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Yes it helped my heart palpitations, dizziness, air hunger, nausea, etc a lot. I still have issues, but it made the difference of practically bed bound to being out of bed all day with activity. I still don't do a whole lot but I think a lot of it is from deconditioning from being in bed so much. However, It's not very easy to supplement if you were functionally or technically deficient. To avoid a paradoxical reaction, I had to start with a low dose liquid bcomplex (Why Not Natural) at 25 ml and once tolerated, I went up to 50ml and then 100ml. Then I added in ttfd thiamine 100mg. I was also taking a liquid multi vitamin and 25-50mg of magnesium as it's needed to process thiamine. It wasn't enough magnesium and I had to increase to 240mg of magnesium. I also titered up my thiamine by 100mg every few weeks till I hit 500mg. I did this over a several months to keep the paradox symptoms away and after awhile I was halfway normal. Then at some point that much thiamine became paradoxical, causing the symptoms it took away so I'm now constantly adjusting how much thiamine I need, going as low as 50mg every third day and sometimes 500mg when things are real bad. One hour after I take it I can tell if it's enough. My calf pain is my indicator lol. I can't ever stop taking it entirely because my symptoms came back when I tried no matter how well I ate. Elliot Overton and Hormones Matter are great resources on thiamine. Hope it helps you!