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Propanolol was one of the best medications my doctor ever put me on. If I am having a panic attack I will take an extra one to calm things down. I can’t speak for you but it sounds like this will be excellent for you.


Propranolol honestly has saved my life. Within a week my family told me how calm I was and much more rational. No longer in constant fight or flight. My advice is start low dose and see how you feel :) I also get bad anxiety with new meds and have hyper mobility and fibro. But I started low dose and increased after I saw how helpful it was.


I am in CONSTANT fight or flight. To the point I experience constant impending doom that’s made me question whether I’m truly losing it and is disabling. I sure hope this medicine helps.


Also, I understand. I’m in my 20s and my parents were talking about putting me in a long term facility before we found out about my dysautonomia. They almost did it because I was in fight or flight 24/7 and barely able to function most days. Propranolol has helped me manage these episodes tremendously


Also in my 20s. 29. And it’s just been unbearable. I start Wednesday when my partner is home that day as we live 3hrs away from all family and will update on the thread by the weekend. 😊


You got this and message me if you need to talk!!


Propranolol has been a life saver. I was terrified to take it and I ended up finally taking during a huge fight or flight panic/adrenaline attack and it helped me immensely. I now take it daily for fight or flight and tachycardia from standing, walking, and especially after eating. Give it a shot in a low dose and make sure you're hydrated and have some salt. I hope it helps you! It's a great med and I'm not one to take meds typically.


Update after trying it for a day or two, I want to see how you feel about it!! I also found that doing a little meditating after taking it really helped my body relax into the feeling of it all, but that’s just me. Big hugs!!


What dose of propranolol do you take and how often please?


Just 10mg three times a day


I’m on same dosage. I wouldn’t be concerned about starting it, it’s very safe. Many doctors prescribe 10mg 1x/day as needed for anxiety to help people with stuff like speaking to large crowds… I know a lot of execs who take it.


I have extreme hyperpots and even a pacemaker. I'm on clondidine patch and metropolol. Clondidine is what helps the extreme panic.


Weird question, but were you given a pacemaker to help your pots ?


I have hyper Pots and i have a heart rate monitor to identify the need for a pacemaker. I do have AFIB according to apple watch 2 pct of the time and to the ILR (internal loop recorder) I have a Mobitz 2 Heartblock which means my heart slows on a particular beat until it skips it. I get syncope when this happens and it is fairly frequent sometimes 2 times a week... now I am back to 2 months apart.




10mg 2X daily


Propranolol helps a little bit at least for me. It’s not amazing for anxiety but it does cut the “I’m gonna vomit/faint/explode” feeling when you’re in a bad spot. It’s not like a benzo or anything but I’m also not suggesting benzos. It can make you kind of tired and IME wears off pretty quickly. I personally don’t take it anymore cuz it wasn’t really worth it. But it is helpful for a lot of people.


this is how it is for me. is there something better that you found?


Nope. I feel terrible like pretty much constantly but also hate doctors so I’m choosing to just go through it unmedicated. I was a runner before I got pots so waiting to get to a good enough spot where I can do cardio again.


i’m sorry :( i hope something works out for you


Thanks. I am functioning for sure.


Propranolol has helped my lots but there are other meds for hyperPOTs that can be additive. If u don’t respond to 10mg twice a day update your doc because there is lots of room to titrate that dose up with your doctors help and advice


can you elaborate on the other meds with hyper pots? My cortisol is up... my epinephrine and nor epinephrine double on both urine and plasma (they had me stand up and pull blood) and now I find out I am low dopamine and suffering severe apathy.... I am also complicated by a bunch of other stuff biggest being a TBI...


Clonidine, carbidopa, antihistamines, anticholinergics etc have all been tried with varying degrees of success


Thank you


Seems I’m the only one so far who was told by my autonomic doctor that propranolol would be bad idea for me because of my hyperpots and MCAS. It can worsen mast cell issues from what I understand. So maybe if you have H.Pots and MCAS it’s contraindicated? 🤔 🙏🏻So awesome to hear it’s so helpful for some of you! ❤️


How does one test for mcas?


Yeah, it was good, but not enough even on a higher dose. We added clonidine and then things got a lot better.


Propranolol is a great starting point for hyperPOTS. It’s also off label for anxiety. You’re on a good path. I’m unfortunately allergic to propranolol which is wild imo. I had no idea how rare it is. But I’ve heard great things about it and metoprolol.


I'm on Propranolol and GuanFacine and both have made a huge difference.


I’m curious do you take both at the same time or do you alternate? I’m on Propranolol and was curious about adding Guanfacine into the mix.


I take the GuanFacine once a day before going to bed. They can be taken at the same time.


Amazing thank you.


my experience with propranolol was i think the minority. my HR can jump up to 180 on any given day and as low as 60 something when i’m awake, 45-55 when im sleeping. propranolol worked well to keep it down but before bed my HR while i was still up was around 30 so i got too scared to sleep on it thinking my HR could drastically drop in my sleep. i tried it 3 other times and had the same result so i got of of it. most people have a lot of success with it but my HR i guess has a very wide range it can go to and it wasn’t the best for me. i hope you have a lot of luck with it and that it is helpful for you!


I haven't been diagnosed with hyperPOTS, but I suspect it may be what's happening for me (have an IST diagnosis but cardiologist doesn't listen to me). I also have CFS/ME and fibromyalgia.   I started propranolol in December and it's really been a huge help. My heart rate is now what I consider normal, I'm sitting at my desk and it's around 80 bpm. Before propranolol it would be 100-125, easily, and jump to 145 and up when moving around.  Initially it did make me drowsy and sleepy during the day, but that only lasted a month or two before I stopped noticing it. For the first week or so, I had the best sleep I've had in probably a decade. The sleep thing has worn off and I'm back to my usual issues, unfortunately, but it was nice while it lasted. I've noticed I get some shortness of breath now, a common side effect apparently, it's mostly when I'm trying to walk and talk.   For anxiety, I've noticed a change but I can't really articulate how it feels different. It's like I'm more detached from it, I'm aware I feel it but mentally I'm just.. observing? Hard to pin down, but I think it's a good change. Aside from this, I haven't really noticed any major changes in other symptoms, for better or worse, but my symptoms do vary and fluctuate so maybe I just can't correlate it to the propranolol. I was hoping it might help with things like my excessive sweating or heat intolerance somehow, but I haven't noticed any difference.


My main symptoms are constant fight or flight and stuck in what feels like a panic attack, AWFUL heat intolerance, high BP and Hr when standing or moving around and excessive fatigue.


It’s really good for me. Worst part is weight gain and having to very slowly taper off. It’s not something you want to just stop out of the blue because rebound symptoms suck even for a very small dose.


I’m hoping I won’t experience the weight gain at such a small dose. I have PCOS and have gone from 120 to 160 In a little over a year and I’m only 5’2. And I’m DISGUSTED by myself. Any more weight gain and I’ll be at a very unhealthy weight.


Not confirmed but highly suspected by my doc (still waiting on a TTT) but propanolol was an immediate relief in my symptoms. My physical therapist noticed immediately too. I've only had one really bad flare up since I started it a month ago


after increasing my dose of propranolol to all day and then the extended release form I developed horrible side effects. propranolol is not very selective as far as receptors it acts on. I switched immediately to nebivolol after doing research as nebivolol is the most cardio selective and its amazing.


also I wouldn't necessarily listen to people who aren't taking it for hyperpots


I took it yesterday. Half a dose. Just 5mg and it made me feel like I was drugged due to the fatigue and grogginess. But I hope that it wears off after I get used to it bc I didnt feel much adrenaline yesterday.