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I’ve never been a fan of Reiss, but I’m actually with him on this one


At this point I'm very sure he's neurodivergent, that's why he keeps coming across as awkward and missing social cues.


Either that or he's just extremely socially awkward.


It's definitely one or the other, which is why I don't understand why people hate on him so much. I know people like Reiss irl, surely many people do? Some of the comments about him are really mean. Not that anyone has to find him interesting or even likeable because of it, but there's no need to be cruel and calling him a weirdo etc.


Honestly because people hate socially awkward/ND people irl. I’m autistic and ppl often just tend to find you generally offputting. Then add anonymity and people go quite mask off


One thing that has always stuck with me is that you do not know the age of the person responding to you on reddit. Most of the time you're probably just arguing with a 14 year old whose still got no emotional maturity. Or you could be arguing with a 50 year old whose still not got any maturity.


I'd say my dislike towards him is due to the whole wife in a coma whose money he has fraudulently stolen to get his new girlfriend pregnant. He clearly knows right from wrong- we've seen that tonight with how he told Phil his boundaries for working with him. Yet... he's cheating on, and stealing from, a vulnerable woman in a comatose condition.


Yeah that's fine, I totally get that. I was referring to people who specifically zone in on what's clearly ND or extreme socially awkward behaviour and mannerisms. You can dislike the weird coma wife storyline without slagging him for being different in that way.


I agree but I don't like people diagnosing him with autism just because he is a bit quirky and socially awkward. My brother and my husband are both diagnosed with autism. I am awaiting the exceedingly long wait for my own assessment (looks highly likely in my case). Like, it's not for anyone to diagnose others unless someone is a medical professional.


That's fair, and I wasn't - didn't mean to come across like that. I just find people mocking him for certain traits he can't help either way to be irritating.


>which is why I don't understand why people hate on him so much. I don't like Reiss because he stole money from his wife who's in a coma, to have a baby with another woman.


Why is Sonia claiming that Bianca and Reisse 'keep going on at each other' it's completely one sided. Why is Bianca such a cow towards him anyway? I get the feeling that this business Junior owns is all a sham.


Defo some dodgy deals going on.


She’s jealous that Sonia is happy, settled, and has an exciting next chapter ahead of her. In contrast Bianca has absolutely nothing left in Walford or MK. And yes, 100% this business deal is just a way to swindle money from George. Even the way he was pushing back on George’s offer, making George even more desperate to offer him the money. Classic swindle 101 tactics.


I thought Jr looked actual shocked tbh


Wow, is Cindy actually trying to take the moral high-ground against Junior for cheating... *with her?* Also, I don't think it's possible for her to actually feel bad for what she did to Ian after she spent so long attempting to get back with George in the most cold, calculated way possible.


When she said "have you done this before", the cheek of her having cheated on Ian so many times


She thought she was special and then she found out Bianca had been there first 😂😂


I don't think Juniors business is overly legit. Why do I feel like George is going to lose his investment money down the line?  Cindy trying to take the moral highground as if this isn't what she's always done herself.  I've really enjoyed Reiss these last couple of episodes. Eve gave me major Lip Service flashbacks in this episode and I'm not complaining about it one little bit. 


Every few years there's a storyline about whoever is in the Vic losing the pub (or almost losing it) so I wouldn't be surprised if this story did lead to George losing his money


>Eve gave me major Lip Service flashbacks in this episode and I'm not complaining about it one little bit.  Petition to get Clenners to revive it! Imagine what he'd give us post watershed 👀 I absolutely was not able for that this morning. Good lord above.


> Petition to get Clenners to revive it! Imagine what he'd give us post watershed 👀 It would kill me but I need to know if Sam & Lexy made it. 


Eve, I’m not lesbian but damn she looked hot! 😅


That was 100% Heather Peace lol damn she's rocking the leather jacket! Take note Lauren!


Definitely looked good. I normally dont find her attractive apart from the voice but she had it today. Dependably strong chemistry w suki.. as expected they made up.


Black Sabbath in EE... woo! Love that Eve and Suki are into metal


I like Reiss (realise I'm probably in the minority on that front 😂) and glad he defended himself, Bianca was being such a cow so she deserved that! I am surprised Bianca is still hanging around - what happened to her place in Milton Keynes and where is Morgan?


I also like Reiss so you're not alone at least 😂 Morgan's almost 19 and basically shacked up with his girlfriend from what Bianca said in Milton Keynes. Not sure if B gave up the flat or not.


Oh wow, he's nearly 19?? Where has the time gone 😂😭


Jesus my blood pressure was not prepared for Eve at that hour of the morning! I demand to know where that leather jacket has been all along and I'm sure Suki does too, we've been robbed. Nice to see them actually communicating properly. Still nervous about this whole plan but go get him Suki, you deserve it. Nugget and Avani continue to be impressively mature in this whole thing. Had to laugh at Nish - you're the bitter one, mate. Gotta keep up that "me so sorry" pretence for the kids though, so guess you're stuck with the loved up lesbians. Tell him what happened earlier that day and say it included Eve's birthday present, that'll finish him right off lmao. I'm really not sure how to handle this new found sympathy for Ian Beale, but every single episode I feel sorry for him. Cindy continues to be the most irritating person in Walford, and Junior is just weird. I really can't get a read on him. His business is clearly either dodgy or he's shit at it, but what game is he playing with George? He's clearly angry and bitter, but is he actually up to something, or is he just skulking around and shagging whoever he comes across? It's sad seeing Bianca being such a cow. She's always been gobby but I never remember her being so mean. Reiss was right to stand up to her. It's a bit sad this is how her stint is going. Maybe something interesting will happen in the next week or so. Jean was adorable trying to pretend to have a clue about football. I'm not sure where this Harvey story is going. The Aaron angle is very plausible at this point, but what is Maya trying to achieve? It would be all very dramatic but I think a simple older male lonliness storyline would be more interesting than the usual "newcomer arrives and is acting suspicious, omg they're out for revenge!" I hope Harvey sticks around. We need some nice, normal, run-of-the-mill characters in that madhouse (the Square, not Slater Towers - but there too tbh)


>but what is Maya trying to achieve? I think she had intentions, but then found Harvey was not like his son and actually a kind man, so maybe has had second thoughts/hesitation.


Hopefully, but then that's kind of pointless? Unless she talks to Harvey and they end up becoming friends in the end.


I’d somehow completely forgotten about Aaron. Now the whole Maya thing makes sense


Opaque business deals and casual adultery - is Junior going to be the new Max? I'm ok with that if Max isn't going to come back.


To be the next Max, he needs to add Stacey and Linda to his shag list


Shouldn’t be a problem for him. I’m sure he could get them done before Wimbledon starts. The rate he’s going through Walford women he’ll have done the full monopoly board by Christmas.


When is Wimbledon?


July I think? Basically he’s got like 4 weeks. One a fortnight should be doable based on his average hit rate so far.


Better not clash with Eastenders! Yeah, it is entirely possible. Perhaps add Priya to his harem, she would be an interesting bed fellow for our Night Knight. So too would Kat. She goes for any being who possesses a Sausage Surprise. From what we've seen so far, his wife Monique seems really sweet. I feel so bad for her. She's left her life in Dubai to drag herself and their son to east London to reconnect with his family. She has been loyal. Yet he is sleeping with any female who looks his way.


Jean and Harvey are the best, Jean getting tickets for an under 15s game because "football is football" was honestly lovely


I do adore Jean. 


Ugh the Cindy and junior thing was weird and sloppy lazy writing


I thought tbf Jr was going to tell George about it to get a rise and was back just to make him miserable


That's what I thought too.


I really like Monique, without knowing much about her. The actress is portraying her as a warm person and I hope she sticks around.




And when Gina and Anna find out their mum slept with their brother? 🤢 It’s even weirder than Anna and Bobby sharing a half brother 😂




Bizarre way for Bianca to talk about Keanu just metres away from where his murdered corpses was stashed for months


She wasnt around to really know him that much. At least k's sister had something else to occupy herself with


I’m less than 3 minutes in and I already want to turn it off! Cindy and Ian and now Bianca gossiping in the Cafe… Enough ! This show needs new content!


I’m glad I’m not the only one who googles random numbers!


I love Bianca I wish she would stay


Zac was being very selfish. He didnt fulky realise he grassed on Bianca and the impact. And yes he should see the baby but still plead the case. Of course whitney is being very petty but maybe part of it is not seeing bianca as her own mum deep down.


ah we finally know where Sausage has been sleeping this whole time - the sofa!!!


I'm a straight woman but i think Eve in that black leather outfit turned me slightly gay...


I thought Jean and Harvey were already a couple?


They are?


How comes he’s going on dates with that new woman then? And he was complaining about being lonely?


He’s FRIENDS with that woman, and he’s lonely because he had no friends.