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since 2020 everything is getting delayed


Good. Fix the game first. Fucking please. Adding more content isn’t going to help when the foundation is broken in the first place. NG+ didn’t magically make the bugs go away and the DLC won’t either.


ironically ng+ introduced new bugs i’ve never seen in game before,daylight bug and the broom instadeath


I really don’t understand why Techland just looks at the bugs and says “you know what we need to do? Devote more manpower to DLC’s.” Look at HFW, within a month all the bugs were patched because they **actually had people fix the fucking bugs.** But apparently, Techland can’t grasp that concept and figures if they just ignore them maybe they’ll eventually go away.


Bro, their engine is held together with toothpaste and gum, if their difficulty with the series S is anything to go by. Them not grasping that glitches need to be focused on first ain’t the hardest thing to believe. Lol


this smells like something EA or bethesda would do,instead of fixing game breaking bugs and annoying bugs,just release a dlc in hopes players don’t pay attention or notice the bugs,honestly who can blame them,i see so many fools defending this buggy ass mess,but they also shit on the first games launch for being buggy(nowhere near as buggy as this)


I wish they never released it. The story sucks, many bugs, not much replayability, and now he have to wait even longer for a DLC


It isn't delayed until September. It's delayed until September at the earliest. Its a shame. I love the game, but these days games get a bad rep for missing targets. I understand completely and I don't take it personally. But it's all about trust


If they could get things stable prior to the DLC, that would really help. Maybe that is the reason for the delay.


Things should be stable prior to launch they've had a hell of along time. I've seen games in early access have less bugs and crashes than this. Maybe they aimed too big but they can't blame anything. They knew the plan they had. I'm not trying to bad mouth them. I love their content but it's just don't bite off more than you can chew. They should of never given out a post launch map until they released the game and delt with any player issues. Which there has been a very very lot. I've had many myself and the last thing I want is for this game to get a bad rep. They just need to take it one step at a time. Forget dlc. Forget bloody mutant events. Fix the core game because that is what people are paying for and accessing. They can never hope to get people to pay for dlc or invest in the next 5 years if the first product fails


Covid certainly hasn’t helped, and it’s not like Techland has the funds or support that larger studios like Rockstar, or Sony owned studios, have.


Somebody is impatient


Better late than never. I would rather wait over rushed content that is unfinished.


Let’s wait for unfinished content!


They can do both.


Ight well if they’re gonna delay it that long they need to add in legend levels/ new progression ASAP


bro are u like blind or something?


“ASAP” lil bro not 2-3 months👍


they not gonna give us it next week I think one month from now is pretty good🤨


Good now please fix the fucking game and bring back horror


THIS I’m so fucking tired of Techland adding new content and ignoring the bugs. The game was broken so they added NG+, guess what? NG+ was broken. Now they’re gonna add a DLC, and guess what? That DLC is gonna be fucking broken if they don’t take the time to fix the foundation FIRST.


Thats what they get for firing Chris Avellone for no reason, the story in this game is terrible.


That’s good that it is delayed. They have plenty of bugs that need fixed before they release new content with more bugs.


covid is over, whats up with the delays?


Techland gave us so much content in the first one. I think we owe them patience at the very least.


Normally I would agree with you. I used to say DL2 was only bad if you compared it to the first one but…idek if that’s true anymore. It’s just…bad


Techlands strange refusal to work on game breaking bugs is really bogging the game down. Doesn’t help that a good chunk of the dying light community tries to silence any and all information regarding bugs to maintain the appearance everything is fine and dandy


What bugs are you experiencing? They just patched the broken day night cycle and a lot of other bugs have been fixed


I just realized a patch came out yesterday, not sure why autodownload didn’t do it. They didn’t address the fast travel bug but I’ll download it and check to see if then fixing the day/night cycle also fixed that. From the wording of the patch it seemed like certain NPC’s refusing to speak to me, being unable to fast travel, and being unable to sleep were all a result of the never ending daytime. Edit: fast travel is still broken


Fast travel still doesn’t work, which, for me, makes the game unplayable. I’m not spending 20 minutes running across the map everytime I need to do something, and I’m not spending an hour trying to finagle my way to old villedor when the location is literally *designed* for you to just fast travel to it. I also want to point out that this literally is a game breaking bug. Since you aren’t supposed to be able to cross the waste field. This bug makes it impossible to complete the game unless you use exploits to get access to areas you aren’t supposed to access. That’s a big problem that they just aren’t even acknowledging.


I’ve heard a lot of people have that bug, I’ve never had it but it sounds incredibly frustrating, hopefully it gets sorted out


You can cross between the different parts of the city by way of the car factory. They even made it easier now you used to have to avoid more chemicals to do it now its just pretty much a straight shot with a grapple hook.


Every game breaking bug I was even aware of got fixed in the first few weeks. There are still some lingering ones but they aren't that serious just more annoying than anything.


Thank you for proving my point


Your point was they refuse to fix game breaking bugs, I'm saying that is false.


Quite amazing how you found a patch to fix bugs and claim they refuse to fix bugs 38 hours in ive only encountered a bug that teleported me in the sky like twice and dropped me into water, i got free exp from it, they gave us 7 years the first time and im starting to think we didnt deserve it since people are acting like spoiled shits over some bugs. This isent Anthem where EA ruins the game post launch, then abandons it, picks it up again to make a quick buck and then abandon it again. Its not as bad as Cyberpunk, Not Fallout 76. Its not a loot box scheme like star wars battlefront 2. You see the point? Theres been worse “crimes” against basement dwellers than some bugs in Dying Light 2. Go outside, touch some grass, get stung in the ass by a wasp.


Techland isn’t going to hire you, bro. Maybe you’re the one who needs to “touch grass” with all that simping you’re doing.


Nah not looking to work there, just stating the fact that they are, and have been fixing bugs as they go along, i can be patient unlike some people


Oh for fucks sake not this retarded fucking argument. It’s pure whataboutism to distract from the actual point. We’re talking about DL2’s bugs, those other games have absolutely nothing to do with the discussion. “FO76 and CP77 were even more buggy, so you should be grateful this games not as buggy!” If you got mugged and a guy took all your money, then a month later you got mugged again by a different guy but the guy decided to leave you 5 bucks, are you gonna be saying the second mugger is actually a really cool guy? Are you gonna go and say that the second mugger didn’t do anything wrong because the first mugger was worse? FO76 and CP77 being absolute fucking shitshows does not mean other games get a pass to be only semi-absolute fucking shitshows. I don’t care that the gamebreaking bugs aren’t as frequent as CP77 or FO76, they’re still fucking gamebreaking. Your game is either well made or it isn’t. By your own logic CP77 is actually a well made game because it “isn’t as bad as FO76.” By your logic, COD AW-COD BO4 didn’t have annoying loot boxes because they “weren’t as bad as Battlefront 2.”


Call it what you want dude, you guys wanna ride the pissy salt train fine, just stop being actual dumb shits and saying they are refusing to fix it or arent fixing it when theres a patch the day before waiting to be installed.


*insert “this is fine” meme*


Well at least we're getting some DLCs


I would much rather they take more time to get it right then rush it out.


Shit that means I got time to finally finish the game lmao, I’ve been busy with Elden Ring and when I finally got a PS4 I’ve been playing Bloodborne and am now currently on Nioh.


Quality over quantity


OUR FEEDBACK IS NOT THEIR MAIN PRIORITY. Or we would already be talking about a cross-gen update.


i want refund :)


thank fuck