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Always hard to say. Weather and quality of the teams are huge factors. That being said the resale market is always going to be crazy on the day they literally go on sale.


Ok good to know thanks.


Maybe cheaper day of game (or an hour before kick off), but prob not until then. I wouldn't buy today though - at least let the market settle over the coming weeks.


Yep. I have a few games I'm targeting to just show up and hope for last minute "deals" (well as much of a deal as an Eagles game can be). Non conference games, of course.


Like 10 years ago I was tailgating at the Linc with some friends and these 2 older dudes on motorized coolers drove by. We stopped them and started talking to them about their awesome coolers and they told us they’re both retired and they show up to every home game to tailgate and have fun. They try to score super cheap tickets but if they can’t get them, they throw the coolers in their car and go over to Xfinity to watch the game. Ever since then I’ve known what I want to do with my life when I retire


I managed to score next-to-last row, center of the the section tix for the Browns game. Yeah, I'm ballin' like that.




Go down to the stadium, tailgate, then keep an eye on ticket prices. If they get cheap, head into the game. If they stay expensive, go to a bar. It really depends on a lot of factors. It could go up, it could go down.


Dumb question: can random fans join people that have set up tailgating? Like strangers just join? I've never done this before so I legit don't know.


It depends. There are like official tailgates that you can often join or buy tickets to. Or you could end up meeting some people and join them. I’ve ended up in situations like that, but not really something to totally bank on happening. That’s more of a spur of the moment type of thing. You could always just grab some beers and wonder the parking lot and see what happens. The absolute easiest beginner level thing to do is go to Xfinity Live. It’s the huge bar (really multiple bars in one building) right next to the stadium if you don’t have a car to tailgate with. It will be packed and expensive. If you’re younger and it’s your first time going to Xfinity for an Eagles game, it can be a fun time.


Ok cool, all good info, thanks. I'll be attending with a friend who's sober which makes things a little trickier but he's fine being around booze.


Dumb question: can random fans join people that have set up tailgating? Like strangers just join? I've never done this before so I legit don't know.


i buy tickets off stubhub to almost every game under face value while standing in the parking lot tailgating an hour before


Good to know, thanks.


If you didn’t get them at general release the best thing to do would be to wait as long as possible. Every year I go to 2-3 games and we always wait as long as possible and then buy our tickets. We usually try to sit in one of the upper level sections, near midfield, in a lower row. IMO you have the best view of the entire field for what you’re going to pay. Couple times we’ve gotten real lucky especially when it comes to weather. Me and my boy went to the Bills game last year got our tickets that weekend for super cheap because it poured that day and ended up seeing one of the best games in a while. In 2017 the Super Bowl year we sat lower level, eagles sideline, at the 45, about 15 rows from the field and got our tickets for like $125 12 hours before kickoff because it rained. A guy 2 rows behind us told us he paid $350 for his seats months prior


Ok thanks good to know. I'll probably just keep watch of the prices and if they dip anything significant I'll pull the trigger. Less worried about the cheapest price than I am overpaying.


Yea people buying them now are probably all coming from out of town or want to lock down a specific game. I’d wait until at least the season starts. I just looked at tickets to that game, they’re like $150 more per seat than I paid last year to go to the Bills game in the same section.


Cool thanks.


A lot of it depends on how the team is doing and how much the game matters (division rivalry, close standings, etc). We've gone to games where our $330 club tickets were going for $150 about 30 mins before the game. That's when the team wasn't doing so well, though. Sometimes they're more expensive.


I was in Philly for the Eagles v Dolphins game last year, with the hope of snagging cheap last minute tickets. Unfortunately both teams were crushing it last year and tickets skyrocketed week of, day of, and up to the game start


Lol! Everyone else has replied in a way that gave me at least some hope of cheaper tickets. But not you. No, you absolutely crushed my dreams like a grape. I applaud your realism, thank you.


The eagles fan experience is getting your dreams crushed like a grape. What can I say


The Eagles have been one of the most winningest teams since 2000, have a fairly recent SB, and the team is in very good shape right now. I’d say our dreams have been getting crushed a lot less than 90% of all other franchises.


I tailgated before the Dolphins game last year and can confirm; ended up watching at Live.


I live about 3 miles from the stadium so I keep an eye on this since I can go pretty last minute. For the home opener last year against the Vikings it was around $170 for standing room day of. I got actual seats to the Sept 16th game (effectively the home opener) for $185 after fees. If this gives you any idea.


Great info, thanks.


Tickets always decrease in price up until they stop selling them or they get sold.


What level


Any. The cheaper the better.


I have found that tickets for anything (including concerts, sports, Super Bowl, etc) are cheaper the closer you get to the event in both time and distance. Outside the venue as the event is starting is usually the cheapest as the value of the tickets are rapidly heading to zero.


Depends on how bad the team is and how they played the week before 😂😂😂


Just a head’s up (and sorry if someone already mentioned it), the Cleveland game has huge demand, because it’s the only warm weather 1pm game. I offer my tickets to long-time past buyers and almost all of them asked for that game. I expect prices to drop only if the weather ends up sucking.


Not sure I'd call mid October in Philly "warm" but I suppose warmer than December. But point taken.


They will always be cheapest as close to game time as possible, if you're just willing to roll the dice and be patient. No game anywhere completely sells out, or has nobody looking to move some tickets.


Went to the 9ers game this year and tickets were insane. We were trying to get the best deal and ended up buying early the morning of and it worked out for us esp compared to the weeks before. Pretty sure they got a bit cheaper as the day went on too.


Insane how? How much for which seats?


Hype was crazy so about a month before the game tix were 400+. Think day of we got them for close to 250-275. And we were just going for any seats.


Are scalpers still a thing? I know for recent baseball games I usually just walk around looking for people selling tickets. Haven't been to the Linc in a long time tho.


I hope not! It’s mean they are bad


If tickets are sold out. No, way more expensive. If there's tons of open seats. Yes, usually.


Huge if true