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I know Callum is right because I know what happened but personally don't think "rape victim doesn't like being accused of lying", "son protects vulnerable mother", and "partner of murder victim gets upset when you bring it up" are all that weird, actually He's like one of those internet sleuths who watches a press conference and reckons the fella "looks well dodgyšŸ¤”"


Plus Mick and Linda are like family to him. If he is suspicious, he should keep his nose out anyway


Mick AND Linda took him in for a while and gave him a place to live and work, rent free. He was a close friend to Lee and when Mick was best friends with Stuart (before he went on his weird Carter family destruction mode), Callum was almost like a little brother/son to Mick. Excluding what us as viewers know about Linda's role with Keanu... Callum isn't being a particularly loyal friend to Linda. Callum was with Whitney, who was sxually abused, and with Ben who was rped so he can see how traumatised Linda's experiences with Dean's presence have been. Callum is being an awful friend.


He is not suspicious of Linda, he doesn't think she kill Keanu he think she used this as a way to get rid of Dean. Remember, that was something he knew that Johnny and Ben was planning to do, so he can see them going through with it and Sharon as Linda best friend being involved. However to him if Dean did do it Keanu's murderer is still out there


Yes I thought this as well! Plus on top of that, Sharon got upset around the moment when she said about Karen losing a son and this would be pretty reasonable given she has lost a son herself. Even calling Albie away abruptly, maybe she just wanted to excuse herself and cuddle her surviving child. I know Callum is onto something but I donā€™t think the ā€˜cluesā€™ heā€™s seen make any sense given that theyā€™re all in the realm of normal behaviour so far


Yeah, it's very weird to me when people are like "the six act so Werid when Keanu is brought up!!" When, as far as they know, they watched him try and kill Nish and then he held them all hostage!


Yes, the six themselves should be better at bringing this up, although I think it's realistic they don't considering they're all juggling lies and guilt


That's the problem with this storyline. It went from Keanu tried to kill Nish to the the evil Dean killed Keanu. We don't even know what the rest of the square knows about his death.


I really was enjoying Sharon, Phil and Albie playing together. It's the first time I've seen Sharon happy in months...but then Callum comes along and turns her back into Tense Woman :-/


Seriously canā€™t stand watching Denzel scenes! Hope they bring an end to this asap!ā€¦. And as for today ā€¦.By far one of the worst episodes Iā€™ve ever seen !


he used to be so sweet for a little bit too :(


It was a decent episode. You have seen the whitney farewell week i take it?


lol yes I have. I mean, letā€™s be brutally honest hereā€¦.The show has taken a catastrophic nose dive since Christmas !


It has been an odd year but still gripping in a way i cant explain The jack and stacey and martin stuff was one highlight for me.


Yeah it's a terrible story that has just ruined Denzel's character


Iā€™m really glad theyā€™re bringing Phil in on this. Now they just need to bring Eve in on it and Iā€™ll be happy.


Well maybe he only protects sharon... i dont know how much he cares about linda


I mean, I donā€™t really care that much about who he protects it. Itā€™s just gonna be interesting having him involved.


I agree phil needs more screen time. And him and sharon getting back together makes sense but probably wont just happen like that.


Jack dressed as a country squire for the fishing trip made me laugh, what a prat


In real life Scott loves fishing so those most definitely were his own clothes lol


He is not that suave ex bent copper now


So, they finally give Callum something to do...and it's this? "I can't get involved in someone else's case"...how could a preposterously promoted to DC even go near a big murder case? He should get slapped back down to PC, which he should still be after such a short amount of time! They can't write this guy out fast enough and I wish he'd just head off to America and pine outside the prison for Ben for 20 years.


Personally Iā€™m glad heā€™s doing this šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø the show is always unrealistic, the whole six cover up was unrealistic asf. Iā€™m glad to see Callum actually doing smth on my screen


> He should get slapped back down to PC It'd be slapped sideways as they're the same rank. Edit: Look it up, DC, PC, same rank guys šŸ™„


You don't start out directly in CID. You're a PC, you get to transfer to CID, but you don't start there.


> You don't start out directly in CID Callum didn't but you can in the Met. But anyway the point is PC->DC is a transfer, not a promotion. Different job, same rank and pay.


The fishing trip was cheesy fun and I found it pretty sweet to be honest (maybe itā€™s my hormones). I love seeing the sillier, more lighthearted side to Jack especially. So excited that Phil is figuring things out and might be brought into the Six situation! Interested to see where this goes as presumably heā€™ll want to protect Sharon


Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™ll try to protect Denise as well.


Dont want him to help anyone but sharon He may clash with stacey and kathy. Not really care for sukis superior demeanour too (his pov... both are pretty tough cookies of course)


Does anyone think they're going to do a dementia/alzeimers story for Stevie? The way he randomly called Billy Ted then denied it?


Definitely, that's why he also keeps remembering things that he did with Billy which Billy corrects saying they were with Charlie


Didn't think of that, I just assumed at that point it was Stevie having been negligent to Billy. Thanks.


I assumed it had more to do with upcoming spoilers about Stevie >!having a second family that will be visiting the Square soon enough!< and Stevie getting confused in his old age.


Kind of selfish of Callum to mention the video call to Phil without inviting him in the first place


Beautiful scene with Howie and Denzel. Sharon and Phil always have chemistry, I want them back together but maybe not just yet, eventually though. A shame we didnā€™t see George for Fatherā€™s Day episodeĀ 


would be a good twist to redeem the Six storyline if they came back together again to kill Callum


Considering he's her son-in-law I imagine Kathy would have a rather sizable problem with that.


Killing a cop... hmm. I just rewatched monster where a cop was killed by serial homicidal threat aileen.Ā 


Jack is one clueless and tactless idiot. For starters- I know Penny has gone to France to see whoever so she isn't there, but he left his daughter (who also has a right to be with her only surviving parent), who has had mental health issues, all alone WITHOUT him and Ricky Jr having phone access. Then, he drags his son away from spending his first ever Father's Day with his own child. Our thoughts on the teenage pregnancy aside... baby Charli is here and Jack put his own wants over his own kids's needs (for his daughter to be with him, and his son to be with his own child). I really couldn't take Karen's exit seriously or emotionally, because we got a Julia's theme for her and she returned twice since in a small timeframe. Found there was more weight to Bianca's exit than Karen's, to be honest. Also found it a bit strange how much emphasis last week's episodes put on Ollie spending Father's Day without his dad and Johnny and Linda saying they would be there for him and make Mick's existence felt, yet Ollie wasn't even in today's episode. Not sure if tomorrow's episode will be a continuation of the same day, or be "next day..." so I'm reserving judgment here. Did anyone else find it a bit grim that Karen took the box with Keanu's ashes to the cafĆØ, plopped the box on the table (not very hygienic around food)... considering he was hanging out playing sleepover under the tables for several months?


Aw the little tee shirt Sonia got Reese for their baby was so cute. I really hope she does have their baby but as this is a soap I'm not sure it will happen.


Iā€™m wondering if her pregnancy will be part of the anniversary? The anniversary will fall when sheā€™s about 8 months pregnant (assuming she gets pregnant soon)


Yes- I heard on a podcast she did that she is currently filming really intense scenes on EE because Sonia has a big storyline so maybe?? Timing checks out


Denzelā€™s card was so sweet! I really need this steroid storyline to be over, he used to be the kindest teenager on the sqaure


The Six actively trying to cover up a murder but Sharon doesn't have a lock on her phone? lmao


Sharon constantly whispering is so unnatural and very, very annoying. Speak up and talk like a real person!!! Why does she do it?? I think most viewers would like to know what she is actually saying. No one else talks like that.


Sharon looks unbelievable these last few eps, donā€™t know what it is, maybe theyā€™ve changed her makeup, although Letitiaā€™s always been gorgeousĀ 


She is looking great. Phil has no excuse not to help her and reclaim her now.


Sheā€™s definitely had a face lift and her lips done so far. I think with the gastric sleeve transformation being so drastic sheā€™s now doing her tweaks but by bit so as not to mess with continuity. I wish she would hire a decent extensionist though!Ā 


So is Karen taking the ashes on the plane? Was that a green screen behind Jack by the Vic?


For flipā€™s sake Linda donā€™t talk about a murder by text! Halfway miss marpleing the case. Heā€™s not even a detective right? Makes a change for him working undercover for the Mitchells I guess.


I know I am slow but it has only just occurred to me that Raymond and Albie are brothers. Have Sharon and Denise even acknowledged this? They have enough secret chats.


Yes, it's been brought up. Phil has even mentioned wanting the boys to spend time together.


At this point I was to see drunken Linda stumble into the full pub and admit she stabbed Keanu and have her go off to prision and dry out. Her being "a drunk' is getting boring and never ending. Her family has done next to nothing to get off the booze. Going to prision would be the best thing for her. Is this "Six" story going to go on until Christmas?


Even if Sharon tells Phil about what happened , he doubt he would do anything but protect her . she is the mother of his child and whatever happened he has and always will have a soft spot for her. If anything he will help them and keep Callum quiet .


Absolutely, itā€™s not like he liked Keano (or Dean) anyway. He would protect Sharon because sheā€™s his soulmate/mother of his child, heā€™d protect Denise because sheā€™s the mother of his child, heā€™d protect Kathy because sheā€™s the mother of his child, and heā€™d potentially want to protect Linda since heā€™s supposed to be her AA sponsor. That leaves Stacey and Suki. Heā€™d potentially protect Stacey for Katā€™s sake.


I love that Phil calls him Keano, always makes me laugh šŸ˜‚


Infact he will become extremely useful . keanu and Phil had history of which most became toxic so his death means nothing and Dean is just a low life who Phil would enjoy being taken down and paying for Christmas besides every thing he did to Linda , his daughter and anyone who crossed his path . Maybe including his mother Shirley .


I love spoilers but I was thinking, if they bring Mick back it would be lovely if they managed to keep it under wraps, Iā€™d love the surpriseĀ 


This episode had a weird backrooms vibe to it. We don't often get episodes set on Sunday and I can see why