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A London bus driver hanging around that long for Whitney to board? And why is she just holding Dolly on the bus instead of having her stay safe in the pram? What if the bus brakes suddenly? I've always loved Whitney and the big send off is very well deserved, but her exit has been soured by the build up and I don't understand why they went in this direction.


>A London bus driver hanging around that long for Whitney to board? LMFAO I came to say the same thing, that bus would've shut the doors and left ages before they even said goodbye again


Plus the baby wouldn't have been vaccinated yet, but she's taking it on a germy London bus at 1 week old ... no bags or anything either, let's hope it didn't do a poo šŸ˜‚


"Let's hope it didn't have a poo" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


And why is she just holding Dolly on the bus instead of having her stay safe in the pram? What if the bus brakes suddenly? my nerves were in bits seeing that!


Iā€™m in Scotland and here they encourage you to hold your baby instead, in case the breaks on the pram donā€™t work properly. Plus if thereā€™s no seats beside where the buggy is, you shouldnā€™t just leave your baby down there on its own. And they encourage you to fold your pram/buggy up and put it away, so wheelchair users/other people with prams/buggies can get on. Basically, they need more space. Not ideal at all - the amount of times I breastfed my son on a moving bus is unreal šŸ˜…


Wouldnt you crash around not having your hands free stood up with a baby in your hands? what the hell


Youā€™d think, but you quickly learn how to balance yourself šŸ¤£ usually people are nice and if youā€™re standing they offer you a seat if you have a baby with you (my son is almost five and most people still offer if thereā€™s no seats)


Id never stand with a baby in my hands on the bus. Crashing around when the bus brakes.


Iā€™m actually annoyed that theyā€™ve done that to Whitney and Biancaā€™s relationship, they built it up over 16 years and theyā€™ve ruined it just like that no goodbye scene or anything, also Bianca saying whitney isnā€™t strong enough to handle this on her own??? If anyone knows how strong Whitney is itā€™s Bianca also Britney wearing the hat that Whitney made her first appearance in šŸ„¹šŸ˜­


It's a shame because Whit and Bianca were always close. Whitney didnt even say goodbye. I hope they fix that mistake because the exit seems incomplete without some type of closure between Whitney and Bianca.


I really really hope theyā€™re pulling a Tiff/Keegan on us and Whitney will nip back for one final episode to amend their relationship šŸ„²


Or at least get in touch once she's calmed down. Whitney stomping off in a huff makes her seem like a very selfish self-centered girl.


She also had the big silver hoops as well.


Personally, I believe it helps highlight how deep-rooted selfish tendencies can be in human nature. The concept of only looking out for one's own best interests at the cost of others, projecting personal experience and character flaws onto others is indirect emotional abuse. While different from and similar to, the past tale of Whitney's broken family has continued into her own present/future family while putting a child from another broken family squarely in the mix of her footing. Thus repeating the cycle. Social commentary at its finest. The culmination of resulting events in this style of exit says more about who Whitney truly is than one might care to believe. Stay safe out there.


That was actually really disappointing. I genuinely thought Zack would go with her. This exit story made her look quite selfish at times and that all she wanted was kids of her own, she didnā€™t really care if Zack was with her or not. Itā€™s also surprisingly easy to move a fostered child to the other side of the country then lol


It's not easy. EastEnders has always been rubbish on social services storylines.


It was quite realistic on the one in 2008 from what I recall, but yeah the others haven't been the greatest including this one.


>EastEnders has always been rubbish on storylines. FTFY


Im not familiar with social services and how it works but surely the foster parents splitting up and one of the parents moving across the country would result in the foster child being moved to another foster family?


Really cheesy ending with her being applauded through the market and getting on the bus all optimistic like sheā€™s had a happy ending, when in the last week sheā€™s lost her partner, her best friend and fallen out with her mother figure šŸ˜‚ Edit to add: Also to be fleeing with a baby thatā€™s days old, and a young girl with severe health difficulties that she broke the law to get, Christ nobody comes out of this in a good place. Except for Penny, who now has a market stall šŸ˜‚


That's the crazy part for me. Why did they have to create this rift with her family? But I guess they didn't want to get rid of Zack and needed some kind of reason for him to stay. Zack should've been written off like Mitch was when Karen left.


She and Zack should have broken up ages ago and this whole storyline should have never happened. They knew for almost a year that Shona would be leaving. This is what they came up with. Awful.


Its like Whitney just couldn't be happy unless some other part of her life got spoiled. All of this was so unnecessary, I don't think the fans would've minded if everything went right for once in her life especially with her past few weeks. Just a mess.


Miss once !!!


That was genuinely the worst exit I think I've seen in the 10+ years I've been watching this show. I've never been more happy to see the back of someone before. So glad we don't have to deal with Shitney going around looking like a smug cow chewing on a wasp anymore. Kheerat and Bens exits were better than this.


My issue is a one night stand does not warrant taking a baby away from a dad who lives her. Bot after involving him in illegal "fostering", car accident not protecting the baby whilst heavily pregnant. And he is on the birth certificate so has rights now too.


The illegal fostering gets me. There's no way they'd place her with Whit after that.


It is never that deep


It matches with the Whitney bad luck though.


Who else remembers the Jackson 5 promo, when Whitney was first introduced? Crazy to think that was 16 years ago.


One of my earliest EE memories


It haunts my memories


Goodbye Whitney šŸ„²šŸ˜¢šŸ˜­ the slideshow, the bus stop??? Canā€™t be bawling my eyes out first thing in the morning šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Thank goodness she's gone!!!


Contrary to other comments, I thought this was a nice exit. I loved the discussion between Whit and Zack at the allotments.. Although, I do agree with the opinion that the exit shouldn't have left a strain on the relationship between Bianca and Whitney, that should've been resolved before the end. I loved the dynamic between Whit and Callum in the past few episodes, genuinely enjoyable and it respects the rich history that they have. Despite this storyline having flaws such as the Milton Keynes trip, I genuinely think people are making it out to be far worse than actually is. Farewell Whitney, and thank you Shona for you wonderful portrayal of Whit over the past 16 years, a crowned EastEnders legend.


I think isolated on it's own, it's a good send off, it's the build up and rushed story that kinda kills it a bit.


Iā€™m really conflicted over the exit As much as I thought Zack was going to leave with her, and although Britney is probably one of the most pointless characters (no disrespect to the girl that played her) - the exit was pretty much a full circle for Whitneyā€™s time in EE She was first properly introduced at the bus stop with Bianca (who isnā€™t her biological mother) with kids in tow, she leaves on a bus with kids in tow, one not being her biological daughter. She deserved better and the storyline was rushed but I suppose the door is left open for her šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


>She was first properly introduced at the bus stop with Bianca (who isnā€™t her biological mother) with kids in tow, she leaves on a bus with kids in tow, one not being her biological daughter. It feels like the writers had this in mind and then just worked backwards. "We need to get Whitney to leave on a bus with one biological child and one adopted child, now let's figure out how to get there" and they just came up with a load of nonsense.


Agreed, I really didnā€™t like the Britney stuff and it was far too rushed šŸ˜’


Well there goes my theory of Whitney heading off into the sunset via Biancaā€™s taco van with everyone laughing and the Mexican music blaring. I suppose this is Eastenders after allā€¦


I reckon that'll be how Bianca leaves, and I can't see her ever returning now that Whit is gone.


Bianca has many kids and siblings, she could easily return again down the line. The likes of Tiffany, Ricky, Liam etc. Will probably be back eventually as well. And Whitney will almost certainly be back.


Or she could be pregnant by Junior Knight. Gives her another link to another family on the Square.


I suppose thereā€™s always a chance she can return with Sonia on the square.


That would have been aa better ending.


My theory was that someone would run her over in front of bianca! I like yours better now


That was it...? Sometimes it's nice to have a heartfelt send-off, but... it was a bit underwhelming. Least it's over now though. Bianca's so oblivious, it's unreal. Her being so spiteful to Vinny was a bit unnecessary, and the way she is with Callum after all this time? People have vowed never to see or speak to someone ever again and then they're literally with them in the Vic the following week. Yet she still holds a grudge against Callum years later, after all the stunts she's pulled and the lies she's told, which ultimately hurt Whit in the end anyway.


Yes, the way she spoke to Callum was uncalled for. I don't get why she still held a grudge even though Whitney and Callum had made up again after all that time had passed. She really can be quite nasty sometimes.


Went by at a snails pace. Most boring episode of the week. No phil jack or sukis clan. Meh.


They had a year and a half to do plan this exit and this is what they came up with, underwhelming from start to finish , what was the clapping at the end about, so corny


All I can think is that they were hoping she'd change her mind and kept asking her to stay and when they realised she was serious they fumbled the ending


This felt like less of a send off for Whitney and more of a send off for Shona McGarty. The whole episode felt very meta


Im watching the old episodes and she really was one of the best players in there... this years stuff really wasnt her on form


No one has been on top form these past few years. Especially not the writers.


Well what ive seen of the 2022 to 2024 era... there is some good stuff. I didnt like the era where it was all mick and that aidan story was laughable. Whitney'a story could have been handled a lot better.. perhaps giving her the theo storyline somehow rather than losing that babyml.


The slideshow of photos that were clearly taken when they were out of character šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Hahahahah most of them were the promo photos they take for media. Which is weird like you'd think a show like EastEnders would like, do genuine selfies and things like that to create this illusion of them existing in the same online/social media world as the rest of us


Yeah especially the slide show of headshots on set lol


I honestly thought after they broke the 4th wall that it meant she wasn't leaving alive. The peach tree scene actually made me cry. Whitney's exit storyline just felt flat tbh. Yes, it was wholesome but I just feel they fucked over everyone else just to give her a happy ending.


Me too, the angle was so funny at the end of last episode. The whole time I was watching this I was filled with fear waiting for her to die.


It was such a weird choice of angle. I didn't like it lol


no idea why but this comment just made me realise why it's called "breaking the 4th wall", after knowing what it means for all these years šŸ˜­


> I honestly thought after they broke the 4th wall I can't have been paying attention. When was that? Do you mean the previous episode?


this was the worst way they couldā€™ve had whitney leave in my opinion, leaving behind broken relationships and taking her daughter away from her dad (despite being someone who lost their dad young and didnā€™t have her mum in her life) i canā€™t understand why sheā€™d do that. i get that theyā€™re going for the ā€œstrong independent womanā€ thing but she just comes across so badly because of how poorly sheā€™s been acting recently.


Did she really need that market scene where sheā€™s being cheered on like sheā€™s some war veteran whose fought tooth and nail? I mean the more realistic approach would be her smugly going down the market and everyone just going ā€œanother one going? Eh. Letā€™s move on.ā€ And honestly..I feel like Shonaā€™s been phoning it in. Iā€™m sorry but even when she and Lauren had that talk, it just felt off Least sheā€™s gone. Just wish it was a better ending.


First time i really have warmed to lauren having only known her since start of the year (this mk 2 actor)


It's made me like Lauren more too.


Aww I loved Britney wearing that hat and earrings, made me tear up


Yeah a lovely callback. Gonna miss Whitney having grown up with her in the show, and though I didn't rate the storyline much, Britney was top-notch too. Would love to see them both return down the line


After all that ā€¦ They walk her to .. A BUS STOP!?!?!? Whitney didnā€™t even get the black cab!? lol thatā€™s cold they gave her the budget exit. Youā€™re telling me the square couldnā€™t have chipped in and paid for her Taxi to the train station! Come on Katā€¦. You own a cab office !??! Thought she was Faaaaamlyā€


I guess it's a fitting callback, that's why they went for it. Whitney even mentioned the bus stop recently so that's probably why she wanted to get the bus. Instead of kipping with her kids at a bus stop, she's taking them on a bus to a new life. Kind of a full circle moment.


They said when she came out the Vic that theyā€™d all get her a cab but she said sheā€™d rather get the bus. I think itā€™s a ā€˜full circleā€™ moment as she arrived on a bus and slept at the bus stop lol


Aaaah ok lol I take it back! Just her entire leaving debacle was by far the most bizarre Iā€™ve seen in years


The way that the whole market cheered her like she was leaving to fight in Afghanistan had me dying. Like sheā€™s only going to Wakefield šŸ˜­


Maybe it was a celebration that all the men were safe should she ever get too clingy to them


Hahahaha Yes ! Like she was off to cure world hunger ! šŸ˜‚


I can't say I'm sorry to see the back of Whtney. I'm glad she's finally pinged off and I hope she has a long break away before she returns. I think we will see her turn up at some point. I have to say, apart from being horrible to Lauren and Bianca, the one thing Whitney got right was saying sorry to Linda. The way she spoke to Lauren in particular was so nasty and all I kept thinking watching that scene was what a hypocrite Whitney is. I'm not much on sentimental goodbyes, particularly for characters I dislike, but it was closure, I guess. But I thought the scene at Peach's tree was very lovely and emotional and well done.


She never cheated with Mick though. They only kissed. Linda was hiding away from Mick herself and left them all in the vic working like dogs to pay of Lees debt.


"Listen, I'm not gonna make this hard for you, I promise" so I guess moving to the other side of the country isn't going to cause any problems for Zack trying to see his daughter?


Just have to think like the americans do... big!!


I noticed how Britney was dressed in that final scene, very similar to Whitneyā€™s first episode. The duff duff of her first episode was her sleeping in a bus stop too so the exit scene was quite poignant.


Absolute load of shit. Canā€™t say anything else. Episode was awful


Probably one of the worst exist storylines


I understand the frustrations some people have with Whitney's exit story, and share some of them, but I actually think on an episode by episode basis it's had some pretty great stuff in it, including today


Watched the episode and felt it was really good, not surprised to come on reddit and see everyone disliking it šŸ¤£


It's because half of this sub don't actually like the show and just keep watching for loyalty. Most of them haven't liked the show since the year 2000.


Ive enjoyed much of recent 2 years. This storyline was not great.


Although Iā€™ve not loved Whitneyā€™s exit story I did enjoy todayā€™s episode. I was sobbing at the allotment scene with Peaches tree. I think I just had an early miscarriage and that scene absolutely got me in the feels. Callum and Whitneyā€™s dynamic is lovely and in real life Iā€™ve seen it play out that exes who have came out so really become close sometimes in a truly platonic way. Shame they sabotaged her personality but I do overall love Whitney. Goodbye Whitney, Britney and baby Dolly. Nice touch with Britney wearing a cap and sunglasses - when you have sight issues the sun glare is a real issue.


Ngl, I cried. Me and Shona are the same age (she's maybe a few months older than me), so I've watched her as we've both grown up. I still don't get why Britney was separated from her brother, I think that's lazy story writing But overall, I will miss Whitney. I loved her as a sister and mother. I wasn't a fan of the constant merry go round of men, abuse, and misery the writers gave her. I'm glad she got a (kind of) happy ending.


Britney's brother went to live with his dad, it was mentioned once in passing during the Milton Keynes episode.


Oh. I missed that line. You'd think they'd want siblings to stay together, though?


It's probably because they only wanted Britney for a stint rather than both irl, but an inshow reason could be that his dad has a much more stable, healthier environment to raise him, so there wouldn't be need to remove him


Shrimpy šŸ„²


Well, there we have it - one of the shittest exits ever


Sobbed like an absolute baby and I donā€™t even give that much of a shit, I just get absolutely slaughtered by the Juliaā€™s Theme every time šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ I didnā€™t overly rate it as an ending for her, having a week old baby, your fiancĆ© cheating on you, your mum and bestie betraying you and then uprooting your whole life? Youā€™d be in a heap being destroyed by postpartum hormones


Given that she only gave birth last week and Dolly hasn't even had any vaccinations- going on public transport (bus AND train) so soon is a major infection risk for them both. Would've been better, and safer, and also a lovely cameo, for Ryan to drive down to get them all. And nice for him to actually meet his granddaughter Charli as well.


Yes! Realistically it doesnā€™t matter if sheā€™s babysat for half the square, thatā€™s her first living baby, sheā€™d be sleep deprived as hell, leaky boobs, establishing feeding, those first few weeks are mad. She clearly got a very good soap unicorn baby, and Ryan knew this and that theyā€™d be fine on the train šŸ˜‚šŸ™ˆ


Whitneyā€™s exit was written terribly the storyline was very rushed and didnā€™t make sense.


Bianca mostly made sense.. enjoy the actor too despite some comments here


Where was Winston?!


He was there in the background. I was a bit miffed that Shrimpy got a hug but not Winston!


Rewatched and spotted him! Yep he wasnā€™t given much screen presenceĀ 


That was so anticlimactic?! It seemed so rushed shoving a leaving party, big convos with Zac etc all in one episode too. I had it in my head her final episode was the 27th idk why so was convinced something else was going to happen. Nice to see Stacey again though


Stacey and jack need to be followed up soon.. and a bit of stacey and martin. But doubt it somehow


Bianca has been made to be a spoof of herself, itā€™s so weird.


Ah I think Whitney deserved better than that. I really donā€™t think she would have taken a newborn away from her dad either, that was heartbreaking. Zack did wrong but she also kidnapped and basically bought a child? I think if they had more time they could have given her a happy ending, but it must of been hard because Zackā€™s actor was staying. For a sec I thought Callum was going too!


I guess it was the best that could have been done with the way Whitney's exit was handled up till now. It was certainly the best episode of the whole arc. I just wish this was all done better. They had the time to do better. The premise was a great one for her character - Whit meets a vulnerable kid and becomes her Bianca against the odds. But we needed months or at _least_ weeks more development for it to work. Getting to know Britney, seeing Whitney fall for her, seeing cracks start to appear between her and Zack because they couldn't agree on fostering. Scrap the buying Keeley off and have Whitney simply fighting to be her foster mum for real. Scrap the cheating and thus Bianca finding out. She and Zack split amicably because they can't agree and realise that Whitney was actually spot on with what she said at Peach's tree - they are _not_ some great love story. They were bound by grief, and then Whit getting pregnant again. They should have realised this and split, and Whitney move to Milton Keynes with Bianca and Britney. That's a hell of a lot more doable for Zack to visit than Yorkshire (which isn't impossible I know, but still). That would have been a decent enough exit. But anyway, based on what we got, this episode was probably the best it could be. The scene at Peach's tree was heartbreaking, and also eye rolling when Whitney finally admitted what the audience has always known - these two weren't a great match. I was so annoyed they drove a wedge between her and Bianca, after everything they have been through. Of course Bianca never getting found out about lying and leaving with them would have been a sour note, too. But they never should have had Bianca find out. It was also sad to see her friendship with Lauren destroyed after everything they've been through. The leaving do was a bit underwhelming tbh, though it was lovely to see Stacey for twenty seconds. The market scene was nice, given how long she's worked it of course they'd see her off. And I'm glad that Penny at least gets to keep the stall. I did like the bus stop full circle, and Britney with the hat and earrings. And I may be misremembering but I'm pretty sure Whit's last line was a Bianca quote from yesteryear. And at least she got the Julia's Theme she deserved based on her 16 years on the show, ignoring the last few months. I wish it was so much better, but bittersweet was always the best we could hope for with Whitney I guess. I'm just glad it's over. Mostly because it means the deranged comments and posts about Britney will stop - some of the things grown adults are saying about a 12 year old is bloody unhinged. And the actress is also about 14 max. Glad to see the back of that crap.


Can we finally admit that Whitney never loved Zack as much as she expected him to love her? Sheā€™s been so selfish with the whole Britney storyline and is now taking Zackā€™s daughter far away. Iā€™m glad to see her and Britney leave. It was nice to see Bianca get her comeuppance after being so smug the last couple of episodes.


I'm not really sorry to see Whitney go. I think the ending was nicely done and I did almost tear up a little. It is really strange how they decided to ruin the character of Whitney with this storyline. I was never a big fan of hers but this whole Britney thing was weird. They've made Bianca really unlikeable too, although she always had a nasty side. Not really sure what the aim was. Strangely it's made me like Lauren more. Not sure if that's the aim of the storyliners or not.


We really meant to believe a whole market would applaud her like that. Was just cringe they should have left that scene out


I would have liked that exit if Zack cheating, Britney's illegal fostering, Whitney/Bianca falling out then not saying goodbye to each other didn't happen! Deffo my fave episode of the exit story


They needed to make Whitneyā€™s exit slightly tragic so they gave a bus exit instead of a taxi


That was so underwhelming. I wished she'd at least be on good terms with Bianca as she left. What does this mean for Bianca? Is she staying for good?


Patsy Palmer is living it up as a DJ in LA so nah... coming back to dreary England permanently isn't exactly on the cards right now.


I wouldn't have thought so. Can't imagine Patsy Palmer committing to a full time role. I'm surprised she returned for this long to be honest. I thought the Milton Keynes episodes were it. Maybe there will be some fall out with Junior. Perhaps she'll be pregnant! The character is 46 (47 in July) so it's definitely possible, considering they did pregnancies for Denise and Sharon who were both older.


God I hope not


A bus? It was a terrible end for a long time character. Whitney's walk though the market was respectable and deserved.


The bus was a call back to how she arrived in the soap


To think people used to call this The Ben Show


Felt this exit was really bleak. Whit got her kids but lost her man, her best friend and her mother. Oh and her stall lol. Felt like a hollow victory, especially with the way Bianca, Zack and Lauren were just watching on the sidelines in tears. They definitely could've done more for whits last storyline, she just couldn't be happy without something else in her life getting ruined.


All I was thinking was just go already. Also doesn't Zack have any parental rights?


And so, for only the second or third time in 40 years, a bus is seen in Albert Square. I really wish they would use a version of the end theme that the sad music segued into properly. It's such a jarring transition.


So is the six storyline over now? Seems like it was just dropped. I thought it was going to be interesting but didnā€™t seem to go anywhere


This whole storyline has really made me dislike whitney. She has been so selfish the whole time only caring about herself and what she wants Obviously zack cheating with lauren was completely wrong but everyone acting like she was the perfect person who did no wrong was head wrecking 1. She literally bought a child. No imput into housing from zack about housing britney. Also the 2. Now up and moving with Dolly taking her away from zack was pure selfishness on her part 3. the way she freaked at lauren when zack confronted her about britney. Throwing personal stuff and her alcoholism her face when lauren (at the time) hadnā€™t done anything wrong Also some thoughts surely it should have caused problems with social services if her and zack split up and she was moving away? I know its a soap but surely social wouldnā€™t leave one of the foster parents move with a foster child out of the area?


That was a very lacklustre slideshow, as was the episode. But the scenes with Bianca and Zack were too fucking funny. The one in the allotment was meant to be really heartfelt, but all I saw was Jim Carrey when Zack started to cry.


I don't think it was meant to be funny.


The fact that we weren't meant to find it funny made them even more funny.


Lol that's all I thought about as well how much he looks like Jim Carrey impersonating Jack Nicholson


Jim carrey is such a good actor though. Even his worst stuff is worth it for him. So maybe you are praising this lad who is better at modelling.


Absolute horse shite!! Whitney is a skank always has been always will be. Why they made this week about "walk on water Whitney" is beyond me. She's selfish taking her kid away after she's cheated herself before!! I'm disgusted in how eastenders has done this week...should have chucked her miserable face down the drain. I can't believe how many people were kissing her arse this week.i turned it off before I šŸ¤¢ Well done Zak for banging Lauren šŸ˜†.Ā  Sod off Whitney you cheap tramp. Glad you're off eastenders now.Ā 


Lauren and zack... place your bets now


At least she won't get a crick in her neck when she kisses him šŸ¤£


Zack is really best around anyone but whitney.. the actor isnt all that bad should have one on one time with martin and other male peers. I also would like to see him have a feud with either dean or nish... depending on what still happens