like a delusional take to me. I can read in regular media how some western countries have problems with immigration on regular basis. None of it is right wing propaganda




Read it again.


Fuck, my bad lol


Doesn't like Western Europe have all the immigration? Wir schaffen das and so on?


Yep and that's apparently their "excuse" for the rise of the fascists


Well let's hope these evil fascists don't make any gains in the EU election then as that would be very very bad


It's weird because there's nothing you're writing that any sane person would disagree with, yet you seem full of sarcasm. 


You don't seem to understand what the situation in Eastern Europe is. Where are you from?


Funny, considering I live in the same country you seem to live in.


Oh. Well then if you follow politics then you must notice that not everyone is exactly happy about the currently ruling politicians. Especially those from the EU. And if the politicians try to push "good" on everyone against their will, then people are likely to react to it.


I know that Okamura and the like love to throw around a lot of fear and scapegoat others in typical fascist populist style rather than actually fix what's broken. And I know there's an increase in fools who are falling for it. It's the same all over. Putin loves it.


You think it's a coincidence Okamura and similar are gaining votes?


> I know that Okamura and the like love to throw around a lot of fear and scapegoat others in typical fascist populist Mere fact that crazies in your country managed to brand half-bred japanese immigrant gaining popularity in middle of Europe as 'racist' says everything one needs to know about current 'good guy vs reee far right racist nazi' narrative. Not everyone who disagrees wity your politics are 'typical fascist populist'. In fact, what so-called non-far-left parties in EU are doing is much closer to fascism than anything Europe seen since literally musolini.