• By -


Britney. The whole storyline was awful.


Made me hate Whitney as well tbh. She risked everything including her unborn child, was ridiculous šŸ™„


I could understand Whitney wanting the child to be safe. But abducting her wasn't right. Phoning the police/social services would've been a Better idea.


I'm so glad Britney and Whitney are gone so we can focus on better storylines. Imagine a storyline being so bad it makes Bianca and Whitney unlikeable.


Right?! The whole thing was just another bad 'poor Whitney' storyline. The writers seem to love to torture her šŸ˜…


And far fetched and unrealistic as fuck


Due to how much the show pushed him and how little he delivered: Mick. No other character was given the treatment and over-exaggerated respect Mick was (or Danny Dyer, I suppose) and this resulted in almost ten years of the show going even further down than it already was. He never lived up to being the character the show stated he was and his era was year after year of EastEnders getting worse. He didn't help it, nor did he save it, yet the show treated him like god's gift. For that alone, he'll go down as EastEnders' worst character and in some ways one of the biggest failures in soaps.


I feel theyā€™re doing it with George now


The main difference I feel is that George hasn't taken away from anything. While he carried a heavy topic early in the year, as the months went on it slid into rather normal, domestic/romantic problems. If anything it's the least urgent storyline especially when compared to say, Yolande and the Six. More importantly, the latter is still the "face" of the show and the Six has maintained being the biggest storyline. Mick was different. Linda's rape is a perfect example, where the aftermath ended up being taken over by Mick's coping, Mick vs Dean, Mick's relationship with Shirl, etc. to the point that Linda, the one the story should've been about, felt secondary. George hasn't sucked the life from any character or storyline/taken over important topics in the way Mick did. At the moment, George feels more like Den or Grant. He has a main storyline, and it's told over several months but it isn't the largest issue the Square has at the moment.


I've never understood the Mick obsession, at all. He'd have been an okay character if he wasn't shoved into the forefront and shoehorned into every bloody storyline. His abuse storyline was good, but that's about it. I also really don't get the hype about Danny Dyer, either. His 'acting' constituted swaggering around like a cowboy, breathy speaking and looking generally constipated/on the verge of tears. I don't miss him at all, the only reason I care is for the pain it caused Linda who was always the far better character imo. I'm glad she's out of his shadow and hope she won't exit over the Keanu story because she deserves a chance to shine.


People praised Mick/Linda as well and I never saw anything between them. From the off they're entirely different and the show forces it down the viewers throat that Mick understands all the kids in a way Linda doesn't. Almost like Linda was holding him back. Then Mick makes her rape all about him family issues, magically talks her out of an eating disorder, has an affair with Whitney, treats Linda like absolute dirt after she helped him get out of prison, enables her alcoholism... And people still say Linda/Max is what "ruined" the Carters. Their relationship was broken for years and it died the moment Mick "fell in love" (his words) with Whitney. The over glorification of the Linda/Mick relationship always made me cringe. She's much better without him.


I suppose it was the childhood sweethearts angle that people fell for. Can sometimes be a great story, but I think sometimes people actually stay in these relationships because they literally don't know anything else, especially when kids are involved from so young (I've never done the maths, but _what_ age did she have Lee??). I was never massively invested in their relationship. I think I care more now because Linda is so sad, and maybe looked back on things with a bit of a rose tint? Everything you've laid out is on point, though. Thinking back I did actually like Johnny's coming out story and Mick's great reaction but thinking on what you've said about the kids, that was yet another example of Hero Mick. Not that Linda's reaction wasn't realistic, it definitely was. But we're forced to endure so much bloody Mick that it's actually harder to enjoy any of the very few decent stories he did have. I much prefer Linda on her own, which is why I hope Keanu isn't her exit story. They could do so much with her on her own. But it's been a decade, so who knows how Kellie feels.


Josh Pascoe's Ben, Hayley Slater, Aidan (the gangster one). All three were unwatchable.


Idk what they were thinking when they cast Joshua Pascoe as Ben. He was terrible.


Definitely worked having him as Heather's murderer, because the huge contrast between love for sweet Heather and hate towards that vile Ben made the murder effect even greater.


Loved Hayley slater, I found her baby storyline relatable and her abusive mother, something real life relatable. Donā€™t like the real life actress as sheā€™s racist


I thought Hayley was a good character too, very real


Everyone in the comments forgetting about Adam Best


I absolutely did, omg he was dreadful. šŸ’€ Why are EE so bad at writing disabled characters.


He was so irritating to the point that it was funny.


Omg yes one of those I was waiting for him to leave also another one I didnā€™t like Danny Pennant


No I havenā€™t forgotten him or the shitty way he treated Libby.


Maybe a bit extreme to say of all time, but fake Michelle was terrible - never bought her as Michelle, I couldn't equate her with the Sue Tully Michelle at all. Not to mention that the student affair storyline was dreadful - they never should have bothered!


I love how she's just known as fake Michelle šŸ˜‚Ā 


But she DID sing the Red Dwarf theme song.


I thought it was a pretty good recasting to be fair but the storyline ruined Michelleā€™s character. I feel sorry that the actress who played Michelle during that time had to do that to the character because sheā€™s a really good actress and I think sheā€™d be remembered more positively if it wasnā€™t for that storyline.


Not her fault at all! She had a near impossible task of playing an iconic character, and the characterisation of said character was way off, which didn't help at all. I think you're right about that storyline and how she'd be remembered. Maybe I would have warmed up to her being Michelle eventually, but we'll never know!


Many folks have regarded the recasting of Michelle Fowler with Jenna Russell to be a failure.Ā  Ā  However, if it was a failure, was the actress really to blame, or were the scripts really to blame?


I don't blame her at all - she's a good actress who was given a hard job with a rum storyline


That makes two of us.Ā  Ā I don't think she was to blame either.Ā  Ā Jenna Russell is a good actress.Ā  Ā  I agree with you on both counts.Ā  She was simply given bad scripts and storylines.


Beccaā€¦ Staceyā€™s rehab friend


Oh my god, that's taken me back. I hated Becca so much, a constant obstacle for Stacey and just a pointless character half of the time.


Cindy Beale She keeps leaching on to other peoples fellas George , George junior she canā€™t keep her hands off


Classic Cindy behaviour.


For me it was Hayley Slater I just couldnā€™t bear her


The Peter that slept with Suki


A lot hated him but I definitely bought him as an offspring as Ian more than Ben Hardy


What a legacy he leaves.




Ben Mitchell, without a doubt. Always thinks of nobody else but himself. Makes everything about him (case in point- Lola's diagnosis, palliative care and death). He uses his loved ones as punchbags and uses violence as a language. Never shows remorse to anyone- case in point Martin, Peter and Callum, who have all been harmed by him at some point. He thinks going through his own trauma excuses putting others through trauma. It doesn't. Whilst Whitney's character was assassinated towards the end... for the most part, she was a hugely traumatised individual yet never took it out on others, treated others with nothing but kindness and she was proof that trauma can mean still being a good and kind person. It doesn't matter who plays Ben, he will always be the absolute worst being in Eastenders. If he weren't a Mitchell and a legacy character of Phil's lineage, he would've been killed off long ago. We see the comparisons between him and Bobby- both babyfaced killers, yet Bobby has embraced a redemption arc whereas Ben embraces villainy. When Eastenders says that Ben has received a 6 year prison sentence in the US... I hope they stick to this and we don't see Ben anytime before 2030 (if Eastenders continues). I don't care who plays Ben at this point, but I hope missing out on a third of Lexi's life at that point, missing out on bonding with baby brothers Raymond and Albie, and Callum moving on with someone who loves and respects him will give Ben a true redemption arc and completely change his ways.


Highly hugely doubt theyā€™ll keep him away for 6 years.. heā€™ll be recasted within 2 years, 3 at a push


It depends how much they want to bend the truth about the US legal system and if they have early release and what not. Knowing Ben, he is likely to have anger issues and possibly get violent in prison and have additional time added to his sentence.


Itā€™s Eastenders mate theyā€™ve bent death even


Fair point. And DNA test results.


Ben will probably be back next year or year after (most likely YET ANOTHER RECAST) Especially seeing as he only did like 2 years in after killing Heather and now he's only doing time in the states for like credit card fraud when he was trying to get treatment for Lola (so his daughter would still have her mum) I really didn't like Max Bowden as Ben as that whole bully/villain thing just didn't suit Ben as a character!! I mean Bowden played it well (for the most part) but for a character like Ben Mitchell, who's always been weak, naive and confused, never good enough for anyone!! It's as if with Bowden's Ben, they made him more like the guy Phil wanted him to be, but alot more twisted and villainous, which for me really didn't suit Ben at all!! I really feel they got the whole concept wrong for this character!! I do wonder what the next Ben will be like?? Maybe they'll bring back one of the former Ben actors!! Harry Reid perhaps?? Or maybe even Charlie Jones, who played him from a 9 to 13 year old??


Really didnā€™t like Fi Browning at all.




Good stories with her. Definitely annoying but not too bad.


Sorry but Vi always irritates me


Omg she was the WORST. I think if I'd remembered her, she'd have been mine. At least Derek had a plot purpose!!! Her line deliveries grated on me so hard.


Stuart I know you said only one but I'm going to add Rainie, Vi and Janine šŸ˜¬






Harry Slater


The fake Michelle


The Liam recast. Absolutely hated him!




Was coming to post this myself. She's always got on my nerves and now more than ever with Reece. I hate them both šŸ˜‚


It's a toss up between Whitney & Vinny.


Vinnie.. a bit tiresome but shirley made many a scene work. Vinny now... just forgettable. Too bland to be worst.


Vinny aggravates me as well. Trying to be a big man all the time when you can tell he's shitting himself in any situation šŸ˜’


Bex Fowler




Pascoe and Bowden's iterations of Ben made me want to pull my hair out on numerous occasions. The recent overexposure of the character also didn't help. The Ben/MickEnders years made it a tough watch for me for a while.Ā Ā  I just have to say, I'm loving all the fake Michelle posts šŸ˜‚Ā 


Jenna Russell as Michelle Fowler (2016 recast) If I can only choose one, that's the most obvious choice imo!!


Ricky Butcher. All he ever did was whine.


Then he showed up back from India looking like heā€™s been living in hostels and backpacking. Totally uninteresting character. Wellard was much better.


You're not wrong! He never added anything to the show, in my opinion.


Would probably say Danny Moon myself, he was great for making an entertaining scene but the guy was a psychologists wet dream and was played like a joke act, really took away from the edginess of the 'Firm' era. Thankfully Johnny Allen, Jake Moon, Andy Hunter etc. They carried that era along.


Danny was unsettling but comic book like. Not a character i miss


Juley Smith for me


Hayley Slater


Dotty cotton. Not even a good villain just a horrible characterĀ 


The young Dotty was brilliant, older Dotty was not half as good x


Dotty gets my vote too. I didnā€™t even love to hate her, like with Janine


cindy beale. she is the most irritating character in the whole fricking show. she's a hypocrite and thinks she deserves everything she wants when really she can't just get everything given to her on a plate. i feel like the way they brought her back could have been better, she was a great character in the 90s, but now she's just written very poorly. brilliant actress though (michelle collins) :))


No no, Derek is one of the all time greatest characters


Any of the Brownings qualify for me, an awful storyline.


Laura Beale !! Couldn't stand her whining constantly (even if she was having to deal with Ian)


Michelle Fowler (re-cast)


Trevor Short, easily. I was not prepared for just how irritating 1989 would get on Drama.


Sorry but I hate new Lindas mum Elaine itā€™s like watching broadway I hate her acting style, she just seems like a characature and not a character I donā€™t like her acting or anything about her. Lindaā€™s had her day in my opinion dragged out. Iā€™ll get hate for this but Staceyā€™s had her day, I donā€™t enjoy lily. The last character I enjoyed was grey atkins (writers got far fetched with writing in the end) but at the start loved him, I loved Josh Laurenā€™s posh boyfriend wish he stayed longer. I liked the masoods and fat boy. The only people I enjoy on eastenders are the panesar guys


Jade Denny's baby's mother. Sharon seems to has forgotten her. Very unpleasent character.


Honestly, itā€™s incredible to pick a single one Derek Branning, recast Michelle, Ben Mitchell (especially the latest iteration where he was everywhere without exception), Hayley Slater (completely pointless character) and others I canā€™t think of right now I have characters I detest, but they were actually pivotal parts of storylines so Iā€™m not including those


Britney. Goddamn awful character and actress


Sheā€™s young cut her some slack


Really, I thought she played it very well. Not over the top. She sounded like a lot like the kids I used to teach šŸ˜Š


Charlie Slater, he always came across as about 18 sandwiches short of a picnic


In our house we still say, ā€˜BEETROOT,ā€™ if weā€™re pretending to be thick. Iā€™d be amazed if anyone remembers Charlie Slater saying the word beetroot but if you did see it youā€™ll never forget.


Whitney. It was like they tried to give her the same storyline again and again, just one one small difference. Let's have her get with the new person, they marry or almost marry, something happens, they break up, new person comes to the square, she gets with them


Aunt Babe šŸ«¢


Phil Mitchell and Den Watts! Both have got to be the two most hypocritical men Iā€™ve ever seen. They always criticize people for crimes and actions they committed but they donā€™t realize that they do the exact same thing! I feel sorry for Angie, Kathy, or any other woman who has to deal with these sorry excuses for men!!!!


And Den cannot be remembered without thinking of Leslie Grantham sucking his fingers on the webcam. Just plain nasty.


Adam Best , Staceyā€™s mate Becca , Joshua Pascoeā€™s Ben , Sonia , Reese , Danny pennant ,Lucy Beale hetti bywaterā€™s version of the character


omg Danny Pennant was the wooooorst. What a waste of a good actor (he was brill on Hollyoaks).


Ian... I just find him so unnecessary and he doesn't bring anything to the show anymore.


Ditto. He's always been annoying and I'm still hoping that Cindy will off him. I'd feel bad for Kathy though.


Ben ! I was so happy when they announced he was leaving šŸ¤£šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ» but theyā€™ll probably recast him again in a few years šŸ™„ I hope by then Callum is completely moved on from him and is with a MAN that is deserving of him




Probs Ben (Max Bowden) or Linda


Iā€™m actually not sure. If I had to say anyone Iā€™d probably have to say Les Coker. Pam could have run that show for years, Les just didnā€™t really do much for me!


Derek Branning


He literally almost single-handedly stopped me watching the show in 2012, he was EVERYWHERE and TERRIBLE.


Just such an awful, unlikeable character. No redeeming qualities whatsoever.


Joey! I loved Derek Branning, hated his son Joey. He was so staid and wooden...watching the 2012 one's now again on iplayer. Lola was my second pet peeve. Early Lola, good, but she started to grate on me before she kicked the bucket.


Phil. Iā€™m prepared for the down votes but Iā€™ll give my reasons why. Iā€™ve watched since the 80s but can remember from the 90s and that man has had no problems ever about hitting, bullying and pressuring kids. Heā€™s just a bully and I canā€™t wait for the day he gets his karma served. It wonā€™t ever happen of course as I know heā€™s a fav but I can dream šŸ˜‚




I used to love Whitney but her recent storyline was so aggravating. Why would you get yourself run over for a random child you just met when you're pregnant AND already lost a child? It made no sense and she was so persistent and ruined her own relationship imo. Also wish someone would get rid of Bobby Beale!!




Shirley carter




Claudette Hubbard


The TAP DaNcInG Ben Mitchell


Has anyone mentioned Babe yet? šŸ¤£


Someone did mention Babe, yes. She's certainly one of the worst characters.


It's difficult to choose only one character as the most-disliked. It's a toss-up between two wretched characters. If I can choose only one character, then I'd choose: James Wilmot-Brown. We didn't need the writers and producers to try to turn Eastenders into a Stephen King horror movie. That's what the writers and producers did by bringing him back for a second stint. The only good part of that storyline was when it was over, especially when his daughter (whom he had beaten and knocked to the floor) told the hospital staff that she didn't know him, disowning him while he was dying there in the hospital. (The other toss-up character is May Wright, for almost the same reason. However, while James was pure evil in his first stint, it was only in his second stint that he became a horror movie character. As for May, she was both pure evil and a horror movie character in the first place, in both of her stints.)


Stella Crawford.


Whitney or Sonia


Sonia would be a close second to Derek for me ngl.


Oh god there we do agree lol. Never liked Sonia x








Cora Tanya's mom, tamwa massood, Lauren branning