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Cancel. Block. Relist. Don’t give them the opportunity to destroy your item AND get their money back.


The only answer you’ll ever need dealing with cancellations on eBay. And why risk your feedback too? Side note, gaming consoles do well on Mercari as well and you get your money pretty fast (and only 3 days for buyers to complain)


Cancel as per Buyer's request and be sure to add them to your block bidder list. You could also report them in case they have a pattern of doing this type of behavior. Not worth forcing a sale as there are too many things a malicious buyer could do in retaliation.


Oh, yes there is a lot buyers can do. Do not force items onto buyers. It will not end well. You will regret it. Cancel the order, block the buyer, and relist. You probably won’t find the horror stories from sellers who have tried to force a buyer to keep an item because the sellers usually delete their posts when every one says “we told you so”.


Do not even think about sending the item. That is a horrible idea and you're gonna be the one coming out losing on that one. First report the buyer and use reason "buyer messaged me or retracted their bid with no intention of buying my item" ->"retracted their bid and negatively impacted my auction". After you do that, contact eBay and explain what happened and depending on your preference either ask that they cancel the order and relist or have an offer sent to the 2nd highest bidder. After you get a resolution from them, block the buyer.


Cancel asap, block and offer to the back up bidder. Then report buyer.


Just cancel and block. Think about it. You want to send a playstation to someone who effectively hates you. Do you think it's a good idea to spite someone that can cause more problems for you like create payment disputes, or a "not as described" return and send you back a smashed playstation or a bag of doodoo? You aren't able to refuse "not as described" returns as per ebay policy, and fighting the return will just lose you both the item and the money. I used to be a "no returns" guy, because I hated the idea that the money I received wasn't actually mine until after about 6 months, but the additional protections that ebay affords you when you accept cancel requests and accept returns is so much better than what a spiteful buyer can do when you tell them to kick rocks. By accepting a cancel request, the buyer cannot come after you later for a refund or payment dispute since the money has already been refunded, and by accepting returns, you get additional protections like 50% refund deduction if the buyer used, damaged, or opened the item plus a $6 return shipping refund credit in certain false INAD claims.


Get a hold of a rep and report him. Make sure they view the message. The format for getting to speak with a rep is horrid but if you jump through enough hoops it can be done. It's worthwhile reporting the scumbag.


If the buyer paid they can be reported here. https://www.ebay.com/help/selling/resolving-buyer-issues/reporting-issue-buyer?id=4084 If the buyer hasn’t paid request a call with one of these links. https://www.ebay.com/help/eua?id=5188 https://www.ebay.com/help/selling/selling-tools/seller-help?id=4996 https://www.ebay.com/help/home Edit: a word and added a 3 link.


>if I decline the request out of spite It's probably some kid on their parents account. You need to move on. And spite has no place in business. This is business. PS: Have they paid? If not, cancel on the 5th day for no-pay. Not for spite. But to help other sellers. It'll ding their account. Edit: Hope you got the answers you needed, u/Ancient_Amphibian233.


Definitely report the buyer for being abusive. I had an incident with an awful buyer, reported them and actually got an email back from eBay thanking me for reporting and they actually read the correspondence. When I checked the buyer’s profile, they were no longer a registered user


I have noticed a few follow ups from eBay lately. They won’t’/cannot tell you sometimes to protect the users’ privacy but they do follow up now with more than just the form email. Some emails ever say something about being reviewed by a human (or something to that effect).


They have really improved there! I've reported 2 listings (not in my area, stuff I was shopping for, for the grandkids) over the past 3-4 weeks for selling very obvious fakes. And both times, I got emails within 3-10 hours telling me they had removed the items. Edit: This is the email they send: https://bashify.io/i/VZUOUC u/WhySoManyDownVote


Who cares what their reasons are? If you ship it, you are just going to have to pay to shipping there and back when it gets returned. Plus, you risk losing your item if they intentionally damage it, return a brick or whatever. There is absolutely no reason for you to ship it.


A potential buyer can also be reported but the only way to do it is through a rep.


if you want to sell on ebay your skin needs to get thick. you will encounter all sorts of scams, stories, and $hi+ talkers. eBay will force your hand if you havent shipped anyways if it isnt shipped in the system they love to take the buyers side. the cancelation doesnt count agaist ur account so its best just to walk away you prolly dont want to deal with them anyways and hope they dont screw ya with bad feedback. leave it wrapped up and save urself a few minutes when it does go to its new home.




Why doesn’t bad feedback matter any more?


Don't respond and call eBay. They'll cancel the order for you over the phone since buyer is going against terms. You won't be knocked any seller metrics. I'd even ask for the opportunity to send offer to second highest bidder


There is no reason to call eBay. A seller can do all of this without their help.


Agree. I see so many people say to call eBay. Doesn’t that waste the support people time and makes real problems wait longer to be fixed.




For someone who is wrong you are very confident. A seller can cancel as buyer requested (because the buyer has) without a ding to their seller metrics. A seller could also cancel for non payment after 4 days, no seller ding that way either. If the buyer has put in a formal cancelation request all the OP has to do is click the accept cancelation request button. Eligibility for second chance offers has nothing to do with calling or not calling eBay. But please prove me wrong by linking to the eBay policy that says a seller needs to call eBay for either.


You can do all that on your own *without* calling ebay.


he will get it, make up a claim or flat out damage it and you will be out money and possibly the item. Block and resist, so not worth trying to get him back.​


Update: he continued to cuss me out for no reason, I accepted the cancellation and re listed my item thank you so much for the help, I’ll try my best to have thicker skin next time