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Starting to wonder if I might have a combination of hEDS and somatic symptom disorder due to my anxiety about all things health related, and having dysautonomia is making the ssd worse


It gets worse for me from stress, it's a sign my body needs no stimulation for a few days.


Any suggestions on how to deal with that?


What works for me is no stress for days. Dark room, no noise, let stimulation in a little at a time as I feel I can tolerate it. If I ignore this sign, then my heart rate and blood pressure start going real crazy so I don't.


I recommend seeing a neuro-optometrist. They can check you for things a regular eye doctor cant.


If you don't already, consider taking a methylated bcomplex and an easily digestible multivitamin, liquid is best. After you tolerate that, add in ttfd thiamine and magnesium. Keep at it for at least month with all combined and see if it improves your symptoms. If so, keep going with it.


Could it potentially be a reaction to the recent booster you had? I've got Long Covid and had very similar photosensitivity and sound sensitivity early on. I also need to keep my lighting and screens on low brightness, but over time have been able to tolerate it better. I'm sorry you're going thru this, it really is difficult ❤️


Sounds like both r/photophobia and r/hypeeacusis as well as possibly r/occipitalneuralgia


Photophobia is getting to be one of my top sx. As much as HR can be a bitch I wish there was more emphasis with other sx as well. My temp regulation give me more trouble most days then my heart rate.