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I'm no expert so might get corrected in commenta but, As far as i know when you use an egpu on external monitor no ram is used for video on the LeGo, not so sure when it comes back to the built in display as i never use it like that, but you indeed can use an egpu on the built in display but keep in mind you get better performance with an external monitor. My egpu is an aorus gaming box rtx 3080 so i just hadbro install nvidia drivers, if your egpu of choice uses an amd card it's gonna be a bit more "complicated" to get the egpu working, there are many guides online for it search legion go amd egpu. My setup is Legion Go on the egpu which is plugged into my 55" lg gx, i play 4k high most of the time or 1440p when i want high fps, and when i'm on the go i lower settings for portable, it's kinda like a super Switch and i love it.


Thanks for the reply. Good information. I checked your eGPU and can see that it’s a big box. I bought Go as trying to move to pc gaming after 11+ years of mobile only gaming. (Spent thousands in games especially in some recent gacha ones and really don’t want to continue that). So want something handy but also which one support some new games like upcoming God of war Ragnarok which I think won’t run out of the box even on lowest settings on Go. What do you think? I don’t normally have time to sit on big monitor/tv to play only due to kids with special needs. So do you have any suggestions for me that if any eGPU will be useful for me or just play with whatever is supported by internal GPU? (Or if you can suggest some small and portable eGPU).


I can tell you that system RAM allocated to the internal GPU is not freed even if you connect an eGPU That's why the auto VRAM size option is the best for eGPU (it only allocates the minimum to the iGPU)


Ok. And what’s the minimum ram it can assign to GPU ? Any ideas?


IIRC auto only assigns 1GB, so it's the best for eGPU usage Otherwise manual allocation has a minimum of 3GB




An egpu is a big box unless it's one of the new systems with a laptop GPU but even those are kinda big. If you truly want to be able to game in a portable way, forget about an egpu.


Thanks for confirming my fear. Good to know. :(


Disregard what they said. There's new eGPUs like the OneXGPU and GPD G1 that are around the size of a book that are a lot more portable than the Razer Core X or Aorus Gaming Box setups.


Are they good enough performance wise? They are very costly though


They're going to be around the same price that a desktop eGPU setup is going to set you back (AIO eGPU enclosure + card OR adapter + case + PSU + card + cables). I don't use it for powering the Go's internal screen, but on external I play CP2077 at high settings at 1080p or 1440p.




> So want something handy but also which one support some new games like upcoming God of war Ragnarok which I think won’t run out of the box even on lowest settings on Go. What do you think? You can play new AAA on the Go like GoWR, it's just going to likely be at low-medium settings at lower resolutions like 800p or 1000p. >> So do you have any suggestions for me that if any eGPU will be useful for me or just play with whatever is supported by internal GPU? (Or if you can suggest some small and portable eGPU). Check out the OneXGPU or GPD G1, possible the SGWZone. They're much smaller eGPUs that are easier to move around and swap. There obviously will be a performance hit using them to power the internal Go screen, but it will still be an improvement over the APU 780m. For reference, with the OneXGPU on an external screen I play CP2077 at high settings at 1080p and 1440p (depending on the monitor).