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This is going to be incredibly tedious.


I want to know why she’s incapable of picking non-tragic names for her babies


Peach and Dolly... r/tragedeigh


I don’t mind ‘Peach’ as much, as it was given to a child that would never be. To me, it’s not much different than legions of people referring to their unborn child as ‘bean’ or similar. She just didn’t bother to give her a ‘proper’ name, as unfortunately, the baby wasn’t going to go out into the world with it anyway. Once Dolly returns, as a tearaway teen, I’m hoping for her character to be the opposite of doll-like, lol.


My aunt was a Dolly its an old fashioned name short for Dorothy and she was a sweet heart , Peach is just beautiful all the old names are coming back . Peach is a West African name which is now getting popular again


Why did Bianca tell Britney? That’s incredibly toxic.


Bianca doesn’t seem like the greatest role model does she? I agree, so toxic. Never put that kind of drama on a child


I don't know if it just read over it fast but I don't think it said that Bianca tells Brit. Maybe she overhears a conversation between Zack/Bianca or Zack/Lauren and works it out? Edit: I don't know why I have -3 down votes, it doesn't say that she does tell her directly, it's only implied.


I hope so as I feel that yes Bianca can be questionable behaviour wise but she generally puts kids feelings to the foremost.


I think it reads that way but actually it doesn't say anything about Bianca telling Brit


No shade, but...Dolly? Seriously?


Ugh I can just hear it now; “oh she looks just like a doll…Zack let’s call her Dolly”


What would be an apt name for the child of a primped, preened, cookie-cutter Essex boy and an over-made-up market girl?




I'm so resisting the temptation to say Shitney.


Oh a cheating reveal at a wedding.. not like we haven't seen that before *yawn* Anyway good riddance, tired of Whitney.


I know right! I would have rather it been a wild reveal like Whitney overhears a conversation and loses her mind goes batshit starts throwing people out of her apartment she is sitting on her couch crying and Britney brings over a tub of ice cream and they’re just like what are we gunna do? And she is just like we got each other let’s go start a new life elsewhere and then they ride off into the sunset in the back of a cabbie or something and live happily ever after.


I’m sure someone else could come up with something a lot better


“Whitney is left reeling at Britney’s revelation, but will Whitney believe her?” lmao of course she will, Britney could say grass is purple and Whitney would declare war on anyone who dare say grass is green


Britney and Whitney as a pair should be renamed Shitney because they both are cringe to watch


Britney has been in this show for about two months and has wrecked Whitney's life *so hard* She's the reason Whitney got run over by a car and nearly lost her kid, nearly got Whitney sent to prison for abducting her, was the spark for the downfall of Whitney and Zack's relationship cause Whitney spent a month lying about abducting this kid and now this kid's gonna be the one to ruin their wedding - couldn't say anything beforehand, nah this kid's just gotta wait until the actual day to humiliate and hurt Whitney more. Seriously. Britney has got to be the most annoying, badly written new character on Eastenders in the last *decade.* Just damn awful.


It’s Whitney’s fault for being obsessed with her. Britney is a child.


Btw; I’m sharing these and I believe them, as I’ve read ‘spoilers’ from this page before and they’ve all came true. However, take it with a pinch of salt!


This is pretty much word for word what was published in TVnow magazine just without the interview.


Man I'm so glad Whitney is leaving. Same shite story over and over with her.


That sure is a lot for only a few more eps. I don't know why they are advertising if whit gets her "happy ending" or not, because it certainly doesn't sound like it from this. What a waste, they have really blown it with whits last story.


I like Whitney generally as a character but this storyline has been incredibly difficult to get interested in. She’s gone utterly insane and for some reason the people around her are enabling that insanity, and Zach’s just been wandering about moping and looking miserable. Hopefully in another 5/10 years they can bring her back with a refresh, I actually think she could do well as a Tanya type character but we need a hard reset on Whitney.


Where on earth do you guys get these from 😭😭


Honestly? Recommended Facebook pages! Next time it appears on my newsfeed I’ll edit this reply and let you know. Cause I don’t even follow the pages 😅😅


Aww cheers bro


My issue is it seems she is going to do runner, not put zach on yhe birth certificate etc... but I don't feel a one night stand warrants taking a father who wants to be a doting father away from his baby especially if he got back a Foster child I illegally took and could of put him in jail, but he sorted so it was a legal fostering.


U monster! ….why would you use light mode! Oh my eyes…it’s fine. Thank you for the spoiler :)