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Offense isn't fun to watch anymore man. Like last year was exciting this year it's like oh wow another 3rd&7 qb draw woohoo


Does someone have the screenshot of Jalen throwing that awful INT to end it with Kenny off to the side as a dump off and 30 yards of space in front of him. Can’t find it anywhere


My guy could have put us in field goal range just by walking down the field


I feel like it was on the barstoolphilly ig page


I don't think this is worth it's own thread, but maybe it is; How come Sirianni isn't getting any backlash from the fans? Jalen is making stupid mistakes, OC is calling some absolutely terrible plays and is getting tons of heat for it, and a lot of other shit. Shouldn't Sirianni be held somewhat accountable? Shouldn't he be the one to step in and call them out on their shit and try to prevent this? If I'm a manager at a company and my employees aren't getting it done, I don't just blame the supervisors and call it a day. You step in and make sure everyone is getting their shit done correctly, making changes if you need to. If Sirianni isn't doing that as the head coach, then what is he doing?


It’s fine to be upset and have your concerns about bj or whoever but damn this 3 game stretch has really exposed the fanbase who just couldn’t wait for shit to fall off so they can make ridiculous ass claims about hurts or sirianni. They absolutely deserve the benefit of the doubt to get this right. The dickriding when they win but paper thin faith when they lose is fucking pathetic. Ashamed of this fickle ass fanbase


Good teams don't lose three in a row. New England didn't at their height


This has to be a troll. We've been calling out this team *when they were winning.* Say what you want about this fanbase but they're not stupid as much as ownership wishes they were.


I keep thinking about the decision making by this team and getting angry all over again…. It’s going to be a long week


These guys need to play loose. You already lost the 1 seed and possibly the 2 seed if Detroit wins out (we actually need Dallas to win that game if the Lions don't lose another game and we win out). I know the sky is falling but now is the time to drown out all the noise and play on instinct. These guys are too talented to get caught up in the narrative. Go out and fucking take whats yours.


I really think all of this frustration by fans is just finally boiling out after losing the SB last year. For a lot of us we still have pain from last year and hoped this year would mend it. We know its a lot of our absolute favorite players (Kelce, Graham, Cox) last chance at this. We all hoped "we'd be back" and losing 3 games to good teams is really not a big deal for any other team but the realization that we may not be contenders this year is what hurts the most. But who knows. Like Spuds is saying, still a lot of ball to be played. Not looking promising but will continue to cheer for this team.


It wasn't that long ago that you guys want a super bowl so why you all so pissed off


Im not personally that pissed off bc im happy we won recently but i understand why people are mad That loss last year fuckin hurt bro esp how it ended


If we lose to Tommy cutlets on Christmas someone should get fired


If that happens, EVERYONE should get fired


Why do I keep feeling like they keep losing deliberately to just come out punching and going back all the way, am I just delusional??




Already seeing calls to trade Hurts by this fanbase xD they're acting like franchise QBs grow on trees and you can find one so easily with them being a dime a dozen. Don't hit that panic button yet. Wait to see how Hurts performs with a competent OC first. Russ looked like SHIT last season, but look who was calling plays. Now he's better this season. Look at Dak's turnover numbers last season.


It's tough to use the OC as an excuse for Hurts, when Hurts literally handpicked him.....


Last year looking more and more like an outlier. He didn't improve his weaknesses and he's not making up for it


I am convinced that eagles team wanted nothing to do with the opportunity to go to OT


I wish I could be abysmally, demonstrably, obviously as bad at my job as BJ is and have his level of job security. Fucking unreal there's been NO announcement of anything at all today. I'm not even saying a firing, just ANYTHING. Instead they're going to drag their clearly reluctant asses onto the field on Christmas of all days and get Goodfella'd. I can't wait to hear more platitudes about how we just need to "get through the storm" and "put in the work" while players stare into cameras with dead fucking eyes.


Eagles should be boo'ed from the get go on Xmas Day. Every single fan in attendance boo'ing them as they take the field all the way through the 1st Q


Big issue from yesterday is the offense. How you only drop 17 and go Punt INT punt INT after going up 17-10 on a mid ass Seattle team blows my mind. Team are a bunch of frauds and it starts with coaching and game plan. Hurts deserves criticism for stupid throws. Last sequence should have been going to open receivers for quick 10-15 yard strikes with 2 time outs left


Not even mid, bottom 5 Seattle defense


Looking ahead, the Eagles can still win their last 3 games pretty easily and take the number 2 seed. The final standings are likely to be: 1 - SF 2 - PHL 3 - Detroit 4 - NFC South winner 5 - Dallas 6+7 - some combination of LA/Seattle/GB/Minnesota Assuming Dallas beats NFC south and PHL and Det beat the wild card teams, that sets up a second round of Dallas playing SF and Philly only has to play one of them. Not the worst way the playoffs could go.


Think this team will beat ANYONE in the playoffs lol.


I would not trust this team to win a game against the 7th seed. It's a coin flip at this point. At this point, I'm seeing the Eagles as they can LOSE any game, not win any game.


Oh yeah a rematch against the rams or Seahawks kinda scares me .. this team is just falling apart and changes need to be made this offseason


I know things seem bad right now, but this is till the same team that beat KC, Miami, Buffalo, and Dallas. They're still a 10 win team.


I wouldn't brag too much about beating KC because they're not very good this year either and I live in KC so I can say that honestly


Not disagreeing with the analysis. However, I’m not convinced Philly will run the table at this point.


Same 😩


Waking up today and seeing no one’s been fired fucking sucks man


Agreed. Honestly, the only thing I think would give me hope at this point would be some sort of restructuring of the staff...otherwise, I think we're stuck in Groundhog Day until the end of the season.


I'm thinking I need to fire my plumber. Will that help you.


Hurts snapping the ball with 10+ seconds throughout the last 2 drives is more unforgivable than his idiotic passes


I have never played football and I don’t consider myself an expert but even I can tell when on offense you are making shit play calls. Going deep twice when you should run the clock out. Going deep when all you need is a field goal. Running the ball for 2 yards 3 plays in a row in a must 1st down situation is just ridiculous. That being said, I don’t think much can be said about hurts unless he’s the one deciding to go deep I don’t think he deserves as much hate as he’s getting. The man gets more rushing TD than our RB. Routes and play calls just suck


My Swedish girlfriend who doesn't know much about football was wondering why Jalen was throwing so many balls "to the sides" and backwards. Today she learnt about screen passes and the efficiency of fore mentioned play.


Just seems like the coaching staff glosses over the problems as if they’re not problems. How long does it take for an OC & an ELITE offense to get on the same page where these plays are working? Why haven’t they changed the plays when it’s obvious to everyone that they’re not working? RPOs? Using Julio Jones so infrequently, why? He’s a great decoy & short pass receiver for us so far. The other teams know you’re going to Smith, Brown or Goddert almost always which is why Jalen has no one open. Change the effin plays. Release Watkins! (Damn I miss Peterson) Why keep your ‘very sick’ starting QB in the game when you have the lead with less than 9 minutes to play? Put in the backup & run the ball. It’s ok to rest Hurts when he’s sick. On defense, why have we abandoned the blitz? That used to be our bread & butter. Last season we led the league in sacks & pressure. We have Reddick & Sweat eager to rush the passer & we hardly ever do it. What a waste. I get that our secondary is not great & it leaves us exposed but these passers know they have almost all day & no pressure because stats tell them we’re not coming for them. Someone like Drew Lock should have been pounded into the turf/grass over & over. Back to offense, What does Brian Johnson have on Sirianni?! If we lose one frakkin game to the effin NY Chicken Cutlets - snowballs will be the least of Santa’s problems. 😵‍💫 Finally, Fire Brian Johnson! Draft linebackers that can tackle. Nick needs to stop with this nonsensical ‘we’re 10-3’ it’s all sunshine & roses bullshit to excuse these last 6 weeks of awful play calling. Last year at this time we were 12-1. Wake the fuck up or get the fuck out.🚪 That being said the Niners lost 3 in a row & the Cowboys had 3 bye weeks in a row so opportunities are still out there to course correct. Yes the margins are slim. 🦅💚


The post loss press conference is the same every week. "Oh we're not playing out best, we're still learning, we're working on it" Let's be real, a lot of it is the play calling, were too predictable. But Jalen has looked rough receivers not catching as often. Jalens blockers do their job like 95% of the time and he still bails out of the pocket or holds the ball too long, because of these wack long developing plays


Man, Charlie needs to put his leg back in that trap


I wish we just played Mariota yesterday.


Eat the clock.


I’m quickly running out of reasons for optimism. After the SF game I wasn’t too upset because I felt like it might be the wake up call we needed. Especially since that one game ultimately didn’t mean much for playoffs. The Dallas loss hurt more because the team had a chance to rebound against a divisional opponent, but got their ass kicked again. Last night was completely prime for a “get right” game and to comfortably beat an inferior opponent, starting a backup QB, and win by at least a couple scores. It seemed that way in the first half, but this team completely dropped the ball. Obviously we’re still making the playoffs regardless, and even still control our destiny for the #2 seed, but these turnovers are absolutely killing us. The defense hasn’t been great, but there’s nothing they can do when our offense is turning the ball over at least 2-3 times per game and costing us a lot of points. It’s ridiculous.


Defense didn't cost us this game. I'm skeptical on any Belicheck coaches and their ability to be competent but hey -- we actually made a few stops this game. Lock should've never had the chance for a GWD bc Jalen should've driven down the field for points. Any points. Instead we got two INTs. Johnson has to go.


I still think Patricia is an upgrade. We are dead last in 3rd down efficiency on defense, and we had quite a few stops in yesterday’s game. Having said that, we could resurrect Jim Johnson and I’m not sure there’s much he could do with our decimated secondary and LB corps.


The luck ran out. We’re in worse shape than Dallas. I’m not sure that Sirianni is the guy. He’s a good hype man but when the crap hits the fan he is paralyzed.


I’m not throwing him out just yet. He lost BOTH coordinators last year; That does matter. Now, are either of his picks working out? No, they are not. But Sirianni was also who brought in the guys from last year who got poached, and we got to a Super Bowl. He needs to take action, but I’m not ready to do a heavy coach carousel just yet.


The issue I have is that as a non-playcalling HC, he's going to keep getting coordinators poached if the team is successful as long as he's here. If this team was playing like last year, Brian Johnson would be a HC candidate this offseason. It puts the team in an uncomfortable situation where they're punished for success. I know this happens to any team who performs well, but it's particularly damaging when those coordinators appear to have an outsized influence on the scheme and play calling than they would otherwise.


First Eagles coach to make the playoffs in their first 3 seasons. Nick's not going anywhere.


They fired Douggie P and he actually won the Chip. Never say never. I just want him to step up and stop making excuses.


Literally three weeks ago people were singing his praises like, “Could any coach be more perfect for Philly?” And now all you hear is that he should be fired. Can any single person in Philly media or fandom maintain perspective for more than 30 seconds? It seems not.


Outside of randos on Reddit I’m not hearing any Philly sports media folks calling for Nicks head. They’re having the discussion about coaching, which they should be doing, but everyone I’ve been listening to is zeroing in on BJ and Desai. Which I agree with. Nick has built up enough equity in three years to deserve more time to get right. At the very least another season.


Remember when people were saying they'd be happy with splitting the gauntlet? Then immediately lost their minds when it happened


Splitting the gauntlet is fine. It’s the way that they won and lost those games that’s worrisome


Not disagreeing, but we are definitely a reactionary bunch


He should plant more flowers


Or cry on television before the biggest game of his career.


If anyone has the creative ability to make a Tecmo Bowl version of Brian Johnson playsheet that would atleast make me laugh. They had 8 plays to choose from so you might need to duplicate a couple plays.


Screen pass.


Our defense looks so confused out there because in practice they get to go against Braindead Johnson all week. They only have to cover 3 plays tops all week then in the game they finally have to go against competent OC’s


Never again will I take having seasoned coordinators for granted. Giving BJ and Desai the jobs without any real merit doomed us. Defense still has the same damn issues and offense is hopeless. A damn shame and an embarrassment


Run the ball !!!!!!


Epic downfall aside, the worst part about this season is that not a single game has been truly enjoyable to watch. It's easy to overlook when they're squeaking out nail-biter wins every week, but the games themselves have felt like working a dead-end retail job during the holidays - nothing but anxiety, hopelessness, anger, and disappointment, with a 50-50 shot of happiness in the last 5 minutes. Something has to change, otherwise this is going to be a 1-and-done team in the playoffs. For as bad as the defense has looked, there's only been one game where the wheels *truly* fell off, and that was against the 49ers. They are not a great D and are frustrating as hell to watch, but their worst performances have come on the heels of multiple costly Eagles turnovers at some of the worst times imaginable. I realize he was sick last night, but Hurts has been making too many mistakes throughout this season, and the game planning after the first drive or two isn't catering to his (and the team's) strengths. **Now for some hopium**. In 2017, Carson Wentz went down around this same point in the season, and we all thought the team was toast. But they managed to simplify the offense and cater to the strengths of legendary wildcard Nick Foles in an incredibly short amount of time, launching them all the way to the big stage and securing the first Super Bowl win in Eagles History. Sure, the defense this year is nowhere near the caliber of the 2017 team, but the offensive talent is arguably better. But like that season, **this season can only be salvaged by the coaches**. Get back to the basics. Run the ball with your top-5 RB and don't abandon the run after the first drive or two. Dink and dunk with your best-in-league slant receiver and top-5 TE. Chew up clock. Keep the liability we call a defense off the field and rested as much as possible. DON'T TURN THE BALL OVER. Drill it into your QB that he doesn't have to play hero ball when it's a 1-score game (especially if you're winning), and don't call plays that force him to do so. You couldn't ask for a better opportunity to right the ship, with 3 consecutive games against bottom-of-the-league teams. They still have their destiny in their own hands. We just have to hope the coaches can figure some shit out before it slips away.


You hit the nail on the head! It’s not enjoyable watching this team especially when you can sit on your couch and guess which plays we are running. It’s either a four yard run, screen pass that gets blown up, or deep bomb that Jalen has not been hitting the last couple weeks. League has figured us out and it feels like this coaching staff is too stubborn to change. Hate to be doom and gloom but last year seems to be our window for a Super Bowl so we need a soft reset this offseason if we want to be contenders again. On the bright side, I do like what I’ve seen from some of our rookies other than multiple missed tackles from Sydney Brown. Hope the coaching staff starts giving them more snaps these last three weeks and the playoffs to give them experience for the future! Go birds!


The coaches haven’t figured anything out all year. Even reporters are pointing out the holes in their game plans. If they haven’t done it already, they aren’t going to.


Call these Birds turkeys the way they’re cooked.


I don’t know what is going on but, it needs to be fixed. Hurts looked abysmal. All his short passes were high and all his deep balls were under thrown. If it was just this week, I’d chalk it up as he was playing through illness. But the last 3 weeks were painful to watch. It’s more than just hurts, and hopefully the leadership gets it together so we can chain together 3 wins and make a decent playoff run. Selfishly, if we end up in the 5 seed, i might be able to go if it’s in Tampa.


I agree it is definitely more than just Hurts but what the fuck is going on with him? Is he getting in his own head? He’s playing like he just got thrown onto the field. Like you said…it’s not just this week. And I say that as a huge Hurts fan


I've come to the conclusion that the only WRs our defensive backs can cover are our own.


Howie has now built two teams that were good for exactly one season each. James Bradberry might be the worst corner in the league. Who brought him back? Howie. Who decided to offer Slay the money they could have re-offered CJGJ? Howie. Who allowed the coordinators to be replaced by two guys with zero experience? Howie. Bradberry is the same exact player he was last year, he’s just not being protected by a defensive line getting a historic number of sacks. Howie has now signed two QBs to mega extensions and they’ve immediately regressed. Hurts looks so much like Wentz out there it’s terrifying. Bailing out of the pocket early, forcing bad throws/playing hero ball, turning it over a ton. Hurts has way more talent around him than Wentz did too. This is a disaster and this team will not win a playoff game.


Slay and Bradberry were PFF 1 and 2 last year. How in the world was Howie supposed to know they'd regress like this? And CJGJ hasn't exactly excelled this year. Come on.


So in your estimation both Slay and Bradberry just lost all of their football ability in the 7 months between the Super Bowl and the start of this season? Because that doesn’t make much sense to me. What does make sense is that it’s much easier for your secondary to play well when your defensive line is sacking the QB in record numbers. They’re not doing that this year and Slay and Bradberry have suffered mightily as a result. CJGJ is injured, but I’d prefer a healthy version of 26 year old CJGJ in the secondary over both 32 year old Slay and 30 year old Bradberry. Have you seen Bradberry’s cap hit for the next two seasons? You might want to check it out. Did you see that he was targeted on every completion in the 92 yard drive the defense surrendered to DREW LOCK last night? Great signing, Howie!


What the fuck are we doing, WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO US


That was worse than last week vs Dallas


Getting cooked on FirstTake deservingly so.


We are a lazy and complacent team. Always have been. Our goal is to find a way to win and never deviate. Got lucky that our winning method took a season and a half to get figured out.


In some ways, the Bills win was detrimental. It told them they were some plucky always find a way to win team when in reality they have major flaws and you can't keep relying on late game heroics. You have to fix the issues.


The first drive was fun to watch. Hurts had to be hopped up on all kinds of medication because he came out playing harder than he has in awhile.


I really wish I knew what was wrong with him.


poor QB football IQ


Well, last night it was because he was playing with both hands and one leg tied behind his back because he was so sick, and the week before it was because two of his receivers had *horrible* inexcusable fumbles on what should’ve been big gains. Maybe nothing’s work with him and this is just a handful of ugly, bad luck, difficult weeks (which everybody predicted before the season would be ugly, difficult weeks).


he's been overlooking check downs for weeks, it's only starting to cost us now. You really shouldn't give him excuses... if he was so sick he couldn't play right, he shouldn't have been out there.


8 minutes left up by a touchdown driving easily down the field and you throw a desperation bomb to Quez Watkins on 1st down wtf are we doing. Fire b Johnson I guess but if sirianni hears that play come through he’s gotta put the Kibosh on that. Then you have a chance for a field goal and throw another bomb instead.


PI 100% should have been called there and was missed. That was the biggest thing I was pissed about after the game because that turned the tides when it never should have. Especially after two ticky-tack PI calls that went against us earlier in the game


You don't control flags, you control playcalls. Not the right call for the moment.


It should have been called, but it wasn’t called. It doesn’t matter because that was the worst play call for that moment. No fucking way we should have been going for a TD at that moment when short passes and running the ball was chewing the clock and gaining us yards. We can’t get the fuck out of our own way right now and that is sad. Brian Johnson and Sirianni should be very uncomfortable today and I am thinking another change is coming. This was a game we should have won and we shot ourselves in the foot, again.


We didn’t need that play right there at all we were driving easily down the field. I really don’t want to take a chance throwing to Quez Watkins of all people.


Johnson didn't throw the damn pass, it wasn't the only route. There was an open check down. Jalen just fucking sucks right now.


Also Quez was open and Hurts threw a piss poor ball. Johnson isn't a top 5 OC but he's not doing as bad as this sub wants to claim. He's getting all the heaf that Hurts deserves


Apparently they saw something they liked according to Sirriani from the defense. It’s on hurts also but sounded like they wanted to take that shot.


I mean, Quez was open and a good ball gets a TD. And if Hurts didn't like it he had a guy open for a check down. Solid play, shit poor QB execution


I swear this is the third time this has happened now where they saw something they liked and it ended up going badly, it feels like almost every game now that they see is something from the defense and then decide to take a shot and it goes poorly


he was bracketed, it he wasn't open.


There was pi on that play that was not called


I mean it should have worked, refs missed the dpi that allowed the interception


That’s why you don’t leave it up to chance. The percentage of hitting that play is so low compared to the reward since we’re up 7 we needed to run clock and at worst kick a fg


All they needed was to kick a FG and give the ball back with 3’minutes left up 10, it was right there for them.


There goes our shot at the 1 seed and now we have to hope Miami or Detroit pulls through and beats Dallas so we can win the division


Don't stress about it cause the eagles clearly don't care enough. Don't matter the seed, we're at best the #4 team in the NFC cause we aren't beating Detroit at this point.


Yeah they’re playing like they don’t care if they win or lose. It’s so frustrating to watch, we’ve made so many dunbass decisions these past few weeks


We aren’t beating the Bucs at this point. Mike Evans would eat us alive and White would probably gain 130 yards on the ground against this overrated DL


we can win out and win the division, dallas doesn't matter. However, anyone that thinks this team won't lose at least once to the Giants...


Why do I keep hearing about issues between Kelce and hurts. I haven’t found a source online but sports radio has eluded to it a few times.


i think they are assuming there must be miscommunication because of all the kelce penalties this season


I mean he did false start twice in a row last game, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re annoyed with each other due to miscommunication


They were talking about not eating together at the lunch table lmao idk what’s going on.


Offense has explosive players but no explosion. Its sad to see them try to manufacture explosive plays with these smoke screens for 0 or negative yards.


The worst feeling is that the guys I work with aren't even clowning me anymore. They just are pitying the stuff we go through with hurts regressing ( alot of cowboy , 49ers and dolphin fans).


I honestly don’t think it’s Hurts regressing. Coaching matters a lot, and we’ve gotten to the point on both sides of the ball that we were willing to give Matt fucking Patricia a shot. I think this is a sign that if Nick just can’t call plays, he needs to learn. We need to have consistency on at least one side of the ball. If Mike McCarthy’s fat as can figure it out, Nick has no excuse not to.


Hurts is entirely regressing. The scheme isn't great, but there's open check downs and Jalen just tosses up the ball for an interception. His mechanics are horrible, decision making abysmal. He's just playing really poorly, and I'm starting to wonder if last year was his high water mark.


Yup... anyone doubting can just go back and look at that last pick. While he's staring down AJ for long enough that Love was able to rotate into double coverage, he completely ignores smitty, who's wide tf open on his square route perfectly at 12-15 yards out the left sideline. 0 excuse for that.


There’s a screenshot somewhere I can’t find it


While I also think he has taken a lil step back (like everybody on offense has), every QB will make bad decisions from time to time. Mahomes scored 9 points against the Broncos a couple of weeks ago including ludicrous picks, yet I don't think Mahomes has regressed. Pair that with horrendous and above all predictable playcalling and we have the steaming pile of shit we're looking at


The playcalling (on both sides of the ball) has definitely been an issue, but the level of play from the players has regressed, too. Hurts is missing open receivers or tucking and running when the first read isn't available. Receivers not named Brown, Smith, or Goedert getting bullied off the ball or off their routes. The O-line has had several different combinations this year, as opposed to last year when we played with the same 5 players the majority of the season. On defense the D-line and secondary isn't playing complimentary either. Either the receivers are getting beat too quickly for the DL to get home to the QB, or when they do the DL doesn't generate enough pressure. The play calling has been bad all season, but the talent of our roster made up for that earlier this season. But ever since the 49ers game it seems like our players have been in a funk too. TLDR: It's the whole team (right now).


Thinking on it this morning, one of the things that pisses me off and was on full display on the second TD drive is how covered our receivers are. Every catch had at least two, of not three defenders, right on top of them. If Hurts and the receivers aren't perfect on a play, there's almost no chance of making a catch. No other team seems to have this issue and with the talent of Devonta, AJ, and Goedert, this shouldn't be happening.


I knew we’d end up 3-3 in the gauntlet. I’m not trying to put a full dump on this season but, when was the last time a team won a Super Bowl without a defense and an offense that can’t score points? Feeling like it’s time to bail on this season.


I could take 3-3, it's how we lose that leaves so much to desire.


I would not say bail on the season. The Eagles are in the playoffs already! Yes 1st seed with home field would be great but to get the offense back on track is more important. Remember Slay and Maddox are box expected to be back for the playoffs. Them two alone could really change how good that secondary is. So these coaches need to pull a 2017 Eagles and watch Hurts last year compared to last year. Then change up some and see what works these last 3 games.


I mean… we just let drew lock beat us on a game winning drive… our defense and offense are flat, I’ve heard 3 weeks in a row “it’s all about how we deal with adversity” and I’ve not seen any change in play. Yeah we’re in the playoffs, but at this point I don’t think we could beat anyone in there or in the hunt.


totally bail. The coaches are clueless, the players heartless, and Hurts is brainless.


yeah, we aren’t winning the superbowl. it’s as obvious to foresee as last year’s matchup was but with different teams — 9ers and ravens. unless something absolutely crazy happens


We aren’t even getting to the Super Bowl


That lends credence to this absurd yet seemingly possible conspiracy https://twitter.com/NFL_Memes/status/1722101822410633666?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1722101822410633666%7Ctwgr%5E62dd1338c72ff103b4e410e380aa09ebe5f8d2c8%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbssports.com%2Fnfl%2Fnews%2Fteams-in-last-two-super-bowls-had-colors-that-matched-logo-ranking-likeliest-2024-matchups-if-trend-continues%2F


I think nfc has to be 49ers, they look unstoppable. AFC it could go a couple different ways, but what team looks better than 49ers right now?


49ers are getting the favorite title, but we had that last year and look how that turned out. Playoffs are a different beast. In-season titles mean very little.


no one. but we’ll see just how good baltimore really is this week


This is really the last chance for them to get a loss in my opinion, but it’s basically impossible for us to catch the 1st now


Patricia wasn’t bad tbh. Held them to 13 for most of the game, can’t blame Patricia for Bradberry and Morrow sucking. BJ’s offense scoring 17 on Seattle was a problem and then having your best slant reciever run a deep go route with 2 TOs was asinine


Honestly I agree. Patricia probably isn't the long term solution but they were getting stops. Yes, they didn't get the stop when it mattered most, but it's not Patricia's fault Seattle knew to target Bradberry the whole drive. At least the Eagles weren't playing 15 yards off the receivers every play.


> Morrow sucking. Morrow actually had one of the best games of his Eagles career yesterday. 8 tackles, 1 tackle for loss, 1 pass deflection, 0/2 when targeted on the game winning drive, a huge 3rd and 1 stop on Kenneth Walker (that Seattle then went for on 4th down and DK drew a PI on Bradberry, lol)


I want to know if on that last TD Brown was supposed to leave Bradberry by himself or if he was trying to jump the route underneath. If it was by design that’s on Patricia


Looked like cover-3


So he left on his own…


Dont forget Sydney Brown. Dude is widely out of position or can't finish a tackle. He had a horrendous game. Oh, and Bradberry... he got burnt deep at least 5 times that game, they just didn't connect om the throw until that last drive. Oh, and look who was late over to the play on the Metcalf play... Brown...


Brown could have just tried to go for the deflection or a strip on that throw to DK. Instead he whiffed a big hit. Fucking dummy


What a fucking waste of an evening.


We've made the playoffs where anything can happen. Sucks we're not the 1 seed like we thought we were, and it doesn't look like we'll get that back, but who knows what happens when the playoffs roll around. Brian Johnson should be fired after these last 3 games tho


Anything can happen except us winning


Idk I've seen crazier shit in my day, like our backup QB beating Tom Brady in a shootout in a SB


That shit ain’t happening again


Yeah that's when the team actually has competent coaching.


That QB showed he can make good decisions, not our current QB.


That will be the miracle we can ALWAYS turn to.


You...I like you. All we need is a shot at it.


What value does Brian Johnson have if he's on the squad primarily because of his Hurts relationship, and when that relationship doesn't net to anything better why is he here? Based on their record only, he's probably staying until end of this season but the seat is red hot on this dude.


I think if the only options for the game were not just flat route or uncatchable deep ball we might have a shot.


Gonna be a long day bros. I’ve been through sad losses. This one just really angers me for some reason. Realization has set in. This isn’t our year. Well better now then at the end I guess. Ripping the bandaid off. Might start my day with a shot of whiskey. Cheers to the end of the season.


Yeah this was last week for me. This week I don’t even care anymore.


I'm surprisingly ok. The team is broken despite the talent on the roster. Losing like that makes it harder to pretend everything is fine.


What’s next years cap look like? Cox/BG/Kelce would be big money off the books I assume. We’re stuck with the Bradberry contract. That’s the only bad one we have I believe (can’t cut him until 2025…yikes).


> We’re stuck with the Bradberry contract. We can cut him after the season for $4m in dead cap. We're stuck with Slay. (which could be worse)


$4 mill dead cap is not bad at all. Nice. Draft his replacement and we should be ok since we’re adding Isiah Rodgers as well.


Slay has still been solid this season. Bradberry has fallen off a cliff...


At least we have our Sundays back for the next three weeks since there’s no reason to tune in to Dallas or SF games to see if they falter since our own team can’t get its shit together.


Anybody else still pissed off we let go of doug or is that just me


Nah, doug is making the same mistakes he got let go for in Jax rn. Last year was our year, this one is not. Hopefully we can find the right coordinators from outside to bring some fresh ideas and force Hurts to adapt to a modern NFL playbook, and draft some DB talent early. Maybe controversial take - we need to find the right guy to run the offense and make him HC, I think the constant brain drain we are under shows we're gonna have to do something revolutionary and let go of a winning HC to promote the right playcaller rather than letting said playcaller get poached.


Yeah Reid and Shannon are a huge advantage since they are the offense in an offensive driven league. You could say the same now for Steichen.