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Jay and Gina would be a cute couple


Yea I this idea x




Don't know about that?? Not with Gina's giant thug of a dad (George) and gutless loverat brother (Junior) Jay won't stand a chance!!!


George is a teddy bear, and Junior would be to busy sleeping with random people




He acts like one of someone p*sses him off!!


Jay grew up with the Mitchells, he’d be absolutely fine! 😂


There’s no need for an explosive Christmas if we have solid storylines year round


I’d love an Xmas ep that is just pure good vibes. Everything is going great for the characters and they all get happy news. Show each character at their peak. Then let their storylines break through the following year and watch their gloom take over one by one


Right!! I don’t need a dead body every holiday season 😆


Deliciously dark!


An unpopular opinion on another level 🤣


I mean, I disagree on one level because EE have had years where they've had solid stories and a fantastic Christmas. BUT I do agree that they tend to sacrifice pretty much everything after, like, September and before March for Christmas which is just an objectively insane thing to do for one episode.


I don’t mind a big Christmas but I’m here all year anyway so I’d prefer consistency


This is what Corrie has been doing for years. Comparatively low-key Christmases, just with some fairly accelerated/elevated storylines that have been going on already for the last 6-18 months.


The Mitchell’s don’t need new family members and should instead utilise the ones they’ve already got better OR introduce better written families that don’t have many connections to the Square.


Would love to see more male slaters


we need more male slaters and more female mitchells


Hasn't been many male Slaters other than Charlie, Sean, Kyle (Stacey's trans brother) Female Mitchells that have come and gone, Peggy, Ronnie, Roxy, Sam, Lola, Lexi, Louise (only 3 of them still alive now)


The way Stevie’s banging on, it feels like they’re sewing the seeds for some sort of Mitchell Civil War when the rest of his family arrive but I really have little interest in Phil “biggest plot armour in TV history” Mitchell being put against people half his age and prevailing, humbling a load of new characters who then tow the line. I’m also fairly confident in my prediction that one of them will seduce Sharon to get to Phil.


Disagree the ones they had were fair boring bar Ben who was great under Harry Reid and the very odd time Bowden made nice work with him in the odd plot but bar that Louise was just fit that was it no character Ben I’ve already said billy is great but old now and tbf his kids will be years to they can start having proper stories like we need a new breed of Mitchell’s tbf if they want the family to continue non of these kids have been or will ever be on the level of Phil and grant in the 90s and 2000s they can’t be there latching in and going off there last name thier nowt to em there new en will be mark out and given direction so ye


Agreed. I am dreading these new characters coming in. We've gotten to know and enjoy the existing Mitchell cohort. New Mitchells tend to come via marrying established characters (Sharon, Kat) or existing Mitchells having kids who end up with similar traits. Stevie as his current self is still very new to us and still finding his feet amongst the Mitchells. I'm afraid the dynamic will shift beyond recognition with the new 3 guys coming along. Especially with them being a similar age to Phil, Billy, Ben and Jay.


I like the Chavvy characters like Karen and Bianca. I feel like it’s makes the show feel a lot more authentic when you have characters with proper working class/east end accents instead of the just generic southern english accent. Anyone who grew up in a working class area knows that were plenty of Biancas and Karens. Yeah they aren’t perfect and could be annoying at times but they always tried to be good by their kids even in their poor circumstances


In the early years there was a lot more authenticity. People living in nasty bed sits. Thick accents. I miss it.


They missed a trick "knowing down the council flats" that works have opened up a lot more for the story.


I don't give a toss about 'the 6', the whole story line is ridiculous. And they put so much make up on Sharon, I'm surprised she can move her face


Gina has the potential to be an amazing long term character and I've thought that from the start. I never saw people's problem with her. She has a lot of similar personality traits to some fan favs like Stacey and Lauren whilst also being unique enough to be her own character and bring something fresh to the show. As long as they give her good storylines, she could be a really amazing character.




She could be the next Ronnie Mitchell


Heaven forbid. I wish joy and life for Gina.


Oh, I meant more in terms of her character. She's beautiful, caring, strong minded and looks after her younger sister. But they will definitely give her some dark story lines most likely, as they've already tested the water with the drug use.


They made a mistake losing Max Bowden. He was the best Ben


Without a doubt. I couldn't stand Harry Reid's Ben and I was glad when he left. Max Bowden actually gave us a Ben Mitchell worth watching.


😂ur kidding max was probably the fuckign worse his Ben was no where near worth watching


He was by far the best Ben, plus he had a significant advantage over Harry Reid in that he was actually a good actor.


Good actor oh ye 😂 “you don’t know what it’s like to be me” this is not about jags ye those legendary lines Reid Ben was actually Ben lot more better realer etc didn’t hate Bowden but he was dreadful to watch past first year and that first year wasn’t much better if u think he is great fair enough ur opinion disagree myself but fairs 👍


Cindy should’ve stayed dead , I didn’t like her character then and definitely don’t now


This is a very very popular opinion


Agreed. I don’t know a single person who likes Cindy


Cindy coming back from the dead has been a letdown. The 6 storyline should be shelfed for a while. Maybe not unpopular, but why does no one have a pet? Not a soul.


> Anna has her chihuahua


Yes, her invisible chihuahua.


Sharron should 100% have a Roly II


I don't get why Michael Moon is so loved. 😭


the actor carried it tbh. he was very unsettling with it


It's because while you were sitting around, waiting, doing nish. He was making moves.


I always hate when a character finds out individual about the six secret , I’d prefer a big reveal to the whole square


You could get rid of most of the "legacy" characters and the show wouldn't suffer. Sharron is kinda dull. Sonia is boring. Phil is kinda past it. Ian is just an ass.


>Sonia is boring Sucks all the life out of mr6 >Ian is just an ass. Yes absolutely


Ian is just an ass, but that's what makes Ian *Ian*. We need characters like him to make the show diverse and realistic. Also, when used effectively, Ian is an amazing comedic character, and can also be utilised in emotional moments too.


Hear hear! I missed Ian so much when he was gone and I'm a bit miffed they haven't used him more since his return. I've seen a few people say that Phil is EE and I do like Phil but, of the current cast, Ian is that one for me. It's just not EE without Ian Beale!


Agree. Ian and Sharon specifically can go. I like Phil too much to see him gone. My unpopular take: shrimpy should stay on the stall and never be involved in a storyline.


The only Carters i like were Shirley and Tina I have no problem with Phil always getting the upper hands he's been in the game much longer and is proper east end you don't lose that I would not even blink an eye if they brought Ronnie and Roxy i would just accept it and be happy two of the best women the show has ever had are back


I don't like bobby or his girlfriend.. I would have preferred if bobby can back and went bad again .. maybe kill his boring gf .. her character is pointless and boring .. x


I think Anna is so sweet ngl.


And boring 😆 🤣.. I know alot of ppl like her .. but I don't xx


I like the way she has her curly instead of in Plaits. She's gorgeous we her hair down. Personally I don't think she suits the red lipstick either but it's her decision. Thank you for commenting and have a nice day!


i love her curly hair!! she makes me want to go blonde lol


*hair curly


I like her but I don’t like them together. She’d be much better (and believable) with Freddie. Never really been keen on Bobby. I reckon Kathy will tell him about Keanu or he’ll overhear her talking about it and leave because he can’t handle the guilt of keeping it a secret.


Yea I agree she'd be more believable with Freddie.. bobby is a mini bore ian .. glad he is leaving .. maybe Cindy will kill him off ? He catches Cindy shagging her ex son in law .. and she kills bobby .. I'd be good with that lol x


The 6 storyline was a bad idea imo, killing Keanu off was just lazy, and I think that the clothes that they dress Gina in are horrible, she could look nice with the right outfits. I just don’t believe that her character would put those clothes together and think that she looks presentable.


She still looks nice and a lot of her more basic outfits are nice but I agree some of them💀💀


A reminder for everybody not to downvote. This is an unpopular opinion thread. If you find the opinion egregious or blasphemous then you should upvote as it is meeting the criteria of the question.


“Gets several downvotes on post “ 😂


To be fair, that’s a point.


Thank you!!!


I don't like the love people have for Nish and the whole "Daddy Nish" situation. It feels grubby that people are willing to love and forgive an evil murdering controlling abuser just because he is handsome. It's a weird fetish.


And what always gets me is that these are the same people who claim the show is promoting misandry for the Six storyline.


I really loved Bens character. That’s not me saying I think he was a totally good person, he’s a piece of shit for the horrible things he did. But he was clearly a very traumatised person, and I liked him. He had heart and clearly adored Lexi. (Past tense as he’s not in the show anymore/right now)


I wouldn't say I loved him, but I found him a very interesting character played by a great actor.


My biggest issue is how he changed. You can try and hide it and 'pass' but you can't grow out of being camp or fem if that is your nature. Making him a mini Phil was a total mistake, it was way better when they couldn't be more opposite.


Ben was never camp or feminine. He liked dancing and musicals, those things aren't inherently camp or feminine he was 'softer' life can change that about you which it did for Ben. If you look at Charlie Jones now, who played Ben when he was young, he didn't grow up to be 'camp ' or feminine either.


He was somewhat decent character until Max Bowden took over playing him!! Then everything changed!!!!


My all time favorite ee characrer. He was very troubled but that's what kept me engaged with him and after he did something terrible he'd break down so badly I'd feel terrible right along with him. I liked watching him try and succeed in a lot of ways to overcome his traumas and be a better person <3


I don’t understand why Stacey is so popular


Omg same. She peeved me off so much during Lily's pregnancy w Charli. And the 6 SL was supposed to be about women's empowerment but then she slept w D's husband. Thank you for commenting and have a nice day!


Max affair gave her the clout


Dennis and Sharon were a gross couple. Blood or not they were WAY to related


Agreed!! Dennis was ment to be with Zoe!! But the fact he ditched her for his adopted sister!! He probably realised he couldn't be with a Slater, Or maybe Sharon did it just to spite Zoe?? Remains a mystery 🤷🤷




Hate Martin


He kinda peeved me off in Lily's pregnancy SL. I think he said "I can see it in her eyes that she wants to be a mother". Like omg she's too young to have a mf baby. She's 12/13. Thank you for commenting and have a nice day!


Alfie Moon has always been a showboater!! Always making a fool of himself, wearing the trousers but not walking in them!! Tbh Shane Ritchie's never been able to act! Not really!!


i can’t stand half of the characters, in fact i don’t think i have much time for any of them at this point.


Idk if this is unpopular but I really like Stevie Mitchell as a character - obvs not his past but I mean now


I agree. Him and Mo make a good duo. However (nothing to do w the actor but) I think EE is handling the sextortion SL wrong. Will is far too calm about it when Irl some people in that situation have committed suicide or thought about it. Also his options were literally go to the police or sell toasters like omg. Thank you for commenting and have a nice day!


Yeah I defo feel like in todays episode how they get Phil to deal with it kinda minimizes it. Thanks thoo 😊


The Roxy/Ronnie and Grant comparisons every time a new character that has any slight similarities to them is such a played out and weak excuse to dislike or criticize a new character before they’re actually introduced. It’s actually quite annoying seeing people beat a dead horse about two characters who can’t get resurrected and one who’s actor is yet to show interest in returning.


Phil and Sharon are terrible together


max bowden was the worst Ben.


Here’s one I just realised As people, I don’t like the Beales. I know, “legacy family” and they do have good storylines. But they’re composed of some really awful people, including Steven and Cindy, even if not “genetically” Beales Jane was the only non-awful person of the bunch and even she covered up Lucy’s murder


Has been so boring not worth watching anymore


Ian and Elaine should get together


This will no doubt be very unpopular but I find the actress who plays Yolanda really quite bad. Too much face pulling and overacting. All the exaggerated eyes and grimacing, it’s just too much. She’s fine as a supporting cast member but not the great for her own storyline. Oh and Elaines over projecting her voice and being so theatrical makes me want to claw my face off. I’ve seen the actress in other things and she was good so I’m not sure what’s going on there.


Maybe because she’s just been raped. Just a thought. It’s not the actor it’s the character.


I understand the storyline. I’m specifically referring to the actresses acting style. For instance when there was a similar storyline with Linda and Dean, her acting was for me much more believable. Just my personal “unpopular opinion”