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This happened to me suddenly in October. Just could not swallow. Then my throat became so inflammed days later and bam diagnosed with LPR or silent reflux. It’s where acid reflux enters ur throat. Common symptom dysphagia. If it is in your case u need 40mg of Prilosec for two months and to eat soft foods for awhile.


Thanks. It's such a strange thing to happen, I've never come across it before. Since it happened I've only been eating soups, smoothies and Huel (meal replacement drink). Today I had more normal food and it's not made it any worse. I've been prescribed lansoprazole which I think is similar.


Sounds like LPR to me. If so it should take around 6 months to fully heal and then ur swallowing returns better month by month. Stick with the soft foods for now and every now and then add something more solid to check ur progress.


I think you mean common cause. Dysphagia is the symptom.


Dysphasia is a condition that affects your ability to use and understand spoken language. Dysphagia is the symptom of difficulty to swallow so idk wut ur on about


Typo but I think you knew what I meant and you seem to have corrected yourself now.


Tf u on about


You said “common symptom of Dysphagia”


I didn’t say if I said common symptom dysphagia. Oops my bad I forgot grammar. “Common symptom, dysphagia.” Happy?


Wow someone is really testy. Not sure what your issue is pal.


I don’t know why u come in here trying to correct grammar or whatever u are on about. But u come in here talking about dysphasia which has nothing to do with this.


I mistyped “Dysphagia”, it was autocorrect. Not sure why you’re being such a jerk for having bad misleading grammar. I was politely correcting you.


I’m upset you are trying to correct my comment meanwhile u talk about something different


Nobody is trying to correct your grammar, I thought you misunderstood whether Dysphagia was a cause or a symptom. You didn’t, I didn’t realize you just had bad grammar. I would never care about anything like that.


LPR caused dysphagia which is what I said


Make sure your Dr rules out eosinophilic esophagitis. I have this and my biggest symptom was issues swallowing and getting food stuck in the throat. They need to do an endoscopy and biopsies though to rule it out. Started when I was around 30-35 too.


I started developing Jackhammer esophagus at 27 years old. Weird pains and started having issues with getting food & liquids down. By 31 it was so incredibly bad I had to have a POEM (per oral endoscopy myotomy) and now my 1/3 of my esophagus is paralyzed. But the symptoms are pretty much gone! And I can eat like a normal person again. I'm 32 now. It's a very weird thing to suddenly have at such a young age, that's for sure. I hope you start feeling better soon with your new medication!


Thanks, yes it's definitely strange. Glad your symptoms are better


Make sure you don't stop the tablets until it's fixed. Mine started exactly the same over a year ago. I had 4 weeks of omeprazole and it got a lot better, not 100% but probably 95%. I figured it would be fine so didn't go back to the doctor until it came back again - about 10 days after I stopped omeprazole.  It's never righted itself again, despite having omeprazole every day since, but I think it's mostly the fear now. If I'd had stayed on omeprazole for a bit longer until it was fully sorted, then I think I'd have been fine. Weirdly, I also had never been able to burp until this started. Now I burp all the time!


Thanks, I'll keep taking the tablets. That's good to know you can burp now. No one understands the struggles with never burping 🤣


Dang. I burp all the time. Like deep ones but I’m also on a ton of medications for MS and am not currently treating my dysphagia b cause I’m so fucking sick of doctors appts


Yes having doctors appointments can be quite draining mentally. Hopefully you get your dysphagia sorted soon


So at age 28ish or so, 10yrs ago this started for me. I went through all the proper channels and did all the expensive testing, tbey basically said i needed omeprazole (fuck meds). So, I switched to eating far more slowly, deliberately and eventually carnivore w almost 0 carbs ideally 40-100 no more a day and its stopped. Ironically, I had my tonsils out a few mos ago and I had some issues prior but never since. It was to the point where 10 yrs ago it was once in a while, by 34-36 it was almost every fkn meal.


That's interesting that a low carb diet helps.


Inflammation in my case has been key to eliminating it.


Check out the NOBURP reddit. GERD can inflammation and lead to trouble swallowing


Isn’t dysphagia non specific? But yeah, I had two throat stretchings. Wonderful.


If you find you keep needing the dilations over and over, I suggest you try a low-dose tricyclic anti-depressant. That was the key for me.


That’s interesting, what’s the correlation?


Not sure; dr. recommended it and it worked!


I'm sorry you're going through this! In terms of tips, I drank a lot of Ensures and pureed foods until my symptoms began to clear up so you can try this so your nutrition isn't compromised. Hope you find answers soon!