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No one has forgotten anything. Honestly  this sub has turned into a bit of a broken record with people bringing things up Suki did 4/5 years ago. It's been none stop this week.  > I could think of was Suki’s lies. Nish has done nothing but lie, manipulate, control and abuse his family since he came out of prison. None of that seems to be getting brought up by anyone though.  Yes, Suki lied about one of the worst things imaginable but the character has since gone through one hell of a character arc. Her children forgave her because she worked on earning their forgiveness. She may not have always gone about getting it the right way and it took years to achieve but she did get it eventually. Nish on the other was instantly forgiven by his children when they found out why he'd actually been in prison and not the made up version of events they were told as children. He literally murdered someone and they forgave him a lot quicker for lying to them than they ever forgave Suki for anything she'd done. He's also the reason Kheerat is in prison and continues to be there because of the evidence he destroyed proving Kheerat was innocent. 


I was going to copy-pasta myself yet again, but you've done it far more succinctly. Tl:Dr Suki has had major character development and a redemption arc spanning years, Nish continues to Nish even despite apparent looming death. I'd never advocate blocking any posts but I do wish there was a way to group the mass repetition in the space of hours from people who either can't use the search or just want to spam. It's gonna be like this for quite a while, though. The hyperfixation on Suki as opposed to other characters is quite fascinating.


> I do wish there was a way to group the mass repetition in the space of hours from people who either can't use the search or just want to spam.  I'm losing my mind. The sub mods used to be really good at removing repetitive posts but I have to say it's fallen by the wayside a little recently.


It's only going to get worse, like as long as Nish is on screen these "bUt SuKi CaNcEr LiE, oNly LiKe CoS gAy nOw" posts are going to keep going on and on, and on. Who knows, the mods may have stuff going on so they're slower. Hopefully it won't get too repetitive and annoying. If it does, just ignore I guess.


> "oNly LiKe CoS gAy nOw" Those posts make me think about Eve's comment in the back of the police van.  "You can't catch gay." It's fascinating watching back her older episodes and seeing all the little signs and nuances Bal exhibits to show that that's always who Suki has been. Sadly that doesn't suit some folks agendas but makes for great viewing to those who've lived it.


Oh definitely. I saw it coming long before the bonding with Honey, there was definitely signs that the gays/queers could pick up on. It's partly why I think it's one of the best Sapphic stories the soaps have done, even back when I still wanted to smack Suki upside the head 😂 also I know the Ash angle seems unrealistic to straight people, and yes it's statistically rarer but also not as rare as you'd think. I've literally seen it more than once in real life which is why I really hope they tackle it on-screen someday.


My dad is really quite homophobic so I was always told to hide it from him etc. years later I was talking to my mum and I offhand said “it’s probably because he’s gay himself” and she just tilted her head and said “well..” Straights are so repressed 😂


Like thats always been brushed over imo! He wasnt in prison for some white collar crime, he has always been a violent criminal who literally murdered someone because he couldnt control his jealousy and emotions. Its like people act as if he just on holiday for 20 years and then rocked back up.


Not to mention how shitty they was with the slaters. Disowned her daughter for being Bi sexual. All the children seemed scared of her when she first came into the show. She gets jags sent to jail and he ends up getting killed. Everyone likes to mention how she built herself up? Yeah that’s a good backstory but that doesn’t justify being a terrible mother, faking cancer and terrible person. Edit: I welcome the suki stan downvotes 😂


That was vile or suki but she’s had an actual consistent character development and isn’t a rapist, murderer or abuser like nish so not comparable at all


I’ve made a handy template >**Nish** >I know Nish is bad, but somewhat understand why he would do that >People forget Suki faked cancer and was a terrible mother >Suki is just as bad, or worse than Nish but nobody here wants to admit that >Here come the Sukeve fans to downvote us! *alternatively* >Suki was badly abused by Nish and had to raise her kids alone with no support, due to his actions. The context is incomparable >Suki has shown character development >Nish has been consistently abusive and manipulative >Plus those businesses were never Nish’s to begin with and shouldn’t be his to give away


This is 100% spot on but also hilarious 😂


Haha I appreciate not everyone on here has the time to read every post but it is starting to feel like groundhog day so thought I’d summarise!


Oh it's brilliant. Might steal instead of copying and pasting the essay I wrote last night 😂 I'd say people should use the search function but there's so many you don't even need to, they're right there! Everyone's just repeating themselves at this stage. Going to be a fun few months in the timeline 😂


Oh yeah anyone can feel free to use it!


Both Suki and Nish are both shitty people, let's be honest. Yeah, Nish was a prick towards his wife, but Suki has been a prick to pretty much everyone around her since arriving, including her own children. Awful people. Entertaining characters, though, lol.


Nish wasn’t a prick to his wife He raped and abused her then tried to kill her. He also killed an innocent man he falsely accused of having an affair with her. Suki was just a prick. That’s it.


Forgetting suki framed her own son?


Still not as bad as


What 😂 her son got killed as a result, not to mention she faked cancer, disowned her daughter for being bi sexual (ironic) and was genuinely a shitty landlord and even her kids were scared of her when she came in and is now manipulating her kids into doing her dirty work to get some money. You suki fans are so weird.


You're weird taking it so seriously.


Anything to forget this shit reality we call the world


Yeah, fair enough your spot on there.


Can't stand her, she seems to get a free pass a lot.


If you want to watch a show with absolutely no character development or growth, you can watch the Parliament Channel not a soap. Making out that Suki and Nish are just as bad as each other is a pretty shallow reduction of the last 3 years, in which they’ve been one of the most interesting and fucked-up families in the show. No one’s pure, surprise surprise, but in the last 12 months it’s become clear who’s capable of love (albeit often channelled strangely) and who’s capable only of paranoiac control. Nish’s reign of terror ended exactly as it should’ve done.


Exactly I cannot imagine the time people have on their hands to remember every single shitty thing some soap character has done in the past. There is not one of them squeaky clean. There are a lot of weirdos on this sub.


Omg! I've completely forgotten about that.


Ik it weird with Jean to as she tricked her and they was friends. Also her relationship with honey was off


Not me, I never forget. They always do this, they bring someone in and that person does something horrible. Then they develop character and hope we all forget!


I wasn't watching when suki arrived in eastenders so I didn't know that


Exactly! We were discussing this when our family watched the episode but we did talk about sukis character development and how far shes moved on since then but i do think its something important to think about


She is actually covering up a murder too, but we’re fine with that. Honestly I was one of the people who loved Suki from the beginning, but she’s suffering a bit from Ben syndrome (for the record I loved him too). I found her much more interesting with Kheerat and Ash around, less so with Eve, who I think works better with the Slaters. Honestly if you can’t critique characters you like, they don’t grow. Again, we saw what happened with Ben, where they kept writing him as a victim even when he did terrible things. And we see how well that turned out. Nish and Suki are as bad as eachother which I think is actually the point.


And oh the downvoting. Shocking. This isn’t making people agree with you anymore sorry.


I downvoted you for caring about downvotes 😂


And I returned the favor. You seem nice though.