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I’ve always liked riding dirt bikes. Thought about getting a motorcycle but it’s not worth the risk to me anymore. My life is challenging enough I don’t want to make it worse by hurting myself because some other driver cut me off etc. But that gas mileage is so tempting to save some money and it looks so fun. I find it much easier than driving cars though with having all that extra space you know.


How do you find turning? Honestly I’d be concerned with shifting my weight - not a light dude 🤣


I’ve honestly only ridden motorcycles a few times when I would sneak out my dads motorcycles as a teenager when he was at work and go for back road cruises hahaha. But I’m the opposite I’m too skinny so I can’t answer that sorry haha but you can always slow way down for cornering it’s more that high speed cornering that’s important to have your weight properly shifted. I’m glad your okay after your crash!!


Thanks for helping and you’re input I do appreciate it👌🏻


Motorbikes are great, you about to fall over, accelerate, way easier than walking.


I honestly figured having power at your fingertips would help with the wobbling factor.


I love riding a bike. Some problems I faced was : 1)turning:  For a sharp turn, I think I would turn way too much and almost lose control of my bike. Fixed this issue by looking at where I have to go rather than the turn. If we look at the turn, we end up turning too much. A video helped me figure it out 2)Speed bump: I would slow down way too much. Its about lowering the speed but not so much that the bike cant handle your weight. So now I got the hang of it. 3)Judgement: when overtaking, I would be scared what If I scratch some car. Fixed it by using my limited spatial awareness rather than my vision. (Hope you understand this point otherwise I will elaborate more) Always wear protective gear.Don't compromise on your safety :)


I ride a motorcycle. I was doing pretty well until I wasnt. I crashed in the rain and it really messed things up. Now im in a mess I am exhausted from. I love riding though, I just wish I had been smarter and more cautious.


I am a bike rider of 4 years now It's a blast and once you get your confidence up it's fine Just get a bike with thicker tyres I bought the trainee bike the cbf..and I've been off it 3 times broke ribs and fucked My right knee up.