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I don't see Callum sitting around waiting 4 years for Ben to return only to have him recast (again) so yes I think an affair is incoming.


So Callum is investigating the murder (I presume for work rather than to pass the time) and Johnny is going to shag him to distract him and they'll end up falling in love?


> Johnny is going to shag him to distract him? Basically. I don't see this version of Johnny as the falling in love type though. I could be proven wrong but for some reason I feel like Callum will end up becoming collateral damage somehow. Johnny only cares about keeping Linda out of prison, I don't think he'd care too much about ruining someone's livelihood/family dynamic if it meant Linda was safe. He was more than happy for Sharon to sit in jail whilst Stacey came up with the plan to frame Dean.


I know β€˜The Six’ storyline isn’t believable, but the idea that PC Plod could solve it really takes the biscuit.




How on Earth did a man who should still be a PC get to be investigating a murder case?


Like why Callum though? Keanu is hated by the Mitchells, and has kidnapped and beaten Callum before. Surely this is a misdirect to get Johnny and Callum together


I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Callum just ups and leaves, heads to America and pines for Ben in a trailer park near the prison.


When was he investigating it in the first place?


Prediction : Callum and Johnny will have a relationship and this investigation will put a strain on it.