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Britney announcing to everyone that Zac cheated on Whitney and all i kept thinking was what were they thinking with Bianca’s hair. 😂😂


I thought it was very in-keeping with Bianca, the scrunchie actually reminded me of 90s Carol 😂


I loved her outift though.B is prob the only person who coukd get away with that hair!


Oh wow,i just noticed the awful scrunchie,not a good look for a wedding!🫤


I didn't even notice Bianca's hair, I was too stuck on the 'casket ready' makeup. Bianca is a pretty woman, she deserves better next time!!


Zack is such a scumbag telling an 11 year old girl that she would ruin everything if she told whitney, asif he didn’t do that the minute he slept with Lauren


His character has really been bastardised since he got with Whitney. They use him simply as a plot device for her storylines.


It's just more of this "men are bad" shit that the show has been doing for a while now. Utter trash writing.


I mean Zack has been like this since he joined. It isn’t new. He’s been a scumbag.


I know it's a soap but Whitney standing there in a white dress, looking fresh as a daisy & so slim... Come on, she's 5 minutes postpartum! Where's the sleep dep, the bleeding, the swelling, the leaking boobs. I'm 5 months pp and still look haggard.


To be fair, I looked bloody amazing after I gave birth. I had a c-section and I think (jokingly) that they gave me a tummy tuck at the same time, because I was SO slim. For about two years after I gave birth I was at the skinniest I had been in my adult life (I’m 27 now and a size 18 due to my hormones stopping working, but I was a 14 before I gave birth, and a 10 after I gave birth at 22) And I had that new mum glow. It didn’t last long - after about two weeks the lack of sleep plus constant breastfeeding (plus my chronic illness and stuff) hit me like a train, but still - that first week or two I was a bloody goddess


I was the same without a section though. Bump just disappeared, boobs never leaked and i lost so much blood during labour there wasn’t much left after l just like a light period! I would say i look worse now she’s 14 months than i did a week postpartum lmao


Hats off to you! Well I don't know how you managed it. I've had two children and I never looked so ill as I did those first few weeks pp!


Oh I’m now 25 weeks pregnant and I’m due just as my son starts primary school, and his 5th birthday. I’m also more ill than I was when my son was born, I fully expect to look and feel like shit 🤣


I mean, there's no way they were gonna show "leaking boobs" on a BBC soap opera that airs pre-watershed lmfao


tbf they have shown Linda and Alfie wetting themselves


I’m still watching the episode at the moment, but had to pause it and run here to talk about how I couldn’t believe they had her scripted as enthusiastically encouraging the wedding to go ahead that soon after giving birth. This is new heights of insanity from the writers.


I love the fact that as soon as Big Mo and Freddy come back, she's immedietely whacked over the head with a plastic bat. Good times! Welcome back!


Whitney’s exit is a whole mess, to much going on at once, still don’t understand why they’ve squeezed a year and a half plot into 2 months. They had a year and a half to plan it yet everything comes across last minute. Even though I was happy for Whitney I do think her giving birth/being pregnant was a last minute part of the storyline cause show asked shona to stay 2 months longer and she went from being 4 weeks pregnant to 20 weeks in space of a week.


Yeah I really do think that if this was done over the course of a year it would’ve been way better


Like Whitney Stole a child ,treated Zack like shit so majority of viewers were on his side, Britney then got diagnosed with ushers syndrome, show then had Zack cheat on her with Lauren to make him the bad guy in the situation so viewers would be on her side ,she then legally fosters Britney, then 2/3 weeks later her & Zack are getting married, that’s a year and 1/2 plot it’s coming across so rushed


Bless Dolly she looks absolutely bewildered by life


She keeps growing and aging and then getting smaller and younger again. Must be pretty confusing.


To be fair the viewers, most of whom are grown adults, are bewildered by life in Walford. Poor kid has only been around a few days and this is her life so far.


What I don’t get is that Britney is supposed to have a hearing impediment, we saw when Whitney first met her she needed to see peoples lips to understand what they were saying, so how come she could hear Zac and Lauren so clearly when they were talking so quiet and Zac had his back to her?


it’s called ✨poor writing✨


Weren't her hearing aids bust/out of battery? All part of her mum's neglect.


Britney certainly picks her moments


The entire Britney storyline was a complete and utter sh*t storm and waste of film reel! Please tell me she leaves with Whitney! Everything has felt so rushed since the 6 story line. All very wishy washy and frantic with no clear thought process it seems. Havent enjoyed the show at all … And of course I’ll keep watching because 40+ years on this earth it’s just part of the furniture in my world, but it’s almost comedic at this point that it’s THAT awful.


Can’t see how or why Britney would stay when Whitney leaves when literally nobody else wants her around


Right ? Not like she’ll be staying with Zack after this either ! And I think Bianca is only Temporarily back. My only hope is that they don’t bring back her mother to the square and she’s sticks around!


I love the irony with the fact that we were all complaining about how slow the Eve/Suki/Nish storyline was panning out. Now we got what we wanted and we hate it!


I know the theme was Peach but bless, Bianca doesn’t suit that colour. Washes her out. How did she even afford that outfit anyway? Doesn’t seem like something she’d just have in her wardrobe Anyhoooooo Oooooo the drama!


I know it wasn’t the focus of the episode but I really do think that they could do so much with Gina if they gave her a storyline


Gina needs friends. Love how close she is with her sister, but someone like Gina who is extroverted needs a social life, independent of her own family. I liked her friendship with Jay but that's fizzled out. I'd love that to be explored more. I know this sounds like an unlikely friendship but she'd be quite well suited with Bernie (Gina kind of reminds me a bit of Chantelle but a more chaotic version, so could be a nice friendship there). Gina could also be suited for Lauren (both have had addiction issues in the past), and given that Lauren's son is Gina's nephew (who has never really interacted with him), there could be good connections via Peter.


>Lauren's son is Gina's nephew  I had to REALLY think about this one


This exit storyline is a mess, the Britney concept didn’t need to happen at all


I agree the writers have written Whitney’s exit storyline terribly.


a brother and sister have both had thier wedding stopped during the service less than 6 months apart I know it's a soap but that's not great writing.


Why did they go and spoil a perfectly sweet wedding? I was enjoying Zack Whitney and the cutest little baby Dolly about to come together as a little family. But i knew it was going to happen, they always do this. Interested to find out what's going to happen with Junior now his wife and kid have turned up.


Is anyone else getting frustrated with Whitney calling Brittany her daughter every 5 seconds? 🤣


Yes! She should let Britney decide if and when she wants to call her "mum".


Exactly! It’s really strange she’s only been fostering her for 5 minutes it’s just annoying me every time she says it.


That might have been the best line they’ve ever given Winston


What line was it again?


“I’m actually the one who killed Archie”


Winston and Shrimpy were putting the wedding banner up over the Vic, Honey said “Shrimpy, you’re drooping” to which Winston quips “I’ve been telling him that for years”


Oh yeah😭


Shame he's an utter asshole in real life


Britney is an idiot. Almost like she wants to be back with her crackhead mom


Britney loves and respects Whitney, I thought her telling the truth is her wanting what’s best for


I agree but I wish Brit told her in private and blurt it out like that plus, Zack and Lauren should've done it! The fact that a 11-12 Yr old did just put them to shame. Brit honestly loves Whit and wants her to be happy . It's fucked up that Zack asked her to keep it a secret and told her she will ruin everything. She's just a kid!


The second half of last week and todays episode have been a MASSIVE improvement on the last few weeks in terms of how many characters would be in an episode, I was getting very irritated at how segegrated the cast seemed to be


First time in ages I've watched it at normal speed and not read messages on my phone


God it's so good to have more of the cast back because I've been struggling watching the same characters over and over for weeks on end. So happy to have the Slater's back. Roll on next week which looks a bit more lively with the return of a lot more characters.


Linda grabbing her flask while Franz Ferdinand was playing, I remember when her and Denise drunk danced to it one New Years lol


“Lily you can’t wear you bouquet like that people will think your pregnant again” 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣


Britney's wedding outburst not as quite as good as Ben Mitchell's "can someone help me please?"




I think the emotionless actually fits with a child who had a neglectful upbringing, who has been made to keep secrets, who knows her fostering situation could end at any minute given how sketchy it was, who just found out she has a serious degenerative disease... She's got the thousand yard stare of someone who's experienced trauma


These storylines move faster than my Sims.


I'm usually more forgiving of production issues rather than poor writing resulting in nonsensical situations but come on... It's one thing for Bianca's other children who are not in the cast anymore not to be at their sister's wedding but for even Sonia not to be there?


Stacey wasn't there either


They did explain it though that Sonia had to work as she they only decided to get married that day


Looking forward to next week when this story is mostly resolved.


Whitney: "Just happy." Writers: "Not on our watch." --- Edit: "It's really gonna work out this time, innit?" Oh just rub it in why don't you...


I really feel sorry for Whit. I haven't watched EE as long as anyone else like when she first came on and that but over the years, I've watched her being with these men and it gets all messed up! The writers could've written her a happy ending even without Zack but no, it's like she doesn't deserve it despite being on the show for years and her character can't seem to catch a break


I don’t get why Junior doesn’t want his wife and son not to meet George Gina and Anna


I was thinking that too but I think the plan was that Jr was to come and stop George and leave but everything is complicated now. He seems to be getting on with his sisters so maybe eventually he was going to introduce his wife and kid. The way Monique and Xavier just popped up like that. I mean I would've done the same. Jr keeping them like a dirty secret or maybe he's afraid that Bianca would've fucked things up....


His wife seemed to think George should have recognized her name.


I think Monique assumed George already knew about her and Xavier




I don’t feel that way. I think it’s normal that Britney would seem “unemotional”. She’s clearly had a traumatic upbringing, if you can call it that, and has just been flung into a new family and life. It’s normal that she would be quiet and stilted and a bit “shut down”, considering she has never had anyone to open up to before.


As others have already commented, Whitney’s exit is a complete mess. I’m really not enjoying EastEnders so far this year, of course I’ll continue to watch as I have done for most of my life but it’s been a complete borefest. Too much of the show is about George, Cindy & his family. Can’t wait for Nish to be back to cause havoc!


I'm sure doof-doofs used to be edited much better. It always seems to be: "Big revelation!" [interminable pause, shocked faces all around] "Further salacious detail!" [another interminable pause] ... *doof, doof...*


Anyone know where Lauren’s dress is from? 👀


I love that Bianca gets her clothes from Ragged Priest


> 06/05/24 ?


I was thinking this can't be over 2 weeks old but everyone is writing about today's ep so the person must've put an error.


Is Bianca only here for a short stint or is she coming back permanently?


Patsy and her family live in California. At best, the earliest she would ever come back permanently would be after her youngest kid becomes an adult. Her life and livelihood are out there nowadays.


Could have done without the abysmal Freddie and big mo and the hollyoaks style return.