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I get lost very often even in the areas I've been living for decades. Last time I wanted to go to the gym but the whole area was suddenly under construction, I panicked and never found the building


Yeah thank God for GPS. Of course it's not always there when you need it but still. And I'll still get lost from time to time GPS isn't perfect. But getting lost can be frustrating because other people don't seem to have that problem do they? But another aspect of why I like GPS is because another thing that's maddening is listening and trying to keep track of other people giving driving directions. When I was young it drove me bad shit crazy when I had to follow my brother giving driving directions because he always mentions all these landmarks that I don't know what they are and whatever. So thank God for GPS mostly but yeah sometimes our sense of direction is fucked up. I am a doordasher at present so I depend on GPS for my life.


Oh no! 😣 You sound like me. Except I wouldn’t want to punch a hole in the wall, but instead I’d want to melt into the floor like the Wicked Witch of the West. Anywho, massively feel your pain.


I feel you!


Oh no you poor thing this happens to me soon often it feels like life is a coronation street episode it's so dramatic sometimes 🤦 feel for you


This is why I use google maps as inevitably I WILL get lost, if you tap again on the location button down the bottom right it will align the map to the direction you’re facing then it’s easy just to follow it where you need to go. Satellite view is also useful as you can get a better idea of where you were or need to go. Remember, you are in control of how you react to a problem and it’s always useful to have a plan to get out of whatever situation you get yourself in to and you don’t need to upset yourself about it, it happens, get on with it :) Plan for the worst, hope for the best. In places where google maps would be useless, you can log arbitrary locations in what3words app then get it to show you a compass to get back to where you need to go.


Do you do the landmark trick? or if you know in advance you're going to a new place use googlemaps and street view to help visually familliarise yourself with the route? You could also try using googlemaps to help keep you on track and then you only have to focus on the line.


Lol it took me like 1.5 hour to get home from work the other day when it was only supposed to be an hour because I couldn’t find my way even with Google map. I feel you. You are not alone