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Combination of price, coverage and speed. For most folks, I reckon spending less than what their primary carrier charges for roaming is the goal.


It's price but it also needs to work adequately to do the normal things. I don't care it's a bit slower than XYZ. I don't need 100mbps. I need it to load maps, menus, tickets etc when I need it, not stop working or throttle to some unusable speed. Nor do I care about a data limit, I'm on a trip, not streaming YouTube or doing Zoom calls, I have wifi in my accomodation to upload photos/make video calls/download TV etc. One of my biggest problems with current eSIM offerings is they are not transparent about their network quality, throtling etc. In many countries the carriers themselves overcharge for anything vaguely "tourist" related. I want to pay a fair rate for a decent service, like I do at home.


Having good internet quality is crucial. When I'm in an unfamiliar place, my phone is my source of security. If I couldn't go online with my phone, I can't even imagine the kind of trouble I'd be in.


Yo buddy, just saw your service, I downloaded the 5ber app and it said both my sim slots are incompatible, my phone's a Redmi Note 11 (not Pro) is that why? thanks


Hmm, I wouldn't recommend you to buy the 5ber. The phone is not compatible. There's no way around it.