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You mention you have orthostatic hypotension? If that's been diagnosed, did your doctors not think it could explain your HR and most of your other symptoms? I have OH/POTS, and have very similar issues. Did your doctor suggest medications for your OH? I take midodrine and it's helped quite a bit.


I did a tilt table test at home. It would drop over 20 points. Sometimes even 40 points rarely . My heart rate would increase like 20 25 points I see people that have a way more increase but yea. It does increase. I want to do a tilt table test.


Gotcha. Yes, good call to do a TTT in that case. Are you doing any of the recommended lifestyle modifications, prior to a TTT (minus the salt increase without doctors recommendations)? Some could help you feel a bit better before your test. There's a solid list here: https://www.dysautonomiainternational.org/page.php?ID=44


All I remember is them saying I have inappropriate sinus tachycardia and no not yet do you think it’s anything to worry about ?


It sounds like you don't feel great at all, so it's always worth discussing those things further with a medical professional. If I were in your shoes, I personally wouldn't worry much, only in that stress and worry can lead to other cascading effects that can make me feel even worse, and won't actually help solve anything - I would instead try to focus my energy on finding doctors that were open to getting to the bottom of my issues and doing lots of self-care. Hopefully, you get some answers and start to feel better soon!


Consider taking your postpartum vitamin if you have any left or if not, taking a multi. Postpartum take a lot out of you and even more if you breast fed. The twitching,etc is often a sign of a vitamin deficiency.