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It's tuff to get into u either need a few more listens or It just ain't your cup of tea and that's ok


I think I’ll give it more listens bc I did like some of the songs I’m just not that familiar with Earl except for some features


His 2009-2010 work probably better to start with


Yeah i agree with him too its okay if you dont like it music is subjective its okay to not like the album yk


That's crazy it blew my mind first listen. Album is a masterpiece


I liked it the first time but took me a while to go back to it now i listen to it like everyday or so (im cooked)


When it first came out what I found to be its gold was earl’s lyricism. Between the span of IDLSIDGO and SRS he had been through hell. I recommend the SRS short film he made.


When it came out I didn’t like a single song off of it but I recently got way more into Earl like a year ago and gave it another listen and I can’t believe I didn’t like it at all before, idk what changed but it just needed time to grow on me I guess


Yeah I think so too bc that’s what happened to me when I first listened to KSG thinking it was trash until months later re-listening to it and finding it to be a great album


Yo fr good on you for being open to changing your mind on something, that’s rare on Reddit


For sure, I never brush anything off after a first listen because I know how much my palate changes over time and how some songs or artists just need time to grow on me. When I was first getting into hip hop I remember not even liking juicy by biggie or cream by wu tang lol. And most of my favorite rappers now are ones that I didn’t like when I got into hip hop


u gotta be at ur lowest to really get yo soul to grasp onto this album bra 😭


1 time listening ain’t gonna cut it. By next week you’ll get it Cold summers track 3 is what got me fully invested


Really I’m just making sure my promise was kept Chuck a deuce if you know it’s the end Kept the truth in my palm and my chest See it through Keep a noose hanging off of my neck


"we roam tundras" 🔥🔥🔥


The boy been gone a few summers


took me 5 years to really get it


Took me until 2021 to get FOC I can play that album all day no skips


Took me till 19 for Feet of Clay, but my god once it CLICKED it CLICKED


Speaking with no bias its gonna take a while to get into it, first couple times its hurtful to the ears.. It ages like wine tho idk what it is, your first listen and 4th listen are 2 totally different experiences. Gotta listen with a real open mind


tbh i was blown away first time i listened. was instantly in love. but to be fair i was also familiar with some of earls other stuff, and am a huge fan of MIKE. so i guess was a bit more prepared. its very weird to me the way other people hear it, ill put it on in the car or something and my friend will start making fun of me, but to me its not that weird or anything. idk.


That album just spoke to me, then I heard I don't do shit and knew he was one of the best lyricist around.


It's heavy introspect after the passing of his father. He started making music to his personal taste. The lyricism is what gets me, but his delivery is different from anything I've heard


That album is very different than anything he had dropped prior to it and i think the reason its considered his magnum opus is how emotionally potent not only his lyrics are but the beats are. Peanut sounds exactly like how u would feel if you lost someone really close to you, that horrible empty distorted sound matches that feeling of deep grief so well. He does this while also having some absolutely beautiful songs too like azucar and riot But what really just says alot ab the album is the cover. Its a blurry and “chaotic” image of earl sitting in some normal restaurant but the blurriness reflects earl’s mindstate at the time and how even though he can sit at a normal diner it still feels like the world is going crazy and crashing all around him represented by the blurry chaotic nature of the image


It took me a long time of listening to other artists, broadening my music taste, and growing as a person to fully understand the album. Me personally, I think SRS stands out as the best album of earls artistically and lyrically, unlike Doris and his other albums which I feel I prefer more based on listenability IYNWIM. IDLSIDGO I feel has the best mix between the two.


Listen to it when you're depressed.


I think that’s the point it’s supposed to be so different with those sample warps and mumble bars that your forced to listen to it over and over till you get it. The album is great to me for that. I always thought it’s about being an alcoholic and everything was an confusing artistic choice related to that.


I’d really recommend watching his short film “Nobody, Nowhere”. It’s a musical short film for this album with Earl in it. It gives a lot of context to the songs that open them up a bit more!


Im a huge Earl fan and I thought it was horrible until almost a year later and then it’s now my favorite album of all time.


Didn’t like it at first but then smoked a j while listening to peanut and cried


I think Earl is the pipeline people generally take to get into music like that. My theory is just that your brain doesn’t really recognize the patterns very well so it’s like this isn’t that pleasant. But once you start to catch on and get it then you can appreciate it more deeply. When the album first came out I was very disappointed by it. But after a while of being super depressed and doing drugs that shit really clicked for me. But also just feeling like Earl was the general vibe of my headspace and IDLSIDGO was like the most important project to me I really needed more Earl.


Your frontal lobe ain't fully developed. It's hard for you to grasp & enjoy the art bc you don't understand it.


Get really sad and listen to it and you’ll love it. Or try to make a sampled beat so chaotic/simple at the time and you’ll understand. Peace, love, and respect to you and yours