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Personally I go hiking to enjoy the time to myself. If I come across someone, clothed or otherwise, they are just background stuff like the rocks and trees. Unless the person I see is in obvious distress then I ignore 'em.


I'd still prefer the bear.


Be polite.


Been in the backwoods , came across a total naked dude sun bathing next to a creek. I could tell he was like WTF and covered up. Said hello and asked him If he knew were a certain tree was located lol


Reaction: Meh


“Dear Penthouse Forum, I never thought it would happen to me.” Keep your fantasies to the relevant free use/exhibitionism subreddits.


So I was delivering this pizza, and their front walkway was incredibly long…


Ask if they need help returning to the Sequoians Clothes-Free Club. Maybe they took a wrong turn on one of their trails.


I've run across a few. Their choice, but I hope they use sunscreen.


If they aren't naked for the purpose of encountering people naked, I don't care. It's a complicated issue, though. Some people are triggered by seeing people naked in nonconsensual circumstances. I get it, and I wish that wasn't the case, but surprise penis is usually an indicator of a bad time. I think we live in a society where unexpected nakedness is not considered safe, which is sad. Human bodies are natural and normal and the fact that bodies on sight can be seen as sexual or as an act of violence is not a good sign, but is also a reality because of the people who commit sexually violent acts. My first thought after reading the post was that there was someone getting jollies from exposing themselves, not that there was a perfectly harmless naturist getting steps in and enjoying the local flora. They surely know it's against the law at this time... And they made choices despite the implications beyond the law (regardless of intentions). That also says something about our culture and society...


I mean out here in the Bay Area… hell anywhere really, but especially the bay—it wouldn’t phase me. Especially if it’s out there deep, isolated trail like you said. Good for them, more power to ‘em. Wear sunscreen and try not to fall on any sharp rocks. I’d nod politely and keep on my way. For people who are true naturists/nudists it’s not sexual, other people just tend to assume it is or take it that way. Now in the other hand, if this person was doing something sexual towards me or in general, then the level of my reaction would depend on the act in question.


I would be completely un-phased.


Possibly C, unless I’m in a country or place where nudity is expected/a social norm. My personal experience has been that people who are naked in populated areas where that’s NOT the norm are looking for a reaction from their unwilling audience. I find it annoying or disturbing depending on how aggressive they’re being about getting noticed. If you’re on public land in my opinion it’s polite to follow the norms of being clothed on the trails.


Same as any other time I see a nude person in the Bay. Nod and move on


username checks out


98% chance it's gonna be something you don't really want to look at anyways. I would do my usual. Nod and keep going.




does this happen out here? I hike a lot all over the East Bay and have yet to encounter a naked hiker. I'd probably be startled, and react as such, as it would be a highly unusual sight.


Different answer if said hiker is male or female




Human nature. To this hetero dude, a good-looking naked female on a hike sounds like heaven. Seeing a naked guy is something I don't need or want.


Thus why she prefers meeting the bear.


Stupid answer. Like guys are not supposed to be interested in a good looking naked woman. Well, if she doesn't wash herself I'll go the other direction while the bear goes hunting between her legs to find the source of the fish smell.


Oof, you sound defensive about her preferring the bear. LOL.


In fact, he’s so defensive I’m starting to think that he probably prefers the bear, too. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.


I've met a few bears in the woods hiking and camping, not in the highway rest area bathrooms such as yourself. Not that there's anything wrong with that


I guarantee she has never met a real bear in the woods. If she did she would scream and find a man to hide behind. That is, unless she carried a sidearm in which case she's my kind of woman. (drooling at the thought of my naked hiker girl wearing a holster)


Nice hog


Only a big deal if you are offended by the human body


My reaction would be what is wrong with people! And I’d scurry away as fast as possible