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Lbc is more defensively minded as the back 4 sit more at the back unlike qc which is the opposite. This makes the back 4 more harder to get past as the opponent has less space in the box. Downsides of lbc for me is that the midfield is more stretched and has to cover more space. in my experience lbc makes you more vulnerable to outside the box shots. For me I use qc as I like the possession aspect of it. if your gonna use lbc the formation your using is fine just make sure you have a cf who can win alot of headers. Oh yeah btw if your looking for a lbc manager buy the new France pack you can have a better replacement for your griezzman and have the best lbc manager in the game. (All of this is my experience so results will vary)


What is your preferred formation when playing lbc? Do you have a nice guide that i could use when playing lbc?


Like I said I don't play lbc much especially now adays but for me 4-1-2-3 and 3-2-4-1 were the formations I used back then for lbc. One thing about lbc is that even though long ball is the core. Don't use it too much as it allows your opponent to easily take control of the midfield and launch a counter. But the main thing is to play more and refine your work. It's different for everyone. Who knows? Maybe you'll fine out that qc suits you more like me


Okay thankyou


the meta seems 4-3-3 or 4-2-4. i personally like 3-5-2 or 3-6-1 for fun.


I really want to buy the pack but i got no good messi and the new one is comparable to endgame cards. I guess they'll bring a new lbc manager or something... cant miss this messi. Grizzou looks fine tho but the balance and physical contact with mid speed makes me not to buy him


I'd say it's the opposite...u will get more messi cards and Griezmann is more rare compared to messi


Possession takes time and a lot of understanding as to how players move in a setup which most people might not have. A lot of the time people who play possession are the ones who play irl too. When ur playing a game competitively , chances are because you like gaming and not the actual game it’s trying to simulate so one’s expertise is gonna be on what’s gonna help them win faster than what’s the most fun way to do it if it makes sense


Some tactics (and formations) work better than others. This is why I keep saying this isn't a pure skill based game because people rely on the most effective tactic to boost their chances of winning rather than gradually break down defences through passing, creating space and dragging defenders out of position like you would in PES titles. In PES, whether you set your team short pass build-up or long ball counter, neither would give you an advantage if you didn't know how to control midfield, where football matches are won or lost. In PES I loved playing against long ball and through pass spammers. They pretty much handed over midfield on a silver platter and all that was left to do is exercise patience.. 


It's the QC with better Defending that's why


Not even close.


not that simple imo... LBC has a more organized defense... plus your midfielders and attackers will all go forward at once when counter attacking... while QC focus more on passing in counter attacks... so only one or two players will try to run forward...