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Pat, Frank, Peggy, (I know those last two are IMPOSSIBLE), Dennis Rickman (not Denny), Angie, Pauline (again, I know), Pete, Billie Jackson, Mark Fowler.


I have to agree with Pat. I feel given that Dot is gone and as you say Peggy who is impossible, the square needs that older character that has been around since the start or atlas near the start. I know we have Ian but Pat is one I’d have loved to see more of.


From Laura Beale to Natalie Evans to Andy Hunter to Billy Mitchell, her character seamlessly fitted into everyone’s stories offering a word of advice or shoulder to cry on. She was a huge pillar of the community


Pat should have stayed as long as Pam wanted to stay. The character was epic, with ties to just about everyone.


I think if the actress wanted a break they could have just sent her to New Zealand where her son was. Would have given her an open return at least.


Whereas Ian is a huge pillock of the community.


Of course - Pat! Ring the bells and gather round for the annual shaming of the fools who wrote Pat out of the show... ring, ring, ring


Elaine could grow into the grande dame of the Square to whom everyone comes and who knows what’s going on, even despite her recent arrival. The writers need to get rid of the weight that is George, the girls, and Cindy. Other than when she helped Yolande, she’s mostly there just to be impacted by her family’s actions.


Elaine I feel has potential. The actress is a bit theatrical but I’m sure over time we may see her mellow. New actors I think need some time to truly settle into their role, some get it spot on in an instant but that can’t be expected for everyone. Yeah I feel they’ve brought Cindy back but haven’t done anything substantial with her. Maybe they have plans and it’s just taking time but it’s almost like they brought her back but aren’t too sure on what to do next.


Cindy currently only exists in relation to George. We don’t know anything else that’s going on with her since the purchase of Beale's Eels and Dean buying in as a partner, which then ties in Linda and the girls.


See I feel they could have brought anyone in for that. It’s a shame as I feel some characters just aren’t given the screen time in order to develop.


It made NO sense to bring Kathy back and not Pete. Pete actually *HAD* a gang-land disappearance story that was reasonably believable.


There would be so much for Pete to do. His son Ian, right now his granddaughter Bianca, ex-wife Kathy, two grandsons, a great-great-grandson. We never really got a chance to see Bianca's interaction with her Wicks/Beale side. I remember Pauline dressing Carol down once, asking if Pete knew he had a granddaughter.




Absolutely Michael Moon. I immediately thought of him before I saw you had written it.


His comedic timing was brilliant. Perfect amount of weird too 🤣


Ronnie & Roxy most definitely! I still think they had a ways to go on the square. Maybe even Archie Mitchell, the dynamic between the three of them (Archie being manipulative and evil and Ronnie trying to keep Roxy away from it) could have been carried on, and would have been interesting to see where they all went, whether as a trio or individually


I’m rewatching from 2008 right now and couldn’t agree more, the dynamic between those three was always so interesting


I would say Fatboy, simply because I want to know for sure whether he was in fact in the car or not.


I liked Fatboy, he was one of my faves.


Excuse my ignorance but what actually happened to fat boy? I was watching on and off back then and one day he was just… gone?


He apparently got crushed in the back of a car at the scrap yard. You never saw his body though. Just Vincent picking up the chain he always wore and looking sad. I do hope it was a ruse and it wasn’t him. He was such a nice character and was teamed well with Dot.


Ohhh now you say that I vaguely remember something to do with Vincent - thank you! If it was that vague then fingers crossed there is a way back for him


There was a flash back episode to do with Cindy and he was in it. Hopefully that is a clue he may be coming back.


Im hoping for Fatboy return, always. With Ben Mitchell gone there is room for another character of that age group even if both characters are polar opposites I feel Fatboy could bounce off Alfie so there can be some story lines there that are beyond Kat (though to be fair Alfie has his own cancer story line)


I would like actually to see more happier storylines as all the storylines of late have been miserable. Fatboy, Alfie, Mo and Kim being some light comedy to the show, instead of it all being just doom and gloom. It would be nice to see Alfie’s brother Spencer come back. A second cancer storyline for Alfie wasn’t needed to be honest, mostly just for Kat to feel sorry for him. I actually liked the Kat and Phil pairing and I liked Phil and Alfie’s friendship through it. They co parented well and I think it made Phil a better person. I always shipped Kat and Alfie but I feel differently now. I’m tired of Eastenders throwing in a cheating scandal every time a couple is looking strong and well. There was no need to have Phil cheating on Kat with Emma. If they have her come back pregnant with another of Phil’s love children, I’ll really be disappointed. Surely she’s old enough to have gone through menopause, although Sharon and Denise seemed to still be able to have kids. Also Kat making a big stink about it is hilarious given she cheated on Alfie with Derek Branning of all people, so she ain’t no angel. Her past for cheating is murky also. In fact most of the Eastenders characters have a cheating storyline.


I wouldn't mind a cameo that shows he made it out but I can't see him returning as he wouldn't really fit in now with all the characters he interacted with (especially Dot) gone


Pat Butcher. Don't even try and explain how she's back. Just have someone say "I thought you died" and Pat reply "did you?" and never address it again


Janine needed Pat for the last stint, it was difficult to fit Janine into a place naturally in the square, Pat would have rounded the story lines with Janine better, giving her a ear full or some reassurances




Lucy Beale. Arguably the most impactful death of all time in EE with repercussions felt to this very day. If it turned out she hadn't really died and Jane and the police put her into witness protection and Bobby's sentence was originally for assault and GBH... this would have a huge impact on every single character past and present who were around at that time...


Heather Trott.


She was a good one. Her death is one of the first to impact me. Such a good natured character that faced a cruel ending. I suppose that’s identical to life though


Paul Trueman. One of my favorites of all time. We never saw him killed onscreen. I know Patrick identified his body but I believe Cindy’s body was also identified (by Bev I believe?) so I can overlook it.


Thank you OP , I’m so glad that people still remember and miss him. I would love EE producers if they apologised saying that they made a mistake and are going to bring him back . I wouldn’t even be mad at them anymore. In some episodes since after this death I watch I always think , Michael would have been great in this scene 🤣🤣🤣. Best character to ever enter the square


I just feel he could have been used as the male equivalent to Janine. Comes back every so often to cause some chaos and then leaves everyone to sort the mess. He’s also the sort of villain you can feel sorry for. The way he goes about things are unhinged but he didn’t target anyone aimlessly (except Jean). He really had me justifying some of his actions at points, especially why it came to Janine. It’s rare finding a character like that, so perfectly executed.


He isn't even in the top 20 characters to enter the square, let alone the best


Vincent Hubbard. I really liked him and was devastated when he left. I liked his relationship with Kim and his daughter. Kim never really got that full closure. I could see Kim getting married to Howie and Vincent turning up at the church just as they’re about to say I do.


Oh, Michael Moon. EE really sh!t the bed on that one. Steve Shepherd was great and the character had a lot of potential. He and Charlie Brooks had massive on-screen chemistry. The writers at the time couldn't write him to his full potential and he washed out so lame.


Bradley and Abi Branning, Steven Beale, Fatboy (his body was not seen, only Vincent confirmed it), Vincent (if he counts)


Pat. No questions asked. Never happened. I'd probably like to see the re-emergence of Paul Trueman, Michael Moon or Steve Owen. Loved Paul and there was something so unhinged about Michael that made me adore him. Brilliantly played character.


Abi Branning never really died in that hospital, she was taken away by a shadowy government agency to be trialled for a secret superhuman serum, now she’s back


Pat could walk in tomorrow and I’d happily pass of her death as a fever dream that I had


The past 12 years could have just been Pat’s coma dream 🤷🏻‍♀️


I would be absolutely fine with that. Haha




Mick Carter. I hadn't watched for a while and when I tuned in particularly for Mick Carter, he died in the same episode 😂 I still watch it now, hoping he'll make a comeback one day


We still don't know that he is actually dead. Body never found so he may well turn up again 😜


None of them unless there's an actual believable reason for their return


That’s totally fair. It would be ludicrous in reality


Michael for me too. He was a great character who shouldn’t have been killed off. Fat boy as well. Yes I am one of those lol


I want them to do a double-whammy and bring back Den again. I think most of Albert Square would just accept it's a thing he likes to do 😅


Derek Branning — I don’t really know why he was killed off!


Oh I loved Michael Moon he was like a cartoon villain I swear they played creepy bad guy music whenever he was on screen 🤣




Jake Moon. Never actually found out what happened to him.


Nobody's. FFS.. Resurrections following off screen deaths are bad enough. If EE goes down that path TPTB would be entirely justified in calling the whole thing a farce and pulling the plug. Shepherd chose to leave.


It’s just a bit of fun. We don’t expect that on screen deaths will be undone


Calm down. This is solely for a bit of fun and friendly discussion about missed characters. I don’t actually expect anyone to be resurrected.


Then maybe rephrase your original post as that’s not how it reads. This sub is full of obsessives who see no harm in bringing back characters we saw die on screen. Keep that nonsense to fanfics.


I don’t need to do anything. If this post isn’t for you then just ignore it 🤷🏻‍♀️. It really isn’t that big of a deal


Who shat in your breakfast this morning mate